
Don’t disrespect him

"Rei, we should leave him here! he's crazy, look what he did to them!"

Takashi and Hirashi were throwing fits on the bus about what i did earlier, i could hear pretty easily but i want to see what the girls will do.

"So i should be left here too then, i also took part in the attack, or should i say defense? since that's all he's been doing since he saved you, defending."

Saeko was mad, and she wasn't done.

"But no, the second you are uncomfortable with what he did you're ready to abandon him? utter trash."

Takashi didn't know what to say, but it seems Hirashi likes her so he wanted to get on her good side by coaxing her in a way he should have.

"That's different, he's a sick monster that takes pleasure in hurting others, you're different Saeko. You are a flower and shouldn't get your hands dirty like that, just let me protect you- BLURGH" right in the stomach with a knee from Saeko before his hand could touch her shoulder.

"Don't touch me. And If he's a monster then so am i. You can talk about whoever you want, even me. But don't you dare disrespect him. You don't know me do don't act like you do, and i especially didn't give you permission to call me by my name."

Wow, i'll definitely claim her when we get to Rikas house.

"Alright, Busujima-san please calm down, we're all stressed since it's been a long day."

Shizuka tried to calm them down and it worked a little.

They all just sat in the quiet while waiting for me, guess i'll come back now.

"Oh! it's Kyoko-san, i'm glad you're okay~" Shizuka immediately gave her a hug and the two began to talk while i moved on to the back of the bus to lay down and go to sleep.

"Saeko, i'm going to sleep until we get to the house, please wake me up if anything happens"

She agreed and followed me to the back, i laid down on her lap and went to a very comfortable sleep while she stroked her fingers through my hair.

'Reminds me of how Aya would comfort me after a long day of work. time to rest''


"wa- up…wake up" i woke up to Saeko caressing my cheek while telling me to wake up.

I looked out the window and saw that we weren't at Rikas house, but at the market on the way there.

"I told Shizuka to stop here so we could get some food, i'm sure you would have said the same thing, and we have quite a few people to live off of food for a house that only had 1 person really living there."

"You're right, what a great idea Saeko." i smiled at her and gave her a quick kiss on the lips as i moved away.

She stood there stunned, with a slight blush on her cheeks before she smiled and walked went inside the store with the rest of the group.

"There's a lot of food in here, we should take as much as we can" There really was an abundance of food, wow.

"Hmph, i can easily carry this, give it all to me" Hirashi tried to carry all the boxes and ended up dropping them, what a guy.

He's like the 3rd graders that get picked to move Desks for the teachers and feel like their the hulk or some shit.

"Nice move, floor food is my favorite flavor of food! nothing like wasting rations in an apocalypse am i right?" annoying.

After i cleaned up after the man baby we transported some boxes of canned food and water into the bus.

I grabbed non preservative food so we could eat that before we move onto the preservatives.

"Hah, look at this idiot! Hey buddy we're in an apocalypse remember? why are you grabbing food that expires in a few weeks?" Hirashi thinks he's the god of knowledge all of a sudden.

(A/N: if you think i'm trying to force scenarios you'd be so sad if you heard the conversations that go on in my school, these kids are idiots bro…)

"Hm? it's good idea, we can eat this food without worrying about anything since they don't last as long as the canned food. Why waste this food?" Saya finally spoke after while of her being mute.

Hirashi just turned around and walked back to the bus, but i could feel the malice he has for me.

Let the games begin.

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