
Eclipsed Luna (BL Omegaverse)

A heads up..I will not post warnings on chapters. I understand many people have triggers, but for me there are too many to try and warn readers about. I have no plans of blood and gore, but know there will be death and sexually mature content. This is also a Boy x Boy book with omegavers meaning men can get pregnant. If you have any issues of any one of these types of content please refraine from reading. Thank you all for your support! Being born as the second son of the Alpha normally would mean the life of being a leader for the warriors. Kash did not get such luck. He was not born an Alpha. He was born as an omega. His father had protected him for years. Keeping him away from everyone, even his own pack. Now that the annual ball is arriving along with his 18th birthday his father expects him to greet new wolves to find a mate. Kash does not want this life and fights it. But a certain Royal arrived a day early and has other plans for the omega. Will Kash learn to like who he is and become stronger for it, or will he reject everything. A story of growth and love. I will caution that this story will have strong language and sexual content. It is boy x boy and omegaverse. This story starts slow and will build. It is not just about his relationships but his way of living, the changes that come into his life and how he handles it all. I hope you enjoy the ride with my first webnovel! I do try to post chapters often but I am very busy with work. My goal will be a minimum of two chapters a week. **** I walked to the door only to be completely assaulted by the scent. Standing in the room was my mate. A fierce young male. He was adorable. His small stature would fit perfectly against mine. I could not stop staring at the man before me. His black hair framed his face with the piercing silver eyes. His pale alabaster skin looked so smooth and tempting even from the slight distance we held. He was perfect. “Are you done staring? If so, you can leave.” He had now crossed his arms and glared at me with mistrust. I could now understand that he was under 18, or he would have scented me as his mate as well. “Well?” All I could get out of my lips, thanks to my wolf trying to take over was one word. “Mate.” The eyes of my mate opened wide before he started to shake his head. “Oh, hells no! I am no ones mate. Never will be.” He started to back away as much as he could from me. I grinned stepping forward while my Beta took my back. He knew it would be dangerous to get between us right now. My wolf found our mate and wanted to claim him. “I am Alpha Atlas of the Royal Eclipse Pack. And yes, you are most definitely my mate. What is your name?” He shook his head. He then looked towards the direction of his father stood before looking back at me. “I do not have to talk to you. You are not my Alpha.” The glare he gave me was more pinch his cheeks adorable over aggressive. ****

Zurgyness · Fantasi
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49 Chs

Chapter 41

Back at the hotel room I was watching as  Zion and Atlas were preparing to pack up and leave. "Kash? Did you want to shower now?"

"Hmm, ummm...I guess so?" The idea of losing sight of Atlas right now drew up dread. Deep down I knew he wouldn't disappear, but I also wasn't sure if I would forget again.

As though hearing what I was thinking, Atlas grabbed me and pulled my body into his arms. "I know you have been through a whole lot. I can't even imagine what you are thinking or feeling right now. But I am not going anywhere. You saw our guards?" As much as I could I nodded while burying my nose into Atlas's chest takinging in the familiar scent. "They are all here to keep us safe. Everyone of them. We have them by the cars, by the door and in the hall." I knew he  could feel my shiver. "I won't ever make the same mistake again."

This had me shake my head. "That's not my concern, I don't want you to lose another pack member for me. I was more worried I might forget you again, or you will be gone when I get out. Like this is all a dream." Soon I sighed into Atlas's arms. "It all feels unreal. So much is still missing from my memories. I remember the fight until I passed out from whatever they drugged me with, then nothing until I woke. Those memories from until you arrived, also now are foggy. As though I was only the observer. I'm scared that I will forget again. That maybe the drug did more than what we all think."

Atlas moved me away slightly and used his hand to pull my chin up to face him. "Even if you did forget, I will work hard for you to remember or love me all over again. No matter how long it takes. You are mine and forever will be."

Filled with love for the man before me, I finally smiled, stood up on my tip toes, and gave Atlas a kiss on his cheek. "I won't be long." Realising what I did had me then run for the shower before I did more than I really should.

The shower was not long and I had walked out the bathroom already while staring at Atlas deep in thought and let out a chuckle. "I see smoke." Walking over with a grin on my face. I couldn't help but tease him a little. The relief of not forgetting and him still being here helped ease me. "Here I was worried I would forget, and instead I am greeted with this. Whatcha thinkin about?"

