
Echoes Of The Colossus

After an uncertain time in the dark, listening to the echo of an unknown voice, Arlan wakes up to discover that he has lost 6 years of his life. Then, involved in an accident on an island where strange creatures have appeared, Arlan witnesses the birth of a new world. A world built on the suffering and death of those unable to survive and adapt. A world where only those capable enough to rise and thrive have managed to gain powerful skills to survive and face the danger and selfishness of the colossus.

LoneAutumn · Fantasi
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41 Chs

Business District

With Allete at the wheel, the car drove through the city while Arlan boredly watched the streets and the people walking calmly among friends and family.

He had spent 6 years locked up and his body survived on instinct, why had this happened? Researchers and doctors were still studying his body to find more clues.

They had some ideas, but nothing definitive.

The point is that Arlan had lost his family 6 years ago, and contact with his friends had also disappeared. Although Leonard had adopted him, and he technically had a family. Arlan felt lonely, a loneliness he managed to forget with all the distractions he had during the year.

Soon the car pulled up in front of a security gate where several guards carried guns.

Allete rolled down the window and swiped her ID across the block, causing the security wand to be lifted.

The car began to move again, this time through an area of the city devoted to Fisher businesses and corporations.

Arlan didn't know Leonard's past or what he did for a living, he only knew that the old man had enough money to retire and live well for the next 500 years...or so Arlan guessed, he really didn't have much of a vision for money.

The carriage continued into the business district until it reached the most prominent and tallest building in the area. The building was over 200 stories tall and completely covered in glass, with an oval shape at the top that made it stand out from the other rectangular buildings that surrounded it.

Allete parked in front of the building's entrance and Arlan didn't wait for someone to open the door to get out. He really didn't like all the gestures that rich people made.

What was the point of having the door opened for him if he could get out himself and be more efficient?

Arlan looked up as he waited for Allete and felt a little dizzy in his stomach. The building looked simply huge and magnificent from below.

Allete arrived at his side and they both entered the building, many people in elegant business suits walking through the lobby of the building.

Some were chatting while others were hurrying somewhere. There was even a cafeteria where they gathered to eat or work over coffee. The atmosphere was busy but pleasant.

Allete led Arlan to the large counter where more than 10 receptionists were serving people. They approached one that seemed to be free and Allete took something out of his coat and showed it to the receptionist.

The woman's eyes widened slightly when she saw the badge Allete showed her, but she hid her surprise with professionalism and respectfully led the way.

It was the first time Arlan had entered the building, he usually saw it from a distance through the window of another building. That's why it was Allete who was guiding him, it was her job, so of course she was familiar with the place.

They both passed through a rather strict security checkpoint without any problems and arrived at a set of elevators.

There were at least 10 elevators to the left and right, stopping only at certain floors. With so many floors and so much foot traffic, it took a lot of organization to avoid congestion.

However, Allete ignored the common elevators and walked to the end of the corridor where there was an elevator with a double black door that was larger than the others.

Two guards on either side of the door watched for people approaching, as Allete and Arlan did, sitting in front of them.

Arlan felt a little nervous at the intimidating look of the two men. They were both at least two meters tall and armed, and their bodies were at least three times as thick as Arlan's.

Allete quickly pulled out the same badge he had shown the receptionist earlier, and the two men exchanged a quick glance before one of them turned and swiped his own card to call the elevator.

A few seconds later, the elevator doors opened and Allete gave the men a quick thank-you before stepping into the elevator after Arlan.

Then the elevator doors closed and, without any buttons to press, the elevator began its ascent.

"Isn't it annoying, so many security measures?" whispered Arlan.

Allete looked at him and sighed.

"You really don't know how important the Fishers are, do you?"

Arlan shook his head.

Seven years ago, he had no interest in corporations and such, he was just a ten-year-old kid who went to school and played with his friends. Yes, he had heard of the Fisher family, but he had never paid much attention to them.

Even now that he was part of the main family, he didn't care much. He had no word in the business decisions and wasn't even a candidate to inherit the company.

Arlan just didn't want any trouble, especially with his step-sister.

The elevator moved quickly up the floors and Arlan turned to look at the scenery through the elevator glass.

Since the building was at the end of the main street, he could see all the buildings on either side, and at the end of the street, a monument with the Fisher brand on it.

However, as Arlan enjoyed the view, the elevator suddenly entered a dark area before stopping.

Slowly, the elevator doors opened to reveal a small waiting room with a small counter and Lia's personal secretary.

After a short greeting, the secretary opened the doors for Arlan to enter. Allete stayed outside as the meeting was between Lia, Leonard and Arlan.