
Echoes of Flight: The Lifetimes of a Reincarnated Bat

Story of a bat , who bacama god. A commoner who became a king. With a new story ory of an untold tale within Mystery novel focusing on third party veiw

Chino_Kitsune · Fantasi
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26 Chs

Blood of the Prey: The Power of Assimilation

The bat continued its journey of discovery, soaring through the shadows with a newfound sense of purpose. Its skills had grown even stronger, and it had learned to use them with precision and control. But there was one skill in particular that had piqued its interest: "Blood Assimilation."

One night, while hunting for prey, the bat detected a faint heartbeat in the darkness. It swooped down and sank its teeth into the flesh of a small rodent, drinking deeply from its

blood. To its surprise, it felt a surge of power coursing through its veins as the "Blood Assimilation" skill activated.

The bat's body began to transform, assimilating the traits and skills of the rodent it had just consumed. Its hearing became more acute, its claws grew sharper, and its sense of smell heightened. It also gained a new skill called "Rodent Mimicry," which allowed it to imitate the movements and behaviors of its prey with uncanny accuracy.

Excited by its newfound power, the bat set out to hunt more prey and assimilate their blood. Each time it drank, it felt its body growing stronger and more versatile. It assimilated the traits of a spider, gaining the ability to spin webs and crawl along walls. It assimilated the traits of a moth, gaining the ability to fly silently and emit a hypnotic glow.

But with each assimilation came a price. The bat found that it was becoming more aggressive and unpredictable, driven by an insatiable hunger for blood. Its mother tried to warn it, telling it that too much assimilation could lead to madness and self-destruction.

The bat ignored her warnings, consumed by its own power and desire. It continued to hunt and assimilate, growing stronger and more unstable with each passing day. But as it basked in its glory, it could not shake the feeling that something was not quite right.

It was only when it encountered a group of bats from a rival clan that the truth was revealed. As it engaged in battle with the rival bats, it felt a surge of energy and recognition from their blood. It realized with horror that it had assimilated not just the traits and skills of its prey, but also their memories and identities.

The bat recoiled in shock and disgust, realizing that its quest for power had come at a terrible cost. It had become a monster, driven by a hunger that could never be satisfied. It vowed to control its power and use it for good, but the seeds of doubt had already been sown. Could it ever truly master the power of assimilation, or was it doomed to be consumed by it?