Atlas stood up and grinned back at me. "Nothing too troublesome, you don't have to worry." Atlas grabbed the soiled clothing from my arms and proceeded to place it into one of the luggage bags. "I hope you're ready."

"For?" This had me looking at Atlas unsure if I should be as excited as Atlas sounded or very worried about it.

"For the warm welcome, when we get back. Then the preparations for the ceremonies to come." Atlas continued to smile and started walking to the door. "We just need to finalise the alliance and this pack here will be joining you for your mating and Luna ceremony.  They already approved for it to happen before your pack pledges with them followed by us about a year later. Umm, speaking of which." Atlas now pulled Kash along with him to the elevator. "You're gonna need training with the mind link stuff after you join."

"Yeah, I figured." Hoping his words meant more time I looked down to make sure. "Umm, it is still not this coming week or two, right?"

Atlas laughed. "As if I would share that part of you."

My face was red once more. "Royal pain in the ass." It did not stop me from leaning into him still when he took me in for another hug. My heat symptoms, though not visible to many, were still felt by me. Whatever was going on I knew this was a different heat. 

The drive to catch our flight was longer than I had anticipated, but it gave Zion and Atlas more time to catch me up on what had been going on the last few weeks. He spoke of what happened right after the fight. How they tracked me down and right to the eventual meeting with the new royals.

"The rogues have all but gone into hiding at this time. The ones that launched this attack appeared more organised and the tech teams from all packs are looking into it all. The issue with your brother is the hardest thing we are dealing with at this time. He has not, or can not, release much information. Not that he has much, but all we can tell now, is that your old pack.." 

I cut Zion off with a growl. "Not my pack. But go on." Though I knew I still loved my father and brother, I also came to terms that the pack was never mine. I never belonged in the first place.

Zion coughed. "Umm, as I was saying they are being threatened by an unknown force right now."

"Kash, we have been doing everything in our power to not only find out who it is,  but the rest as well. The why. The how. I not only want to stop the attacks on you, but anyone else in the future." Atlas was almost at a growl by the end of his speech. "At least Alpha Martin gave us a hint. He said your blood can create a pack."

"I don't get how one person could create a pack. It takes many wolves to do this?" Thinking about what it could mean I looked at both for answers. "Besides, I just wanted, well hoped for, a normal life."

This time Zion laughed. "Kash. No matter what you feel; your life was never meant to be what you call or think is normal." When I glared at him, he chuckled once more. "Look. Once things settle, your Luna duties will be your main excitement."

"That's all I ask for really. Stability." Sighing, I looked towards Atlas. "Not that it hasn't been, well adventurous. But knowing more of what to actually expect, might just be nice. I also seriously need to get back into training." This was one thing I was now more serious than ever about. I would not lose another friend from the lack of ability again.

This time Atlas groaned. "Let's not think about that now. Truth be told, it might be awhile before I let you out of my sight."

It was at this point, the realisation of how much Atlas might have been affected came to me. Atlas would have been left a little more than just shocked from my sudden disappearance. I could even bet Atlas was trying to think of ways to ease me back into his life and not fear it. Atlas had his own battles to fight from my disappearance, but I bet he was holding back for my sake. "I'm sorry. I never thought about how you felt this whole time. I kinda feel like an ass now." Soon I looked down at my hands worried I may have done something wrong once more. Atlas lost not just a pack member in all this, but spent weeks looking for him on top of all his duties. "It's all my fault."

Atlas pulled me over for as much as a hug the seat-belts would allow. "It was never your fault Kash. I'm just glad you're safe and finally on your way home." I tried to look up at Atlas, but he held  me tight. "I want you to focus on your needs and wants for now. I promise that as long as you're near, I'll feel better." Relaxing I curled more into the hug to give him support and take the comfort for myself as well.

*Atlas View*

The trip to the plane was thankfully uneventful. Kash spent most of the time curled up against me, allowing his omega instincts to come through just a little. It seemed as though Kash was permitting the pheromones of mine to give him the support he needed to stay grounded, and curling up into that scent as much as he was able. When he finally fell asleep, I finally took the time to watch over him in a way that would have embarrassed him if he was awake. I even took extra care to carry him to our seat on the plane when we arrived.

