
Eduardo {The Billionaire Arranged Marriage}

Eduardo Delgado is a twenty nine {29} year old guy, he is the quiet, intelligent, and strikingly handsome leader of the Spanish Mafia. His life has been defined by sacrifices for those he loves, including a loveless marriage in order to secure his half-brother's happiness. Camilla Vasquez she is a twenty two (22) year old, she is a breathtaking, beautiful model and actress, has always had everything handed to her effortlessly. Marriage was the last thing on her mind until she's thrust into an arranged marriage with Eduardo, the brooding and workaholic mafia don. As she handles her new life with a husband who acts like she doesn't exist, Camilla finds herself longing for something she can't have for the first time ever. Can Camilla breakthrough Eduardo's hardened exterior, or will their marriage remain a loveless contract? Well, lets find out in this interesting story.

Beatrice_Abive · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs


"Nope, I've been trying to hack into the security at the venue, but whoever it is at the other end is quiet talented "she said and lit up another stick of cigarette.

" Isn't it too late to be smoking ?"Eduardo asked and she chuckled.

"Says the same man that ran away from his room because of his wife "Penny said teasingly and he chuckled.

"Nobody can handle Camilla, I don't want to try "he said and Penny laughed.

"Sometimes we don't really know what we want until we loose it "she said and he chuckled.

"Still hooked on what happened? I heard he married an African woman "he asked and Penny laughed bitterly.

"That french man deserved more than a broken mafia woman "she said and he leaned on the chair.

" Pierre and Tega are a perfect match according to people who are close to them "Eduardo said calmly.

"What do you think?" She asked while puffing out smoke from her mouth .

"I don't know, I have never been in love. Anything I do has been for the well being of the business" he said and she chuckled.

"Be careful when it comes to women like Camilla "she said and he laughed.

"We ain't a normal couple. She told me herself that she would not be performing her duties as a wife "he said and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Maybe she said it to spite you, have you thought about that? "She asked curiously.

"I don't really care Penny you of all people should know this by now " he said and she took a deep breath in and out.

"Don't tell me you still hook up with Miranda "Penny said frowning.

"She is not as bad as you all think she is "he said and Penny sighed .

"She is an escort, besides you are married. What you are doing is called cheating"she said angrily.

"I didn't even had sex with Miranda that night, but that's not an information I am willing to share "he said Penny sighed in relief.

"I was scared for a minute "she said and he laughed.

"You think I wouldn't? I just haven't had the chance "he said with a chuckle.

"Show this side of you to her, and you guys might just get along Eddy "she said and he stood up.

"We should be talking about Gabriel Fernandez, not that stubborn Spanish woman "he said and Penny chuckled.

"She is very beautiful though " she said teasingly.

"Connect Ignacio, I am sure he can help "Eduardo said as he sat on the opposite couch.

"You are really not going to your room "she asked in amusement.

"Focus on the business"he said and Penny laughed .

She sent a message to Ignacio and watched as the Capobranco typed away on his phone.

"This man is really serious " she muttered under her breath.

"Penny I can feel your eyes on me "he said and she burst out laughing.


 Camilla woke up feeling really exhausted. She got down from the bed and decided to get ready.

"Good morning "someone said coming into the room without knocking .

"Penny "Camilla said and Penny flashed a smile in her direction.

"What happened? She asked curiously.

"I only came over to keep you company, since we will be attending the event together in the evening " Penny said smiling.

"Event? "Camilla asked clueless and that's when she remembered what Eduardo said to her the other day in her room.

"I thought I was going to attend the event with Eduardo? "She asked curiously.

"The Capobranco would be at the event before we arrive there. It's culture for the Dons to be there before us " she said and she sighed.

"I really don't want to be Involved in the business Penny " she said and Penny sighed.

"I understand where you are coming from, but weather or not you get involved, they will still find you "Penny said making her frown.

"Who ? "She asked nervously.

"His enemies "she said and Camilla could not help, but feel a rotten feeling in her stomach.

"Where is this meeting taking place? What's it about? "She asked curiously.

