
Eclipse; Divergence

The universe has fallen to ruin and Earth has become the center of this rising chaotic era. Gods and Monsters long-forgotten stir and at the center of the coming chaos is Cassius a man apart from the universe the greatest anomaly and perpetual deviant. His given role in this new era is that of a protector to the key to overturn everything, and he intends to do more than protect. For he is Divergence, The Other, and his entire existence is set to defy the universe.

Godspeed_Augury · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
24 Chs

My Savior

Katelyn and her group stood with their mouths agape. Cassius had turned an entire Pandora Beast into a set of armor instantly. No one had killed a Pandora Beast with such little effort as to create armor out of one, even if they had thought of it. Katelyn hadn't noticed the pouting Wynter next to her slightly pouting. They paid extraordinarily close attention to the armor.

Cassius was also closely inspecting the armor. After it was hit by the green object it stood and moved around on its own. The armor was doing a box step, jumping in place, and going through a slew of warm-up exercises and stretches. It was a strange sight and even a little funny at first glance. However, after thinking about it for a bit it would slowly become unnerving.

"Wynter, remember what I said earlier about the souls needing to find a body. Evidently, I was wrong, they do not need a living or dead body they can inhabit anything, or at least for now there is a wide range."

He didn't wait for her reply and simply continued to inspect the moving armor as it completed the last of its stretches. The armor stood still and seemed to be inspecting the group. It quickly made a mad dash for Katelyn's group, they attempted to attack and dodge the armor. It nimbly slipped through the attacks and disappeared behind some debris.

"I apologize, we didn't know what to expect and it got away we can repay you for the loss," Katelyn oddly performed something between a nod and a slight bow as an apologetic gesture.

"It is fine, I was testing a theory. This has proved both a successful endeavor and a learning experience. We'll be on our way now."

"If you don't already have a place to stay please join us. I don't mean to brag but we set up a base in one of the Warsoul Tech labs. They left quite a bit of stuff around and we still have power and water."

"Hey grandpa we should go, we don't have anywhere to stay anyway, and you're still new to the city and you don't know about the big secrets of Warsoul and those other places from back then right, and they have water I can finally have a hot shower. Wait you do have hot water right, if it's not hot I won't go I can't take another cold shower-"

"Enough please, we'll go. Katelyn right? Please lead the way."

Katelyn and her group were struck silent by Wynter's verbal onslaught. She quickly led the way back to her group's current base.

"Oh right-"

"Oh no," synchronized whispers sounded through the entire group as Wynter started up again.

"Didn't you say you sensed something somewhere else? Is it still there, should we go first?"

"It's too late, it is already gone."

"Oh well, what did you feel anyway?"

"Though I can't be certain I sensed the same thing that brought me to you. If I were to guess I would say it was your sister. But there was something else, hmm, scrambling or masking my sense. I can be sure it was related to you but without seeing it I can't tell you for certain."

"You mean my sister was so close and I missed her because I ran off."

Wynter had no time to feel much of anything because they had arrived at Katelyn's base. It was a moderately sized skyscraper by New York standards. The base must've been set up recently, not taking into account that a threat was so nearby people were moving to barricade and block the road and fortify the front of the building. Teams similar to Katelyn's were coming back battle-worn, while others were setting off.

"Welcome to the FOB of The Saviors," Katelyn gave a cramped smile, that did not match the pained look in her eyes.

"The Saviors? They are just a disgusting death cult."

Katelyn was surprised by the cold response but explained, "No we aren't, not all of us. l lead the original Saviors it was started by a former classmate of mine when we finally realized we wouldn't be getting rescued sitting on that island. Though I don't like the name we were meant to gather other survivors in the city and protect each other. There were three of us at the beginning, the cult you're thinking of was started by Bryan he was the smartest in our group back then or we thought he was. Looking back we should've left with Mercury and Menn," a look of regret and many other things washed over her face, "Look long story short. The cult is using our name but has no relationship with us. If I could find them I would put an end to it myself."

Though she was still somewhat guarded Wynter relaxed enough to allow the conversation to move on.

"You said you have power here. Has anyone been in the labs here and do they still work?" Cassius asked.

"No one has been in the labs, we can't open the doors to them. A few of the guys that looked around said the labs were running on a different grid. If you can get in they're all yours we don't have many scientists here anyway. Just if you find anything useful for our survival I ask that you share it."

"Thank you, I'll be in the labs then. Right before I leave," he pointed a finger at Wynter who was stunned by the action. Very quickly the surrounding saviors made noise and shouted drawing the group's attention. The same silver armor that had run away earlier was now charging at Wynter, it quickly collided with her.

Though she expected to feel no impact same as when she fought the Pandora Beast, she was surprised to find that she felt anything at all. The armor quickly wrapped around her and stuck to her skin. She felt cold then warm then cold again. She felt the armor was gone and thought it had passed through her. With her hand quaking, she pointed at Cassius but was surprised to see silver skin in place of her usual pale white skin.

"W-What is this, what did you do?"

"I gave you a form of protection, learn to fight and defend yourself while we're here. That armor has bound itself to you, for now, it will help you learn and even fight alongside you. Treat it well."

Cassius then disappeared into the building without waiting around to answer her questions.

Wynter and Katelyn turned to each other quickly realizing they were equally exasperated. Katelyn had seen too much in just a few hours. A woman who couldn't be touched like a ghost, a man who single-handed and effortlessly faced down a Pandora Beast, and that same man turning that beast into weapons, armor, and water. She survived in the city since the very start of the Gate Incident and had seen many things in the last year, but Cassius was an anomaly that supplanted all of that.

"All right, all of you go rest for a few days, we'll head back out soon," she sent her group off with barely a wave then turned back to Wynter and explained, "I'll give you the grand tour. There isn't much to see since we just moved in but I can at least show you to a room."

The two entered the Warsoul Building leaving Wynter stunned. Even the most intact buildings still showed signs of the apocalypse outside. But the Warsoul building maintained its sparkling white floors and beautiful lighting. Even the dirt and dust that should have been tracked in wasn't present. The high ceilings of the first floor gave the building a spacious and relieving feeling.

"Nice right? Everything in here cleans and fixes itself. So it still looks nice."

"Then how about the power? Oh and if they could do all of that why doesn't every building have it around here? Oh and also where are the showers?"

The two walked into the elevator just after arriving at it.

"Easy, one question at a time. I don't know much about the power but some of the older guys in the group think they had their generator outside of the normal grid. It should be pretty good too since it's been powering this place for a year non-stop. I guess it would be pretty expensive to put this kinda technology in every building in the city."

"I guess that makes sense. It would've been nice though. I could've at least stayed in cleaner and warmer places."

The elevator stopped and they quickly alighted. The halls around them were pretty full but still allowed for them to comfortable walk without feeling crowded in. They passed the elderly and children all of them happily waving or expressing joy seeing Katelyn. She even stopped to greet or ask about the health and education of some of them.

"I guess you guys are different from that cult of freaks."

"I told you we have nothing to do with them and vice versa. This is what Savior was meant to be and this is how I will run my Savior."

Katelyn led Wynter into a room at the end of the hall. It was an office or it used to be, there were two beds in the room one was messy with the blankets and sheets tossed about. The other had everything neatly tucked in and looked seemingly unused.

"This is our room. Sorry, we kinda have to double or even triple up on rooms. There is a lot of space and a lot of people. The kids have about three floors to themselves, the actual Saviors only have about two floors worth of people and the elderly and civilians have almost all the rest. There are also a few people in the nearby buildings. Shower and bathroom to the left."

With that Wynter prepared to start her temporary new life among the Saviors.