
Chapter # 34

[Author's P.O.V]

Ethan sensed that Katie might be missing her own father. As they headed home, he decided to surprise her, grabbing her hand and leading her somewhere unexpected.

Katie: "Hey, that's not the way home..."

Ethan: "We're not going home."

Katie: "Then?"

Ethan: "It's a surprise." (◠‿◕)

Ethan guided Katie to a bustling mall.

Katie: "What are we doing here?"

Ethan: "What we should do."

They entered the mall, and Ethan, brimming with excitement, outlined their plan.

Ethan: "Okay, first, a movie, then some food, followed by shopping, games, and another round of eating."

Katie caught his enthusiasm and matched it.

Ethan: "Which one do you wanna see?" He asked looking at the movies in front of the cinema.

Katie: "Let's watch 'Inquisitive Minds.' I've heard it's very informative."

Ethan facepalmed.

Ethan: "Let's watch... 'Home Alone.'"


Katie: "Dude, slow down. It's a cinema, not your home," trying to hush Ethan, who was nearly dying from laughter.

Ethan: "It's really funny."

After the movie, they indulged in cake and tea at a cafe and proceeded to shop.

Katie: "Oh my god, so many cute things. (๑♡⌓♡๑)"

Ethan: "Stop or you'll start drooling."

Katie playfully slapped his arm.

Katie: "Let's buy these-"

Their plans were disrupted by a crashing sound. Stalls in the mall were collapsing, causing panic. People rushed out for their lives. Ethan grabbed Katie's hand, urging her to run.

Ethan: "Run, Katie, what are you waiting for?!"

They both were running when Katie heard some cries. She looked back, some people were struck, some children were separated from their parents, some old people stood scared, not knowing where to go.

'No, this is not right. I have to do something.'

Me: "Ethan, stop. We need to help these people. We can't just run away."

Ethan stopped her.

Ethan: "What are you talking about? We can't use magic. People will know."

Me: "That's not important right now! What's important is to save them."

Undeterred, Katie insisted on helping. Ethan, after some hesitation, agreed.

Me: "First, we need to get everyone out."

Ethan nodded, and together they assisted those affected.

As the situation worsened, the entire mall seemed on the verge of collapse.

Ethan: "We need to hurry up."

Me: "Let's do it this way. I'll go to the side and prevent it from falling, while you help the people."

Ethan: "What are you saying?! You won't be able to hold the entire mall by yourself."

Me: "I can. Believe me."

Ethan: "Be careful."

Katie ran to a side of the mall, chanting a spell and raising her arms to the ceiling. Ethan continued helping people.

After a while, Katie felt her strength waning. Her legs trembled under the strain.

Ethan: "Come on, Katie. Everyone's out. Let's go."

She proceeded cautiously, upholding the spell. The strain of maintaining it grew, making it increasingly challenging. Despite her earnest attempts, she reached a point where sustaining the spell became impossible. With a heavy heart, she faltered, and the building crumbled as her chant ceased. Just before danger loomed over her, Ethan sprinted forward, doing his best to prevent the collapse. Aware of the limits of his own power, Ethan prioritized Katie's safety. He bolstered her efforts with his magic. United, they made their way to the entrance, and as they emerged, the building succumbed to its demise..

Katie: "Gladly, everyone is safe."

Ethan: "Never!-" Katie looked at her. His face faccing downwards as he mumbled something.

Katie: "What?" Her eyes starting to feel heavier.

Ethan: "Never put yourself in danger like this again. I beg you." He smiled worriedly at her.

Katie: "Oh you worry too much. Didn't you save me." She smiled cheekily before she passed out.

Ethan, worried, carried her home.

??: "Hmm, not bad," someone leered, observing the aftermath.

Grandma: "Heavens! What happened to her?" She said fretting over unconscious state of her granddaughter.

Ethan explained to her what had just occurred for her to be in this worrisome state.

Ethan: "She used too much of her energy causing her to pass out-" before he could finish his he coughed blood.

Grandma: "Oh God! Ethan are you alright?" she said panicking. She didn't notice it before but Ethan's state was as terrible as Katie's or maybe worse, yet he was standing there carrying Katie all the way back and still worrying about her while coughing blood himself.

Grandma: "My sweet kid, go and get some rest. I'll take care of Katie so don't worry and get some shut eye."

He nodded and after putting Katie in bed, he took a last glance at her and went to his room.