"Boss. Alpha Martin sent the alliance contract over. When we get back we should look at it closely before we sign it."  Zion could already be seen trying to read it from his cell.

"Zion. Put it away and relax." The look on his face had me chuckling. "Enjoy the little quiet we have right now. We have enough on our plate when the plane lands."

After closing his cell, Zion sighed. "I guess you're right. We don't usually get quiet time like this. I will report that everything has been caught up on. We can focus on the future now. Oh, and I really should mention, your uncle wants to visit. He heard Kash has been found safe and sound. How did he put it? 'My nephew and his soon to be mate will need time to rest. What harm could a visit from myself and a few members cause if we arrived to lend a helping hand?' Or something like that."

"If only he wasn't family." To calm myself I started to pet Kash's head. "He might be involved in all this, but until we have our proof…"

"He will be bringing a guest we have never met. A member of a pack not even part of his own. I have already tried getting research started on it." Zion smiled when Atlas looked down at Kash with worry. "Don't worry boss. He will be safe."

"I don't doubt that. Knowing our enemies is always a good thing. It might be a good turn of events that Alpha Martin will be there about the same time. We will not allow visits for the next two weeks. Not even our own pack. I will continue to do my duties behind doors, but I need to be there for Kash."

"Yes boss. That can easily be arranged. I will also make sure Alpha Martin arrives before your um, family." Zion chuckled. "Ah, how upset he would be to have to greet them as they stood beside us."

"A lovely picture to be sure. I just need the two weeks for Kash. I am very worried about his heat this round. The added stress since we met…Well it is not good for any omega and I am concerned with a few things I have been notified about." Leaning down, I kissed Kash's forehead. "Alpha Martin is sure he actually won't even enter a full heat. He said to be prepared for mood swings, impromptu nesting and whatever else he said."

"You never listened fully did you? At least it was caused by a worthwhile distraction." Zion sighed when I smiled at his comment. "His sister thankfully filled me in. It will not be a fun couple of weeks, but I believe in you boss."

The rest of the flight was quiet allowing Kash to rest and for myself to plan how to make the next few days more comfortable for Kash. I had already closed off the upper level to all but the Alpha and future Luna. A.K.A, myself and Kash. My uncle and any of his lackeys will no longer have access. I even moved our main offices to the lower floor. For now the room beside mine that once was used as the office is empty. I also changed the lock on Kash's room, if he felt the need to use it he could feel safe once more. Any other thoughts I had were ended as the plane prepared to land.

Kash was still sleeping as I carried him to the car. "Zion, is this normal? He was never this heavy of a sleeper, and the amount he is sleeping seems excessive." 

"If you paid attention, part of his heat this round will be extended exhaustion, mood swings, pain and discomfort. It will be all amplified heat symptoms without the actual heat. This could in turn cause other issues. But you will have to watch Kash close. Especially to his mental well-being. And I mean it. Any omega that goes through a heat without an actual heat will feel useless." Zion threw his hands up to stop me from interrupting. "Including Kash who hates this part of him. It is deeply buried, but it is there. I feel like this heat will test the both of you more than the rest."

"It will make it worse since his scent is no longer in our room. I hope he feels enough comfort with my scent alone to relax there until his mingles in a few days." Looking back down at Kash who still slept I sighed. "If not, he has his own room as well."

"Actually." Turning I  looked back at Zion. "Alpha Martin told me that you can't allow him to separate from you this heat."

"What do you mean? I always give him space if he needs it." The idea of making Kash go against his own idea, even a little, I shivered. "I have to. He might be small in stature but so are badgers. You would wanna cross one of them, and I would never want to purposefully cross Kash."

"He said it is imperative you don't. He, well even his sister, worry what the drug may have done, besides the memory loss. I have a game plan in place already once we arrive. Alpha Martin helped me."

"You speak of Alpha Martin a whole lot there Zion."Watching my best friend, I  tried to see if Zion gave anything away.

"Who's fault is it for not listening when you should have." Zion shrugged it off and went back to his phone. "We should go over the alliance before you are too busy to do so." 

Updated to better keep the flow!

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