
Chapter # 38

'What is this? How am I supposed to defeat her? I'm beginning to lose all hope. I can't bring harm to innocent people. No, what am I supposed to do?'

My thoughts were abruptly interrupted when I felt Ethan grasping my hand and squeezing it tightly. I looked at him, and he silently mouthed 'calm down.'

Master noticed my distress and said.

Master Z: "Katie, you need to understand that they are not real people. They are mere illusions, designed to weaken you. But you must transcend this fear of yours. You need to distinguish between reality and illusion."

Chief Shen: "Becoming frightened and losing hope won't solve any problems."

I looked at them, and they all gave me a reassuring smile.

Suddenly, a voice resonated from nowhere.

??: "Oh, the little princess is scared. Oh my, did I already win."

Chief Shen: "It's the witch." Chief whispered.

Witch: "What should I do with your grandma, then? I told her that you'd be coming to get her. But I think you are too terrified to even come to your own world. I should just kill this old woman."

By now, I was seething with rage.

Me: "You dare touch her, and I'll ensure that you regret your actions."

Witch: "Oh, I like that attitude. If you are so confident, then come and fight me."

Master Z: "Katie, remember, don't be overwhelmed by your emotions. Always think practically."

Me: "Yes, Grandpa. Don't worry. I'll save everyone. I promise. Let's get going then."

Master Z: "Shen, prepare your men too. Let's provide her with as much assistance as we can."

Chief Shen: "Yes, Master."

(Author's P.O.V)

Dead clumps of grass, half-crumpled buildings, uneven floors, ash scars from the fires, curled dead leaves scattered on the ground, wind slipping through the corridors and window openings, crunch of dead leaves, trees creaking in the breeze. Katie was devastated to witness the scene of devastation. Her heart sank at this poignant sight. She couldn't fathom the extent of damage caused in such a short time.

Katie: "How can someone be this heartless?" Tears threatened to fall, her heart ablaze with rage.

Ethan: "That's the world for you, Katie. This is the harsh reality. Everyone here is selfish. Man is never satisfied and always yearns for more. The most fatal aspect of human nature is Greed and Selfishness."

She couldn't agree more, surveying the wreckage the witch had wrought.

Suddenly, a resounding blast echoed from nowhere. Unwittingly, they followed the blast, discovering strange creatures demolishing buildings.

Katie: "These must be the witch's minions." Katie felt an upsurge of anger and dashed towards them. She employed her spells, dispatching them in no time.

Ethan: "Take it easy, feisty girl. Calm down."

Katie: "Sorry, I just couldn't rein in my anger." She surveyed the desolate area. 'They must be wreaking havoc for pleasure. Odious creatures.' She thought.

They were about to depart when a faint shriek reached their ears.

??: "Help me. Someone. I'm stuck." Katie recognized the voice. 'Mia! It's Mia.' She frantically searched for her, and Ethan assisted. She found Mia beneath a pile of bricks. Her heart shattered at the sight. She immediately extricated her.

Katie: "Mia?? Are you fine?!"

Mia: "Katie..it's you. I knew you would come and find me."

Ethan: "But how did you know?" He asked, puzzled.

Mia: "I- uh."

Suddenly, they were encircled by a multitude of minions.

Katie: "Ethan, get ready. None of them should return home unscathed." She said smirking. They commenced knocking them down one by one.

They hurled stone boulders. Katie evaded each attack and struck them with such force that they shattered instantly.

Ethan: "Good work." Both exchanged a high-five.

Mia: "You guys have powers??!" She said excitedly. Katie turned to Mia worriedly.

Katie: "You might be scared, right? Don't worry; I won't let anything happen to you." Mia instantly assumed a hurt expression. "Let's go. I'll tend to your wounds."

They headed to their house. "Done." Katie said, applying the last bandage on Mia's hand.

Strangely, there weren't many injuries. Though Katie was relieved, Ethan was more than perplexed, unable to comprehend how she wasn't more severely hurt even after being under that heavy pile of bricks.

Later, they found themselves in the lounge, the air thick with tension.

Ethan: "Come on, Katie. This won't suffice. You need sustenance to engage in any conflict."

Katie: "I just don't feel like eating anything."

Ethan: "Is something bothering you?" Her eyes welled up with tears. Unable to contain herself any longer, she began to cry.