
Eclipsed Luna (BL Omegaverse)

A heads up..I will not post warnings on chapters. I understand many people have triggers, but for me there are too many to try and warn readers about. I have no plans of blood and gore, but know there will be death and sexually mature content. This is also a Boy x Boy book with omegavers meaning men can get pregnant. If you have any issues of any one of these types of content please refraine from reading. Thank you all for your support! Being born as the second son of the Alpha normally would mean the life of being a leader for the warriors. Kash did not get such luck. He was not born an Alpha. He was born as an omega. His father had protected him for years. Keeping him away from everyone, even his own pack. Now that the annual ball is arriving along with his 18th birthday his father expects him to greet new wolves to find a mate. Kash does not want this life and fights it. But a certain Royal arrived a day early and has other plans for the omega. Will Kash learn to like who he is and become stronger for it, or will he reject everything. A story of growth and love. I will caution that this story will have strong language and sexual content. It is boy x boy and omegaverse. This story starts slow and will build. It is not just about his relationships but his way of living, the changes that come into his life and how he handles it all. I hope you enjoy the ride with my first webnovel! I do try to post chapters often but I am very busy with work. My goal will be a minimum of two chapters a week. **** I walked to the door only to be completely assaulted by the scent. Standing in the room was my mate. A fierce young male. He was adorable. His small stature would fit perfectly against mine. I could not stop staring at the man before me. His black hair framed his face with the piercing silver eyes. His pale alabaster skin looked so smooth and tempting even from the slight distance we held. He was perfect. “Are you done staring? If so, you can leave.” He had now crossed his arms and glared at me with mistrust. I could now understand that he was under 18, or he would have scented me as his mate as well. “Well?” All I could get out of my lips, thanks to my wolf trying to take over was one word. “Mate.” The eyes of my mate opened wide before he started to shake his head. “Oh, hells no! I am no ones mate. Never will be.” He started to back away as much as he could from me. I grinned stepping forward while my Beta took my back. He knew it would be dangerous to get between us right now. My wolf found our mate and wanted to claim him. “I am Alpha Atlas of the Royal Eclipse Pack. And yes, you are most definitely my mate. What is your name?” He shook his head. He then looked towards the direction of his father stood before looking back at me. “I do not have to talk to you. You are not my Alpha.” The glare he gave me was more pinch his cheeks adorable over aggressive. ****

Zurgyness · Fantasi
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49 Chs

Chapter 46

Kash View

"GET THE FUCK OUT!" I had enough of Atlas and his..well I dunno honestly, but I had enough. It had to have been the fourth time in two days I have kicked him out. Sure, I always feel bad after, but I was going nuts. My whole body was stuck in some sort of prolonged preheat and no end in sight. 

Of course as soon as the door shut behind Atlas I was crying. I hated feeling like this. This stupid body and it's stupid.."UGH!! Stupid. It's just fuckin stupid." After slamming the bathroom door closed on myself, I sat to the ground with my back against it. I don't get why hormones and pheromones have to cause so much havoc in people's lives. Why make it so difficult?

I was not sure what would make things better at this time. I know a few days ago I was happy with the room and all the work Atlas put into it, but now that I am trapped in just this room, not the floor, it most definitely was a cage to me now. Not that I blame Atlas for anything. In fact I was the one that did not want to leave the room and cause troubles. 

By the time I left the bathroom, my anger had subsided and now it was the feeling like my mate rejected me all over again. This part I would never tell Atlas. When he gets back I will apologise and try to make it up to him. Though he usually is the one bearing gifts to me; such as sweets. This feeling I now feel, he did not need to know about. I can handle it without stressing him out more. 

I had been waiting for Altas to return for over an hour now and had already been pacing when I heard footsteps coming to the door. I know Atlas would kill anyone that came up here, but there was more than one. Yes, one set sounded like Atlas, but I was not going to take that chance. I shifted and allowed the wolf to take over. I would protect our nest.

"Kash?" Atlas spoke up, his voice was quiet and cautious. I growled a warning. "I brought the doctor Kash. I have been worried and thought it would be okay. They don't have to enter the room, we can use the library or an empty room if you like." I could hear shuffling near the door and whispers just hushed enough to not understand what they spoke of. After a couple of minutes Atlas spoke once more. "How about we meet them in your old room? Would that be okay? Kash, please say something."

