
Eidolon: Mountain of Hopes and Nightmares

Getting thrown into another world was not something I wanted, even more so if that world is full of magical little things that want you dead at every corner. In this kind of enviroment there is still some time to discover the place where you belong, to search for your own heaven. And who knows, some nightmares can become your very friends. My journey began in the most bizarre way, but I would make sure that it ends dazzling bang.

HiddenKnight · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
17 Chs

Chapter 1

After that explosion everything became a mix of black and white, like a monochrome movie, just without images at all, there were only lines that were constantly writhing about arround me. And an incredible loud tinnitus were the only two thing that kept me company for quite a while. Eventually all that anoying sound and weird shapes gave me quite a headache, and I tried to sleep a little. Eventually I dozed off, if just to get rid of those nasty sounds and shapes. I went through this process quite a number of times and it happens to be that the headache was almost permanent. After quite some time I woke up, but this time there was quite a different scene in front of me.

Enormous trees were presented in front of me, and I should say gigantic, because even from where I stand I can still see the fucking branches, with detail. For the record, I think I'm at least tree to four kilometers away from the entrance to the forest. Where in the world am I, for there to be such trees present. From where I come from there were some prety big trees, but nothing compared to the ones in front of me. Damn, you could even say that the first ones are like babies compared to the last. 

While trying to get a sense of where I am, and to get the images and origins of those trees for latter, I started to try and get a glimpse of the scenery surrounding me. With the exeption of those trees, that I think are on my north, all I could see was just and endless expanse of grass dotted here and there with some stones of impresive size. In the horizon I could see some animals running across the valley in herds. Maybe three or four of such groups. And even then their shapes were totally different but equally enormous. What in the world happened for me to have come to such a place. I couldn't spot a single building made by human hands even with such an open view of the whole place. Maybe I'm in some kind of national park. But then again what manner of park have such a huge specimen of trees.

While I was bussy taking the sights in front of me and trying to know where this place was located I didn't pay attention to the fact that the sun was right above me and I was roasting alive the sun was scorching hot and I dont think I'm right beside some beach. I started to look up, and oh man, it was quite a sight there, a bunch of birds flaping their wing about, flying in some formation and going arround the valley. The sky was clear with just three or four clouds dotting the golden sky with some white that was transitioning into the same color of the background, maybe a mountain range in the horizon, just far enough to appear as some mounds of dirt.

Then, as I got to the cenit, the surprise of my life. Imagine seeing all arround you a not so weird scene of nature, with the exception of the trees, and thinking that maybe you were abducted and disposed in some godforsaken place; I know that It sounds terrible, but atleast I would have the option to go home. Maybe in a bad condition, but there was the option. Now I know that I would never be able to do that. I mean, there are two brilliant suns hanging in the sky. It was a beautiful picture alright, but then that means I'm far off from my home. Maybe even some universe altogether. What in the world happened to me?


After knowing that I'm in a complete foreign world I began to panic a little bit. It should be a common reaction for any normal and sane person, even more so because I was in the middle of a vally with nothing usefull in the vecinity. Maybe I should have panicked from the begining when I woke up, but I was more relieved to have that headache gone for good than anything else. Even if it meant that maybe I was kidnapped just outside my own home.


Now I need to know what to do to keep living. Even if I don't want it, this now is my reality and I have to adapt realy quick, especially if I want to keep being alive for long. The most pressing matter would be to get some food and shelter, even if its not optimal It would have to do for today, especially considering that its already midday and I dont know how many more hours I would have of light. In the end I started walking towards that gigantic forest, there could be some water sources nerby in the valley, but even then I would not have much options in food to choose from if any at all. Lets just hope that I happen to witness some random animal getting some food or I would be forced to hunt whatever that crawls in that place.


After a little walk trying to take the green surroundings arround me – It got pretty boring after a couple of minutes –, I finally got near the entrance to the forest. Nothing too grandiose I guess just some shruburbs here and there and an ordinary looking tree in front covering the majority of what I can see, I'm not kidding it really is covering at least 90% of my vision. But it's the forest or dying of cold or hunger out there in the open. Even doing this I'm already gambling my life, but even then, what is life if not a big, gigantic gamble every day of our lives. Let's just put to test my surviving abilities.


After crossing som 30 meters or so, the scenery arround me started to change, to distort and glow with an unnatural green light. Shielding my eyes with my hands I tried to see between my fingers, and when I did, the world was unrecognisable. The green was still there obviously, but it's size got several times smaller, like the trees I was acustomed to back home. The thing that changed tremendously was the terrain. If before there appeared to be just plains to no end in sight, then now the terrain was a mix of little mountains, deep ravines and valleys that conected to each other. 

The focal point was on the far distance, a mountain of such proportions that it couldn't even be considered a mountain anymore. It was piercing the sky and it seemed that, if you climbed high enough, you could just touch the flaming sun. I stood there taking the sights and trying to make some sense of the whole situation even if my mind stayed blank for some time.

I tried to get back the way I came and, efectively, after a couple of steps and a very disorienting situation, I was back in the middle of a gigantic forest. "What in the world am I seeing right now, a separation of space or just a simple division to shield this space from priving eyes?". And even it it acts like a smoke screen how in the world someone was capable of such a huge feat, just the mountain alone would ocupy an entire country of space – albeit a small one –. Not to mention the area that surrounds it. What an interesting world this turned out to be.


Deciding that it may be better for me to actually search for a shelter and try to ger something to eat, I entered the barrier while steeling myself for the adventure awaiting for me.