"It is supposed to be a charity event, but some business transactions are made during the event"Penny said and she sighed.

"I believe we need to find you the perfect dress for the occasion"She said and Camilla bit her lower lip.

"I don't think your brother would like my choice of dress though, it didn't end well the first time I visited him in my chosen outfit " Camilla said as her mind went back to the first time they met .

"So what do you intend to wear? "She asked curiously.

"My choice of outfit " she said smiling and Penny laughed.

"I am not going to stop you from wearing whatever you like babe , my brother can burn for all we care "Penny said and they both laughed.

"I have the feeling that we are going to be best friends "Camilla said and Penny smirked .

"What color of dress would you like, besides the team of the party is black, I will be getting a black dress myself " She said and Camilla smirked.

"Get me a red dress, it should be backless with a long slit " she said and Penny chuckled.

"Now I see why they call you a spoilt heiress, you are one rotten baby "she said pointing at Camilla .

"I am an innocent girl please"she said as they both burst out laughing.

The whole day was spent with the girls doing spa and then trying to get ready for the event in the evening.



Penny stared at the Capobranco's wife as she tried her best not to freak out . Deep down she prayed he doesn't burn down the dress with Camilla in it .

The limo stopped in front of the hotel and the guards walked out ti accompany them inside .

"What am I supposed to do? "She asked Penny curiously.

"Stick to your husband's side "Penny said and Camilla frowned.

"Like an arm candy? "She asked and Penny chuckled.

"Blend in "she said and left her side. Camilla could feel the eyes of almost everyone in the hall.

After all it was not everyday that a personality like her joined the underground business.

"Capobranco " Quinton said to Eduardo as he bowed.

"What is it? "Eduardo asked calmly.

"Your wife has arrived with your cousin Penny "he said and Eduardo's eyes moved over to the direction and he nearly lost his mind.

"What kind of devilish dress is that? "he asked and Quinton fought the urge to laugh at his Capobranco's reaction.

"Who let her leave the house dressed half naked? He asked trying his best not to snap.

"Eduardo Delgado "he heard a voice that made a smile form on his face.

"Mr Red "he said as he shook hands with the tall handsome man in Black Armani suit .

"You look worked up " The man said and Eduardo smirked at the man's thick Italian accent.

"I am not worked up Old friend "he said and Mr Red smirked as his eyes moved over to the beautiful woman in red .

"With that chica in red, I am pretty sure you married the rebellious one "Red said as he smirked .

"She is trouble "Eduardo said and Red smirked.

"Like my Father, and uncles would always say, the right woman comes with a lot of trouble " he said as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"De Lucas "Eduardo said and he smirked.

"Delgado's, we have one mortal enemy Eduardo I would calm down and let us have him in peace "he said smirking.

"You need us as as much as we need you "Eduardo said and Red stared at him.

"Your woman seems to be getting a lot of attention from ..."Red trailed and Eduardo's eyes moved towards her.

"Shit "he cursed under his breath as he took heavy strides towards her.

"What are you wearing? He asked Camilla in a whisper the minute he got to her.

"A dress, why are you sounding like I committed a crime? "She asked and he held her close to him.

"What do you get from being so rebellious? Piccolina! "He asked calmly yet she could sense the anger in his voice.

"What are you going to do Capobranco? "She asked with a smirk on her face .

"Don't ask me questions like that Camilla, you don't wanna know what I am capable of when I am angry "he said and she smirked.

"I don't listen to anyone Eduardo, it's my body, and I have the right to wear whatever I want to wear "she said, and he gave a nod, took two steps backwards as his hazel eyes met hers intimidating the living day lights out of her.

She watched as he took off his blazers and took slow steps close to her and placed it around her shoulders.

Camilla raised her eyebrows in shock.

"What are you doing? "She asked as her eyes moved over to his blazer on her shoulders then back to the man in front of her.

"I did not wear this dress only to walk around with your blazer on my shoulders it's unfair "she said with a frown on her beautiful face.

"Do I look like I care babe ? "he asked his face void of emotions.