Part of me was petty enough to not change forms and speak to Atlas. After getting kicked out, his first thought was to bring someone to our nest. His head must be getting loose, because I am sure he was the one that made the whole floor off limits. Grumbling to myself I decided to stay in this form for now, but agree with him to meet with the doctor. Hoping he understood, I gave a small whine and walked to the other door and scratched at it with my paw. 

"Okay I will meet you around the other door." Atlas sounded a little too excited, but I would not be lying if I said I missed him as well. Stupid wolf body was wagging it's tail, but I couldn't help it. My mate was back. When the door opened I jumped up and gave him a quick lick on the cheek before looking at who the intruder was.

"Hello there Kash. Long time no see." Ah, it was Alpha Martin. "Your mate here has been concerned, and since Doc is busy, it seems it now falls on me to make sure you're medically okay."

I huffed and looked at Atlas. Did he really think something medically was wrong? I am always like this during preheat. Of course, I should be done that and closer to being done with the heat in a whole by now. I leaned on Atlas's leg for comfort and waited to hear what they spoke of so far.

"When Atlas told me he would be around to greet me, I honestly did not expect it. However, your temper sure came out like he told us." I grumbled a little at this, but could not deny it. "What I did not expect, even though we knew your heat would not be normal this round, was your preheat to stick around. I have some minor concerns with this."

I looked up at Atlas before trotting back to our room. If I was to be part of the conversation I should change. I grabbed a pair of sweats and one of Atlas's tees to wear and yelled back to them as I finished dressing. "Well, then what did you expect, if not this?" I could hear Alpha Martin chuckle as I walked back in. "What did I say?" The anger was brewing once more and it really bothered me.

"Nothing really. Well, that's not entirely true. You mate here is fully whipped. You should have seen him smile when he heard your voice. You're not really easy on him are you?" Alpha Martin winked after he spoke.

"Whatever." I was unsure how to react to the wink and conversation. To ease myself, along with the anger I stood as close to Atlas as I could. "So how long will this last?"

"How about you explain to me the symptoms and we can knock things off my list to pinpoint first? Starting with, when did you notice your preheat?" Alpha Martin pulled out a small notebook and I looked at Atlas.

"Are you okay with this Kash?" Atlas rubbed my arm as I curled up closer to him. "I thought about waiting, but with how much has happened, I was worried."

"I get it. You're still an ass for bringing someone up here. But I get it." Taking a deep breath to steady myself I prepared to answer. "I should be two days into my heat, with maybe only a day or so left. My heats are more regular than females I heard, but at the same time a little less regular with length. Running from three days to a week."

"What are your normal symptoms for a heat?" Alpha Martin did not look up to see my red face.

"Actually, not sure." I had to look down when he finally looked up at me. "I usually shift for the whole time and let my wolf handle it. I know of pain, and anger. Not much more."

"Honestly, I kinda expected it. Turning to your wolf is a defence mechanism you have. However, it does not help us here. Let me think." Atlas and I watched as Alpha Martin started to pace. After what seemed like several minutes he stopped. "You have never done anything to ease symptoms?" I shook my head. Atlas knew of this already, and it made me very happy that Atlas would be my first for anything. "With the drugs you were given and your memory loss I would have expected you to go into a partial heat. Meaning all the symptoms except maybe the scent, or drive or even the self lubrication. Maybe I was wrong. What I see is that you're missing your whole heat."

"With stronger emotional responses. I have not known him for long, but even I know his anger and other reactions have intensified." Atlas looked at me. "Correct me if I am wrong." I shook my head. He was right. I do get like an angry bee, but now I would be more like a hornet that is looking for reasons to bite. "He had one memory loss incident since we arrived. I have not been told or seen of others, and his scent is a little muted than last heat."

"I am not sure you will like what I am thinking. The drugs are out of your system. Doc was very thorough with his exam. There are no other underlying medical conditions either. You have a clean bill of health." I watched as Alpha Martin took a couple steps back.

"Spit it out." I was getting angry with how he seemed prepared for me to attack him. I guess he was not wrong, but honestly he was provoking me right now.

"We need to induce your heat. Doing so, it may end up longer and more intense than you have had before. If we do not do it, I fear your heats will continue to be erratic. I also think you should go on some pheromone therapy for the time being." 

