
169) Daddy's Home


I watched Edward as he slept blissfully. I just wanted to push him off the bed and spank him until he learned his lesson, but knowing him he would probably enjoy it. When I found him on Ace's office floor I nearly fainted. His skin was ashen and he was covered in blood. He had scares all over his torso and one long cut on his jaw. The doctor had told us he had suffered a lot of blood loss, but he would make a full recovery. 

Most of his scars would fade away, but a few would stay permanently. They could be removed surgically, but that was all up to Edward. He stirred awake in his luxurious hospital bed and that was when I sprang into action. I stood next to him and stared at his face until he opened his eyes. He looked confused at first until he noticed who was staring at him. Fear consumed him. 

"Baby, I've missed you so much," he smiled like a bloody demon.