
vol. 1 chapter 1.

Set in 1995

Eden was a typical girl. 16 year old sophomore in highschool. Liked girly things. Did girly things. She even looked like a typical girl.

She had the 1990s Rachel look with jet black hair. Beautiful brown eyes with little blue in them. But would wear a black shirt with blue jeans. But their was a problem. She didn't know how to make friends.

No matter how hard she tried, people would always either leave or just want her as an acquaintance rather a friend. Sure she had acquaintances. But non would bother being a friend. Not even wanting to know her but just a simple chat.

Eden got ready for school and drove with her blue mustan. A car her parents had. It was the first day of second semester of her sophomore year. Every period was normal until her English class. She looked on the table of where she would be assigned her seat. She goes to the table to sit down.

People were walking in one by one. In her eyes she spots a girl that looks exactly like her. From hair to everything. They looked a lot a like. The only differences were the eyes and ears.

Her ears were shaped a little different and her eyes were brown but without the blue in them. She even wore the same thing as Eden. Eden wanted to know who this girl was.

The girl looks at the sheet and turns around and is in shock. She is seated next to Eden. She looks at Eden and says "you look exactly like me. Is this a dream?" Eden replies "I don't think so. I don't have much dreams. But when I do their fantasy. Things that will never happen."

"Same! Wait a minute what's your name?

"Eden. Yours?"


"If we look exactly a like then we must have the same birthday. What is your birthday?"

"Augest 9th'

"Same! But that means we must be twins."

"How could that be though? When my parents were alive they said I was always their daughter. It was even on a birth certificate. Or so they say. I could ask the orphanage agency if they know anything."

"Wait a bit. Let's get to know each other first before we go investigate."

"Good idea."

"What do you have after this?

"Lunch but I don't go their I go to a restaurant or something."

"Same. Meet me at the McDonald's across the street. Okay?"


Just then class starts. After English class they go to the McDonald's. They share interest like favorite movie which was heathers. Or favorite color which was black. For the next month they would meet at the McDonald's or go to a different restaurant that was close.

They got close like never before. Eden finally had a friend to share her things with or just to talk. And Ember had someone to share all her problems with. But unfortunately they know that they must find the truth to unlocking answers. So the made a plan.

The plan was simple. Wait until Friday for Edens parents date night. Wait for the parents to leave and invite a person over. The number 1 rule that disobey if they parents are out. Then check around the house and look for a certificate of birth. Sounds simple and what could go wrong?

"Now be good now,"faith Edens mother said. Eden replied "I will,"


"I promise."

"No invinting anybody over"

"I won't. Plus who will I even invite?"

"That friend you keep talking about for one."

"I won't invite her over."

"I ever do wonder when will I meet her"

"When the times right mother. Her parents are busy. And so is she. I'm sure you understand."

"Will okay. Will be leaving know."

Her mother and father walk to door. Open it and head out. Once then Eden watches from the window as her parents are walking to the car. She watches until their gone. Once then she grabs the home phone and dails up Ember.

Some picks up But it isn't Ember. It's an old lady. The lady says "welcome to lincoln orphanage. How may I assist you?" Eden replies with "uh yes do you have Ember on the phone?"

"Sure. One moment."

Just then Ember picks up. "Hello?" She says. Eden replies "Ember it's me. The plan is in motion. It's go time."

"Right. Where do you live again?

"On garfield road. White house. Can't miss it.

"Right. I'll be their."

Eden waits for Ember to come. She hears a knock and opens it. It's Ember. Ember walks in and looks around. It's a nice house thats white all over expect a few rooms. "where should we look first?, Ember says. Eden replies "my father's office. it's up stairs." So they go to the stairs and head to the office down the hall and on the left.

"See anything on your end?" Eden asked. "Nope. You?" Ember asked.


"Where should we look next?"

"The attic. Theirs a safe up their."

"Well why wouldn't we look their first?"

"Because my Dad has some important things as well her like documents birthdays. Stuff like that."


They go out of the door and go a little bit forward where the bathroom door is and on the ceiling is the oping to the attic. Ember opens it. They go up the latter and go to the safe. Ember asked "whats the nubers to opening the safe?" Eden replies "10, 36,45" Ember opens it. They find the birth certificate.

On the brith certificate they see Arthur and Annie as the parents on the birth certificate. It also says born on 1979 August 9th. They also find some contact information. It's their parents number. "Ember, go get a pice of paper and write down the number." Eden says.

"Why can't we just take it?" Ember asked.

"Because they'll know. They check the safe every night and day."

"That seems sorta extreme."

"Yes it is. Know go get that pice of paper."

"Yes ma'am.'

"Don't yes ma'am me! Just call me Eden!"

" I was just joking. Jeez."

"Does this seem like the time to kid? Really?"

"No. I'll go get that pice of paper."

Ember grabs a pice of paper. And heads back to the attic. Ember writes down the number. Just then they hear the door open.

"Eden! were back!" Eden mother says. Eden and Ember whisper "shit