
Eidolon: Mountain of Hopes and Nightmares

Getting thrown into another world was not something I wanted, even more so if that world is full of magical little things that want you dead at every corner. In this kind of enviroment there is still some time to discover the place where you belong, to search for your own heaven. And who knows, some nightmares can become your very friends. My journey began in the most bizarre way, but I would make sure that it ends dazzling bang.

HiddenKnight · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
17 Chs

Chapter 13

Back to the matter at hand, the tattoo on my arm is too abnormal, and it happened to pop into existence just after that weird dream. It cannot be a coincidence. The good thing about it is that it doesn't seem to be something dangerous.

Thinking about it, I could finally communicate with the deer after waking up, so it's either because of the tattoo or because I absorbed a tiny amount of the green wind. Regardless of the reason I could finally make a friend properly.

- Hey, I haven't asked, but do you have a name?

- But of course. I haven't introduced myself, but you could call me Sage, the owner of this little patch of forest.

The deer, now introduced as Sage, moved its head to stand at its full height. Green light began to irradiate from its antlers and suddenly, the forest surrounding us began to become even more full of life. Flowers began to bloom and the grass and trees began to turn into a deeper shade of green. All the spectacle lasted for ten seconds, maybe a little more, and then the forest went back to its original state as if nothing ever happened.

- What do you think about it? It was pretty impressive if I say so myself, I still lack practice and the change is only temporary, but with time I could change permanently entire landscapes.

That is such a grand ambition that you couldn't help but doubt it. It would be reasonable to be able to influence, temporarily, nature with magic. But to completely change it, and entire landscapes that stretch for hundreds of kilometers should be absolutely impossible. The sheer magnitude of energy and power required to do so should be immeasurable.

- You haven't seen what your so-called "magic" can accomplish. What I demonstrated now is just a parlor trick compared to the real power some beings can attain. After all, we are on the outskirts of Eidolon.

That right there was a new concept to me, but if whatever inhabits near the mountain can change entire landscapes with just a thought, then I wanted to wait a little bit before gaining potentially dangerous information.

All my preoccupations and thoughts about the rune etched in my arm were long gone. If I couldn't find something wrong with it right now then I might as well leave it like that. It was not a hideous tattoo and it even looked pretty badass, so letting it out in the open was not a problem either.

What I really wanted to know was what is the green wind that I could now see and absorb. It certainly was no normal wind, or even wind for that matter.

- Hey, do you know what is that green wind that is all around us?

- Mmm, what wind are you talking about? 

- I don't know, it's just some green thing floating all around us. I can even absorb it, and it gives me energy.

Sage kept quiet for a moment, digesting my question. It appeared to be thinking what the best answer could be to give me. It went on for a while, I just kept quiet the whole time, trying to see if I could absorb more of those things.

Finally, the silence was broken.

- That "green wind" is ether, the fundamental energy of this place. Well, fundamental if you want to evolve into a higher lifeform. It is more commonly used to obtain energy. And when someone reaches a certain threshold, all that ether is used to complete the evolution. It's useful, and it lets you do things like the little trick I just showed you.

I certainly expected a more complex answer seeing as Sage had to think for quite a while. As if sensing my disappointment, she started to talk again.

- Did you think it was a difficult question to answer? Because I was thinking about the green color you described it possessed. It's normally colorless and I haven't heard of it ever being green. That is certainly unusual, but it could mean nothing. At least nothing dangerous. By the way, why are you asking such a basic question?

- Because it's the first time I've seen it in my life??

Sage scrutinized me, and I began to feel slightly intimidated. Its gaze, for a second, became sharp and dangerous. I shuddered and she immediately stopped.

- So, you are from the outer realms.

Another new concept. This time a little less confusing.

- Sometimes, beings from the outer realms tend to come to Eidolon in search of a greater power. I have witnessed quite a few of such beings. Normally they already have some notion about ether and what to expect in this place. But you seem to know nothing. How are you here if that is the case?

I spend the next few minutes recounting the events that led me to this place. How the space exploded in front of me – I think it did that – and then found myself in some valley with gigantic trees on the horizon, and how after traversing for a little in the woods I came to this place, Eidolon. Sage listened to my story with rapt attention, hoping to gain any insight as to how I came to this place.

- I think that you found two portals in a row. The first one was unstable and fortunately, you came to this realm unscathed, which is a miracle in itself. The second one caught you in the wailing woods, and with great timing too, if you had stayed one more second in that place you wouldn't be here talking about your journey.

- Why is that? Is that place home to uncountable horrors?

- No, no, nothing of the sort. Let's just say that the ruler of that place doesn't treat trespassers kindly.

A shiver ran down my back. I thought of the forest as a way to survive. I did consider that there could be dangers inside, but not that a temperamental being was acting as the ruler there. I brushed with death so close that I could even say I faced it directly. And twice on the same day at that if I count the unstable portal. What a journey I had. As these events were already way in the past I didn't react strongly, but Sage still leaned over to lick my cheek as if to give me support. What a thoughtful deer. I pated it back to let her know that I was ok.

- So, why are you so affectionate with me, I appreciate it and all, but why?

- You…... smell like nature? You are calming to have around, and I haven't seen the damn runic bear that was trying to eat me. By the way, that was the reason that you found me so wounded. It suddenly scampered off to who knows where and left me there to die.

- So, I'm some kind of soothing charm to you, that is good to know.

- Mmmm~. Come on, you are fun to have around especially when you did those silly things to get my attention. And you didn't try to eat me as you did with the little horned staaj.

- Hey, don't make fun of me. I thought that we were friends at least. Also, what is a staaj?

- The little thing you killed yesterday. Maybe they have another name where you come from? And yes, we are friends, you just have some weird effect in me.

I was a little hurt because of the bad choice of words from Sage, but thinking about it, we just meet two days ago so the connection we have is not that strong. Shaking any bad feeling I could have, I directed my attention back to the conversation.