

"heyyy, stop shouting",a subtle lightly deep voice came from behind the drone.

"have they arrived", Mr walkersty asked referring to the Poseidon sect powered ones,

"no sir",the man tracking replied,"ETA, five minutes sir",

"so who was that?",Mr walkersty asked looking at the guy controlling the drone,

"a moment sir",the man said as he turned the drone to around and backed away so as to get both the person and the calamity in the frame.

A man hovered in the air, he looked young, probably in his late teens,dark skin, chiseled jaw with a perfect jaw line, his hairline complementing his fade, his dark skin shining under the sun rays, his face was serious at first but then he smiled revealing his perfect white teeth and handsome manly face, he wore a black shirt that was unbuttoned with a white vest inside and black pants with white sneakers, his hands in his pocket as he hovered in the air, staring down at the calamity.

"who is that",mr walkersty asked with a calm voice,"run a facial recognition scan, dig up anything you can, we need to know if he is on our side",

"he is floating", Mrs sanchez said whispering to walkersty,"no powered one through out history had the power to fly, only Malechai had the power to fly",

"i know", he said,"something big might happen today, something big enough to go down in history,and the whole world is watching".

The calamity turned around to look at boy floating in the air,

"human…..floating.....must kill….kill all human", the calamity spoke, its voice vibrating every speaker that received the drone's feed,

"cant you speak properly, you are supposed to be intelligent right?", the boy spoke, a tint of pride in his voice, but calmness present in his voice overshadowed the pride. The calamity roared as it prepared to attack, another gush of wind blowing in all directions as the calamity jumped to punch the floating boy. The boy kept still in air without any attempt to dodge the punch,

"what is he thinking", mr walkersty shouted. As the calamity grew closer to the boy,his smile widened exposing his dimples but he still didn't make any attempt to dodge. The calamity got close to the boy and went in for the punch but instead of punching him, there was an obstruction that took the hit instead, the calamity fell back down to the floor while the boy chuckled,excitement written all over his face.

"what was that just now"Mrs Sanchez question.

The calamity roared at the boy as he descended till he stood on his feet. As soon as he made contact with the floor, the calamity began charging at him, destroying everything in its part, with each step it took, the floor vibrated and destroyed. The boy stood there, his hands still in his pocket as he watched the calamity approaching him with alarming speed, the calamity got close and started raining punches,each one stronger than the one before, but as it punched, none of the punches touched the boy, instead an invisible wall took the impact. The calamity continued raining punches for about a minute and stopped, it was obvious that it was confused,

"alright, I guess its my turn",the boy said bringing his hands out of his pocket. The calamity began struggling as it began to rise into the air at around 1 feet from the ground, it roared trying to break free of what ever force that grabbed it as it flew closer to the boy,

"if I'm able to weaken you enough, you vanish right?,"he said and began punching the calamity, his punches obviously stronger than that of the calamity,as he punched a crater dug it self, each punch releasing a sound like that of an explosion blowing wind in all directions. The calamity roaring as it struggled to break free, pain was obvious in its blood red eyes, anyone who saw the sight would have had pity on the calamity, its black fog began spreading itself in all directions, purple blood pouring out of its mouth, it roared and roared but the boy continued punching. After landing about 50 punches on the body of the calamity,the black fog came together to envelope the calamity and dissipated, releasing a boom sound.

The boy stood upright

"it only took fifty punches", he said looking at his fist, just then, there was a sound of helicopter approaching his position,on getting to where the crater was dug,ten people dropped down, seven boys and three girls, all wearing a cloak and black shirt and pants just like the yami sect powered ones except the cloak was gold in color and and at the back was designed 'POSEIDON SECT'.

"Jordan, do you read me"mr walkersty spoke into his microphone,

"loud and clear", the tallest male among them with red hair replied, his face as serious as ever,

"the calamity has been destroyed",Mr walkersty said,

"what!!",Jordan exclaimed, his serious face turned to that of shock as all of his mates,

"i though you said it was a code 2 calamity", a boy with brown hair spoke into his comm, around 6 feet,hefty body,nice jaw line, his hair packed up at the back of his head,

"it was, archie, if you look to your right, you would see a crater, there is a person in that crater, he is responsible for destroying the calamity",mr walkersty replied over the comm,

"a powered one", a girl ask, probably around 5 foot 6, long black hair with a bang covering her right eyes,

"seems so Layla,we are not able to find anything on him, so you are gonna have to do all the questioning, proceed with caution, this boy was able to take down a code 2 calamity alone, we don't know his full strength, and remember, the whole world is watching you", mr walkersty warned,

"roger that", Jordan said ,"lets go".

On getting to the crater, they saw the boy standing in the middle, looking right at them, Jordan made a hand signal and they began to spread out, covering the entire crater and then started approaching the boy slowly,

"who are you",Jordan questioned as they descended the crater,

"name is Zari",the boy replied,"you are Jordan right, the second strongest powered one"

"that is true, where are you from?",Jordan asked again, this time, they all stood at around 6 feet from zari,

"Nigeria", zari replied,

"are you from the yami sect?", Jordan asked, zari didn't respond for a moment,

"im not"he responded,"we need to check on the yami sect powered ones to see if they are alive",

"don't worry about that, a medic team came with us and they are currently attending to them",Jordan said

"okay then, I guess I will be on my way", zari said as he began to float in the air. At the sight of this, all of them assumed battle positions which made zari halt,

"you can't go yet, we will need you to come with us for further questioning", Jordan said and stretched his hands, zari fell down to  the floor and on his knees,

"telekinesis, that's what makes you the second strongest powered one on the planet right?",zari said, still kneeling on the floor,there was no response from Jordan,

"unfortunately, its weak", zari said and stood up like nothing was holding him down at all,

"what", Jordan was shocked along with everybody else,

"what, did he just break free from Jordan's grab",mr walkersty asked. Jordan stretched his hands out again to pin zari down but zari just stood there,a blank expression on his face, his hands in his pocket. After failed attempts, zari began walking towards Jordan, this act made the others panic and they began attacking him,

One of them launched a pile of rock at him

"Archie,  power over the four elements, just a rip off avatar", zari thought to himself,

The rocks approached zari at high speed but they couldn't touch him, they hit a wall like obstacle before getting to him and fell to the floor. At the corner of Zari's eyes, he saw a girl stretching her hand, the tips of her hand glowing while she concentrated on zari

"Sophie, power to control other people's mind, good luck with that",zari thought to himself.

Layla began launching balls of energy towards him, but none of the made contact with him

"Layla, the power to create destructive energy, not like it would have an effect on me", zari thought to himself,

Another guy ran towards zari while another girl began making duplicates of herself,the guy tried punching zari but his fist was blocked, he felt he made contact with something but he couldn't see anything, the girl after creating 4 clones of herself tried grabbing zari but she also could not make contact,

"Spencer, super strength, the strongest on earth in terms of strength, but still weak, liv, the power to split her body cells rapidly thereby creating clones of herself, but like how does her clones also have clothes on, seriously?", Spencer thought to himself with a smirk. He saw a guy just standing,

"Ryan, super speed, if I was him, I would just stand to, nothing much he can do in this situation",zari thought,

Another guy rose his arms up and a machine gun appeared, he began firing at zari but the bullets never made contacts,

"james, weapon creation, the ability to join atoms together to create an inanimate object,whats the use of weapons like that when they don't work on calamities", zari thought.

Two guys who looked identical stretched out their hands,

"the twins, ken and Andrew, ken with the power to repel and Andrew with the power to attract, how do they tell them apart, they look the same", zari thought.

Finally he stood before Jordan who was not able to do anything but stand there shocked.