

"Princess Theodora’s sheltered existence is shattered when she encounters Tristan, a man whose enigmatic presence ignites an undeniable attraction within her. Little does she know, Tristan harbors a secret that threatens to unravel their burgeoning love—he is the offspring of a formidable demon lord, sent to the human realm to orchestrate its downfall. As their relationship blossoms, Tristan is torn between his allegiance to his kin and his growing affection for Theodora. Tristan's choices will determine the fate of both worlds. Will he forsake his demonic heritage for the chance at love with Theodora, or will he succumb to his destiny and betray her? And even if they defy the odds, can their love endure the relentless onslaught of enemies determined to see them torn apart? Embark on a journey of passion and peril in this sweeping saga of love and betrayal, where the boundaries between light and darkness blur, and the fate of kingdoms hangs in the balance."

Bekky85Ray · Sejarah
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6 Chs


The demon lord. The demon realm of Xorvath was a twisted expanse of darkness, where the very air seemed to writhe and twist like living shadow. The ground beneath was a jagged landscape of black rock and burning embers, casting an eerie glow across the cavernous throne room. The walls were lined with the tortured souls of those who had crossed Xorvath's path, their screams echoing through the ages like a chilling chorus.

At the heart of this nightmarish domain, Xorvath's throne sat atop a dais of black marble, its surface etched with ancient runes that seemed to pulse with malevolent power. The throne itself was crafted from the very bones of his enemies its twisted frame adorned with gleaming silver spikes that seemed to drink in the flickering torchlight.

Xorvath, the demon lord sat upon his throne, his massive form of writhing mass of tendrils and pulsing flesh. His eyes burned with an inner fire, casting an unholy glow across the twisted landscape. His skin seemed to shift and writhe like living darkness, as if the very shadows themselves had come to life.

To his right stood his loyal advisor, the lich lord, Erubus, his skeletal face a mask of cold calculation. Erubu's eyes gleamed with malevolent intelligence, and his bony fingers drummed a slow rhythm on the armrest on the chair. On the Demon lord's left, the succumbs, Lyra lounged on a velvet couch, her curves a deadly temptation, her eyes flashing with wicked mischief. The throne room was filled with other minions, each one a twisted and terrifying creation. 

His servants, a legion of twisted creatures, stood trembling at attention, their eyes fixed upon their master with a mixture of fear and adoration. Some had eyes that burned with hellfire, while others had skin that seemed to shift and writhe like living darkness. They were a reflection of Xorvath's malevolent power, each one a testament to his unyielding wrath.

As Xorvath raised the bowl of blood to his lips, his servants trembled with anticipation. The bowl itself was a masterpiece of twisted craftsmanship, it surfaces etched with ancient runes that seemed to writhe and twist in the flickering torchlight. The blood within was a deep, rich crimson, seeming to glow with an inner light as Xorvath drank.

He raised the bowl to his lips, his eyes closed in rapture as he savored the taste of his latest conquest. The blood was warm and rich, seeming to pulse with the very life forces of his enemies. As he drank his power surged, and the very fabric of the underworld seemed to tremble in response. His servants cowered, knowing that their master's strength was growing, and with it his hunger of destruction and chaos.

The demon lord taste was never quenched, his hunger for blood and power an endless abyss that could never be satiated. And as he drank the shadow themselves seemed to grow darker, as if the very darkness was feeding off his malevolent energy.

Before him. A procession of trembling humans was dragged, their screams echoing through the cavernous space as they were forced to participate in the Demon Lord's most depraved ritual. With each victim, he savored the terror in their eyes, their pleas for mercy music to his ears. The demon lord's feasting was a spectacle of unholy delight, his power and pleasure growing with each succulent drop of human blood.

The sound of the anguish and despair filled the air, a symphony of suffering that brought a twisted smile to the demon lord's lips. After he finished sucking their blood he raised his arms, and a bolt of dark energy shot forth, striking the latest victim. The poor soul's screams were silenced, their body reduced to a smoldering husk. The demon lord's laughter boomed through the lair, a chilling reminder of his unbridled power.

''You are but mere pawns in my game of destruction'', he sneered, his voice dripping with malevolence. ''Your suffering is music to my ears, your terror the very essence of my existence. And soon, all of the realms shall tremble before me!''.

The walls bleed with the suffering of his victims. Xorvath's mind settled with dark ambition, his thought a maelstrom of conquest and domination. ''Soon, the mortal realm will be mine to command'' he thought to himself.

A man stood tall, his feet shoulder-width apart as he faced the demon lord Xorvath's. The air was heavy with tension. Xorvaths piercing red eyes narrowed, his gaze fixed intently on the man, as if sizing him up for the kill.

The man's eyes, a deep piercing blue never wavered his gaze locked on Xorvath's with a fierce of determination. His jaw was set, his lips pressed into a thin line, and his fists clenched at his sides. He wore a simple tunic and leggings, but his very presence seemed to exude a quite confidence, a sense of purpose that would not be swayed.