"What if I don't want heats?" My voice was barely a whisper, the anger was gone and now replaced with a small fear that Atlas would hate me for asking.

"We can't remove heats. I'm sorry Kash. We can calm them down and make them easier to manage. But again it will be short term. I only have medical knowledge and understanding what you are going through, and even then it is compared to female omegas. You have a wonderful and supportive mate Kash."

"I know that!" I turned into Atlas when my voice was louder than I wanted for that declaration.

"And you Atlas have a wonderful young mate. There is always much to learn from each other. The only thing I can tell you now Kash." He waited until I looked back at him before he finished. "Fighting who you are as a person is fine, but fighting your being is dangerous. Listen to your body. It will guide you on what gender you are. If you still hate it there are other options, but your mate will have to agree as well."

I knew the conversation Alpha Martin was starting and I was ready to finish it. "I am an omega. I have no doubts about it. I just don't like the added, well, stuff that comes with being who I am." I smiled. "Atlas has helped me come to terms with it. Not in a bad or forced way. But in a loving and accepting way. I know if I made the choice to go beta he would support me." Atlas kissed my cheek as I continued. "Since I know I have his support, even though the idea is scary. What do we do to start this heat?"

"I would have been jealous a while back of you two, but things have changed. You are a beautiful couple and will make great leaders in the time to come." Alpha Martin then grinned. "Are you scared of needles?" I shook my head. "Great! I will get Zion to contact Doc and have him help gather what I need. You two need to prepare for a wild week." Alpha Martin was already walking away with his nose to his phone before he called out one last thing. "By the way! You can not shift during this heat. You will have to be in your current form. Atlas will guide you for the rest I'm sure."

"What?" Atlas started to drag me inside before my anger got directed to Alpha Martin. "What did he mean by that?"

"It means you have a choice to make in the next couple of hours. You in this room alone with an anti shift collar on. Or. You allow me to help you with your heat with the possibility of me going into rut." Altas had pulled me down to sit on the couch. "If you allow me to help I will do my very best to make you as comfortable as possible."

"My choice?" There were a few scenarios floating through my head right now, and I blame the preheat for over half of them. "What happens if you go into a rut?"

"Usually my rut is once a year, but with you here, and with how strong a heat Alpha Martin warned you of, it could happen earlier. If I go into rut, we will be on full instinct mode. We will wake from the stupore both marked if no precautions are taken. No doubt about that. There could also be the probability of conception."

"Wait. As in pregnant? There is no other way?" I shivered with the what if's.

"We can ask if it is safe for you to have a contraceptive. It would be good if you can." The way he said it made me angry.

"What? Because I am not the one that should have a kid? Or do you plan to have someone else on the side? Maybe you never want kids? What about what I want?"

Atlas pulled me into a hug before I could continue my angry rambles. "No! Kash, silly. Because you are healing. Besides, we both need to be ready. It should not happen because of this. However! I would also like to state I would not complain one bit if it did. You would make an awesome parent."

That last comment caught me off guard. "You really think so?"

"Yup!" Atlas stated, popping the letter p. "You have the kindest heart out there. Who wouldn't want to be your kid?"

I groaned. "Stop being sappy! Now you're teasing. Besides, that is not the issue." I wanted a conversation change. "I don't want to be alone for this, but I also am worried about it all. I do not know what to expect, or any aspect really."

"That's what I'm here for. It makes me very happy to be the one to help you." When Atlas wiggled his eyebrows at me, I smacked him and groaned. "I will be serious for a bit here. Are you okay with the possibilities like being marked or pregnant?"

I laughed. "That's what you're worried about? What people might say about being marked early? You should know me better than that!" He chuckled a little. "I want to be part of your life. The marking is something I have been looking forward to for a while now. Who cares about propriety and etiquette. It is our life. Not theirs!"

Atlas's phone then went off. I sighed. My guess was that Alpha Martin was ready. I feared the heat and all to come with it, but was excited at the same time. I kept my eyes on Atlas, but my thoughts were elsewhere. Because of this I missed when Atlas went into work mode. His King Alpha Mode. The mode he saved for work. It was his King Alpha voice that woke me. "What do you mean he arrived?"

Kash - Can I game with you?

Author - You're busy...

Kash - Yeah and you should be writing my story!

Atlas - Kash...

Author - I promise to be on time next week!

Atlas - If you are late I will let him loose...

Author - *****

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