
Chapter XVII

Chapter XVII

Lux's POV

March 05

We are currently resting at the high ranking knights room since we are under Grand Collar Marcus now we are in place in this barracks where most of the elites are resting, the mock-up battle that happened last 4 days are spread inside the palace that's why everyone was motivated to defeat the Grand Collar so everyone's trained their hardest and always ask the Grand Collar to fight them but he only accept one challenged every 3 days, because of his busy schedules and he's tired.

"You have a long way to go before you can match my strength stand straight and deflect my attacks without leaving your place!" Grand Collar said to me while trying my hardest to withstand his attack.

He hit Zephie with the back of his sword. "Always be on guard Zephiel. You're always daydreaming."

"Yes, sire!" We both shout and keep our guard up once again.

The others are training with the other Commander in Stars because the Grand Collar can't handle all of us, Jerimiah and Shan are training under the Star of Hydra to learn more about what their magic can do. Zach and Gina were trained under the Star of Sagittarius to improve the accuracy and mobility needed on the battlefield. Jessica and Zeke were trained under the star of pegasus and taught Zeke how to ride a horse.

Blue and Rose are being trained along with Gina and the star of Hercules because they are assassins of our group so they can improve their mobility and agility, to be exact they are dodging arrows and knives being thrown at them to improve their reflexes as an assassin. Rachel was handled by the Star of Centaur because of her brute strength and her effectiveness in defending while Cleru and Helios watch us all train or they are sleeping in the rooms.

After half a day of training, we all met in our room and as always we look like we're gonna pass out and run of breath because of fatigue in training. "I think we made a mistake joining the expedition group," I said to them as I grasp for air.

"Who agreed to be part of it anyway?" Rachel asks as she sips in her glass of water.

We all looked at her and point at her. "You." we all said in a chant.

"You're the one who agreed to the grand collar without telling or consulting us," Shan said in a straight face.

"Peace, I was driven by adrenaline and excitement." She said as she head towards the bathroom. "I'll take a plunge first I need to rest immediately, I'm so tired."

We just raise a hand on her and talked to each other while alternating who to use the bathroom. in this room we have our one open space and around it are rooms and there are two bathrooms here for girls and boys for privacy.

I guess there are benefits to joining the expedition regiment. at least we don't have to think about the rents. the only thing is we are still under training so we haven't done any expedition.

I think after a week we have our first expedition I hope that it'll be what we expect it to be. our job was to carry out tasks that knights can't participate in for example we have to exterminate the group of orcs or goblins that's being troublesome to some cities, towns, and villages.

We will be sent instead because knights will focus on defending the kingdom, and chasing invaders because recently an unknown group is slowly chipping away towns and villages to they are there to those but if we are near the area we could come and aid them.

I also told Sire Markus about why I'm here and he agreed on helping me find my sister, I may be here in the palace doing no progress but my goal is still the same, finding my sister.

After we are all done taking a bath we all gathered in the center area just to have fun and play games to entertain ourselves, and Zephiel join us after a minute. in these past few days, Zephiel is always joining our group and we accept him here.

But as always the brother and sister are Jeremiah and gina are in our backs busy reading or just watching us. we encourage them to join but sometimes they prefer to watch.

We can't force them to join so we just let them do their thing.

"By the way guys, I would like to invite you to join me have a shop in Zephania city," he said with a grin. "I think the Grand Collar and the Commanders in the star are quite will be busy this week so we have can go shop for our equipment."

"Are you sure about that?" Jessica asked with sparkling eyes.

"Of course, I'm one hundred percent sure about that." He said and walk towards the door. "I'll go rest in my room, I need time to have a long rest." He said and left the room.

We all have a chat for about an hour until we all decided to take a little rest so that we can get up early later in the afternoon to make our dinner.

Blue's POV

I woke up ahead of them so I head towards the kitchen and saw Rose already there chopping some ingredients for later.

"You're early huh?" I said and grab water to drink.

"I actually couldn't sleep so I head here to help out a bit." She said while chopping.

I gesture to help her and she gave way for me so that I can help her in what she's doing. I grab the radish and stare at it for a long time. "Why won't you chop it." She asked.

"I don't know how," I said with a hesitant smile.

She giggled. "Here let me teach you." she got close to me and grab my hands to guide me on how to chop.

She guided me with words and action, that's why I learned quickly and teach other stuff so that next time I can help her if I happen to bump into her again when she's working on the kitchen.

We both laugh at my mistake and enjoy while chopping and readying all the ingredients needed for our dinner when someone came in pause for a sec.

"I think I should go," Zeke said and rush outside.

Rose and I stare at each other and have a laugh then continue our chopping, another lesson that I learn when I'm here. I'm really glad to be part of this group.

Zephiel POV

I peek at the barracks kitchen and see Blue and Rose have fun. "damn I'm one step behind." I said to myself.

Zeke walk towards the kitchen but I stopped him. "Why?" he asked.

"Where do you think you're going?" I asked.

"Getting some water?" He said.

"Ow okay, go ahead," I said and peeked but then he stop and walks away.

"Nevermind, I guess I'm not thirsty." He said and walks away from me.

I followed him while coming up with a plan to be alone with. It's perfect timing that we will visit the City of Zephania. We will have a date just the two of us I have to set a perfect scenario.

I don't know why but I'm attracted to rose since the day our eyes met during our battle on the borders. love blooms on the battlefield and I'm not afraid o pursue it, but I'm not good at girls so... I think it may be hard...

Lux's POV

I woke up to an aroma of a delicious stew, I was about to stand up when someone entered my room. "The dinners ready," Rachel said, "oh you're awake huh?" She walks towards me and grabs my hand. "what are you waiting for?" She asked and pulled me out.

Why would they need to drag me while my body is still half asleep, She drags me outside while I keep on stumbling and scratching my eyelids to wake my body up. When we arrived at the kitchen everyone's there sitting and some are preparing the table.

As always Blue and Helios are fighting over a slice of bread but Jessica snatches the bread away from them, it's time to eat so yeah. Jerimiah, Shan, and Zeke are having a chat about magic and weapons, he's becoming more friendly than before. Rose and Gina are preparing the table but for some reason, Gina's staring at me from top to bottom with a scary face, while Zach is sleeping so Rachel let go of my hand and smack Zach sleeping when he woke up Rachel gave him a beating of his life.

"This group is something," I said to myself and sat on the chair.

Rachel seated on my left after he finished waking up Zach when Gina and Rose are done Gina seated right next to me and rose next to Blue since it's the only place that's available.

I stood up and look at all of them. "Let's eat everyone!" I said and they all cheered and started eating.


Hello if enjoy this chapter make sure to add this collection and send gift to motivate me to write. If you a suggestion leave a comment. Thank you and Peace out -_^.

SJCTheLegacycreators' thoughts