Xorvath's voice was like a thunder, shaking the very foundations of the soul '' so you have entered my domain you will soon learn the true meaning of fear and power''

The man did not flinch, his eyes never leaving Xorvath's face. ''I' am not afraid of you I have come to stop you, Xorvath's your reign of terror ends now'' he said with his voice firm and resolute.

Xorvath sneered his voice dripping with contempt. '' you are no match for my power'' he declared ''my armies will soon overrun the heavenly realm and I will claim its throne for myself, I will reign over humans!

The man smiled, a fierce glint in his eye. ''we see about that'', he said his hand on the hilt of his sword.

Xorvath's eye gleamed with malevolent intent as he began to circle around the man, his movements eerily silent. ''You curious specimen mortal, he said his voice dripping with condescension. ''I have been searching for a worthy pawn to use in the game of conquest, and you fit the bill perfectly.

The man's eye narrowed, his grip on his sword tightening. ''what do you mean? he growled his voice low and menacing.

Xorvath's chuckled, the sound like a thunder in the darkness. '' I intend to use you as my pawn in my game power mortal. You see the heavenly realm is protected by powerful wards, wards that can only be broken by a mortal sacrifice, and I have chosen you to be the sacrifice.

The man's face twisted in rage, his sword flashing in the dim light as he charged forward, but Xorvath was too quick, his claws flashing as he struck the man down with a single bow.

As the man struggled to get up back to his feet. '' you will make a perfect prey mortal and I will take over the realm when you are gone ''.

The demon lord guards raise their sword to conquer him, Xorvath stop them, '' let him face me he wants to test his new acquired skills in my realm''.

As the man continue to struggle against Xorvaths grip, he had to think quickly he couldn't let the demon lord succeed in his sinister plan. He mustered his strength and managed to break free from Xorvath's grasp. I am Eryndor!!! I let you know how powerful my name is.

The two enemies faced off, their eyes locked in a fierce stare. Eryndor knew he had to end the battle swiftly before Xorvath power grew great. With a swift and silent prayer, he summoned the holy energy within him, channeling it into his sword.

The blade shone with a brilliant light, and Eryndor charged forward, determined to vanquish the demon lord and shatter his dark ambition.

Xorvath snarled, baring his teeth as the two clashed in a flurry of steel and the claws, their battle raging on into the night…

The battle raged on, with Eryndor's sword slicing through the darkness, striking true against Xorvath demonic form. The demon lord howled in rage, his claws swiping wildly, but Eryndor dodged and weaved, his movements swift and precise.

As the fight intensified, the air grew thick with the smell of brimstone and smoke, the very fabric of reality seeming to unravel. Eryndor's sword shone brighter, its holy energy infusing the air, pushing back against the darkness.

Xorvath snarled, his eyes blazing with fury, as he summoned a horde of lesser demons to swarm Eryndor. But the warrior stood firm, his sword slicing through the demonic ranks, cutting a path of light through the darkness.

Just when it seemed Eryndor would emerge victorious, Xorvath unleashed a devastating blast of energy, sending the warrior flying across the room. Eryndor crashed into the stone wall, his sword slipping from his grasp.

As he struggled to rise, Xorvath loomed over him, his claws extended, ready to deliver the final blow.

''You will never win over the heavenly realm Eryndor said with determination''.

As the fight wore on, Eyndor began to feel a strange sensation creeping over him. It was as if his body was being slowly taken over, his mind clouded by a dark. He tried to shake off the feeling, but it only grew stronger. His vision became foggy. He stumbled backwards his eye fixed on Xorvath.

Xorvath was able to capture Eryndor and cage his power. Eryndor felt weak he couldn't fight more he lied flat on the floor.


Tristan walked through the bush trying to hunt an animal, with him a bow and lots of arrow, he felt inconvenient he couldn't shake off the feeling of being torn apart. His mortal and demon heritage waged constant war within him, leaving him feeling like a powder keg ready to ignite. The heat building inside him was palpable, a burning sensation that threatened to consume him whole. He tried to move out from the bush, a she walked the sun beating down on his skin like a relentless drum. He managed to get back to Ariadne cottage, he lied down behaving possessed his eyes were red he was trying to get grip of himself on the floor but its boiling in him, his vein and his hand were struggling. '' Ariadne I can feel the demon again inside me this is un bearable''

''Tristan, you need to feed on blood at this time because the power was unleashed out by your father''.

''Ariadne, I don't want to feed on the innocent '' he said still struggling with the demonic power. And why do I have to still share power with the demon

''You have no choice than to feed on blood the power is more than what I can handle, less you need sacrifice do this or else you finally end up back to the demon realm''.

Ariadne went out trying to figure what she could do she met a wayward man who was drunk she had no choice than to hide him beside a stone and go take Tristan.

Tristan struggled to come out of her cottage, the moment he set his eye on the man he was so thirsty he bared his neck he sank his fangs into his skin. The sweet, metallic taste of his blood flooded his senses, and he felt his thirst began to satiate. He finally pulled away the man neck bore only two small neatly closed wound.

Thank so much Ariadne he said as he tried to get himself back to a mortal being. They both went back to the cottage. 



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