

"Princess Theodora’s sheltered existence is shattered when she encounters Tristan, a man whose enigmatic presence ignites an undeniable attraction within her. Little does she know, Tristan harbors a secret that threatens to unravel their burgeoning love—he is the offspring of a formidable demon lord, sent to the human realm to orchestrate its downfall. As their relationship blossoms, Tristan is torn between his allegiance to his kin and his growing affection for Theodora. Tristan's choices will determine the fate of both worlds. Will he forsake his demonic heritage for the chance at love with Theodora, or will he succumb to his destiny and betray her? And even if they defy the odds, can their love endure the relentless onslaught of enemies determined to see them torn apart? Embark on a journey of passion and peril in this sweeping saga of love and betrayal, where the boundaries between light and darkness blur, and the fate of kingdoms hangs in the balance."

Bekky85Ray · Sejarah
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6 Chs


In the resplendent hallway of the palace, a fervor of gaiety gripped the air. The chatter of nobles, the clink of wine glasses and the melodic strums of the gayageum filled the atmosphere with a festive cheer. It was as if the very walls of the palace vibrated with the collective excitement of the assembled guests. The palace seems to swell with energy, the gaiety of guests an infectious force. As the night progressed the laughter grew louder, the music more spirited and the wine flowed freely.

Guest indulged in a feast fit for royalty, delectable dishes of kimchi, bulgogi, and japchae that filled the air with savory aromas. Dance performances, acrobatic displays and various entertainment graced the palace halls, adding to the spectacle of the celebration.

Amidst the hustle and bustle of the party, a number of finely dressed attendants lingered near the royal dais their presence an unspoken symbol of power and authority. At the forefront stood high as they monitored the meal, ensuring each dish was as delicious and intricate as the palace's illustrious reputation demanded. Nearby several maidens stood at the ready, their deft hands poised to fulfill any request from the royal family and their guests.

The feast was a sensory extravaganza, a riot of colors, tastes, and aromas that rivaled the splendor of the palace itself. The atmosphere of the celebration was heightened by the performance throughout the hall, Acrobats and fire dancers dazzled the crowd with feats of agility and daring, their movements fluid and mesmerizing as they wove through the audience with expert precision.

On the dais, the king sat in silent observation, his keen gaze taking in the merriment with a blend of pride and caution. By his side, the queen and the princess seem to shine with the radiance of a thousand suns, through a shadow of uncertainty lingered behind her smile.

The presence of the prince's parents added to the political dance that was taking place in the royal court. Seated at the table of honor, not far from the dais the parents of prince Lucian radiated a sense of reserved pride and quite command. Their eyes rarely left the royal family, a hint of curiosity and calculation evident in their gaze. It was clear that the impending union between the prince and the princess held more significance that just a simple marriage.

Amidst the fest, the chatter and the performance, a gentle yet distinct melody began to play, capturing the attention of the guest. All eyes turned to the far end of the hall, where a veiled woman stepped forward, her gossamer robes flowing around her like a delicate breeze. Her voice was like a nightingale's song, pure and true, as she sang of love and longing. The court fell silent spellbound by her enchanting performance.

As the singer voice cascaded through the hall, princess Theodora found herself captivated by haunting beauty of the melody, feeling as if the singer's words resonated deep within her soul. The performance drew to a close, the hall erupting into a swell of applause. As the singer took her leave her face still concealed by her veil, the guests returned to their revelry, their chatter once again filling the air with its lively hum.

The king rose to his feet, the hall falling silent once more. ''Tonight, we celebrate a momentous occasion, his voice deep resonating through the hall. ''The union of our daughter, princess Theodora, and the prince Lucian of the house of Orion, uniting in a new era of peace and prosperity''. The king said as he sat back

 The shaman's song and dance reach a crescendo, her body twisting and contorting in ways that seem both otherworldly and captivating. The guests are enraptured, their eyes following the shaman' every moment, the shaman's ritual come to an end, the hall erupts into applause and cheers.

Tristan!!! A royal guard hails from across the hall, his voice booming above the din. ''The king requests your presence''. Tristan gaze flicks towards the dais, a glint of calculation in his eyes. With a bow and a practiced smile, he excuses himself from his group of friends, making his way towards the royal platform.

''Your majesty'', he greets with a nod.

Tristan, my loyal subject the king greets gesturing to a table where a bow and quiver are set. ''I have heard tales of your powers with the bow. Care to demonstrate your skill for the people.

Tristan bows once more, ''it would be my honor your Majesty'', he says stepping towards the table and drawing an arrow from the quiver. He notches the arrow, his stance and posture a seamless display of expertise, with a smooth, almost imperceptible draw of the bowstring, Tristan releases the arrow. Kit sails through the air, a blur of motion and precision, before burying itself deep into the center target with a resounding thwack.

A cheer rises from the crowd

Tristan bows once more accepting the kings praise with a humble nod.

Theodora gaze follows Tristan's movement across the hall her attention caught by his lithe and graceful form.

Tristan completes his demonstration, the crowd still applauding his display of skill. He approaches the dais, his head bowed in deference to the king and queen.

Theodora hearts flutters in her chest, her cheeks still flushed with a lingering blush.

The night drew more closer, the party was over everyone happily went to their various homes. The ling back into the palace with guards. Prince Alex and his parents went back to their palace with lot of royal guards.

The princess sits at her dressing table, idly leafing through her book of spells and rituals, through her attention is far from the pages. Her mind drifts her thought clicking back to Tristan his ease in the palace.

Tristan sits in the tavern's back room, his fingers drumming against the wooden table as Marie pours a round of ale.

Ariadne, her hood still up, leans against the door frame, her presence shrouded in mystery. ''You caught the king's eye tonight seems you are becoming a favorite at the palace''.

Tristan expression is enigmatic his gaze flitting between Marie and Ariadne. '' One must know one's place'' he replies his voice ow and smooth. ''Being summoned by the king was unexpected

Ariadne straightens, a hint of a smirk tugging at her lips. ''indeed, being favored by the king is both a boon and a curse

Tristan eyes meet hers, a silent challenge passing between them.

Marie leans against the table her gaze shifting between Tristan and Ariadne, a hint of amusement in her expression. ''Well, what a night it's been for you two. Both in the royal palace, catching the eye of the king and the princess alike''.

A flicker of unease crosses Tristan's face his expression hardening. ''We were both at the palace for very different reasons''.

Ariadne's smirk widens.

Marie chuckles softly, her eyes Gleaming in the low light. ''Oh, I don't doubt that, she says her voice taking on a playful lilt. But am sure the princess was just taken with your performance as the king was. She didn't seem to be able to take her eyes off you.

A taut silence hangs in the air, Ariadne's smirk never wavering Tristan jaw tightening ever so slightly.

Ariadne smirk widens into a full-fledge grin, her eyes dancing with Mirth. '' Oh, my dear Tristan, don't think I didn't notice the way the princess's gaze followed you across the hall. It was positively indecent.

''Well, it seems our Tristan has caught himself in quite the predicament, she says her tone playful but her words carrying a hint of warning. The princess affection are not easily swayed, and she is not one to be trifled with''.

Ariadne's smirk softens, her expression becoming more thoughtful. ''The princess seemed quite taken with you, her gaze followed you like a month drawn to the flame.''

Marie nods, agreeing, ''Aye, she was definitely taken with your performance.

''Well, I do not love the princess'' Tristan replied stands abruptly, his chair scrapping across the floor, ''this discussion is over I have heard a lot''

As the night deepens, the palace is cloaked in darkness, its inhabitants drifting into slumber. But the stillness is soon shattered by an unearthly shriek, the sound of shattering glass echoing through the corridors.

In the distance, guards rush to investigate, their torches illuminating the shadows. As they reach the scene, they are met with a grisly sight: bloodied bodies litter the floor, their throats turn open, their life blood pooling on the cold stone.

The guards race through the palace. ''What could have done this? One of them cries, his voice trembling.

'' I don't know, another replies his eye wide with terror, but whatever it is not natural.''

As they explore the palace, they find no traces of any intruder, only the bodies of their fallen comrades and the sound of distant, inhuman laughter.

The guard's edge through the palace their torches casting dancing shadows on the walls, the air grows colder and heavier. The sounds of their footsteps echoing in the darkness, they come upon a dark swirling mass hovering in the air, its edges ripping like a black tide.

''What is that? One of them whispers, his voice hoarse with fear.

The creature lunges forward, a tendril of darkness snaking toward the guards, its shriek echoing through the palace.

With a scream of terror, the guards stumble backward, their swords held aloft, the blades trembling in the grasp.

The creatures' advances, its movements quick and sinuous its form shifting as it darts between the shadows.

''We have run!'' one of the guards' shouts, his voice frantic. 'We can't fight this!''.

In the quite the creatures begin to move, its form a swirling vortex of darkness that seeps through the cracks in the stones, a black mist that glides through the catacombs. It can smell the fear above, the scent of warm blood, and the tantalizing taste of mortal flesh. The creature is to swift its tendrils wrapping around one of the guards and dragged him into the darkness, his screams fading into silence.

Without a sound, without warning the guards at their posts find themselves encased in the blackness, a suffocating, all-consuming darkness that devours the light.

The gasps for the air their screams silent as the darkness fills their lungs, their body trembling with terror. And then one by one, they fall, their throats slit, their blood drained into the stones.


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