
Echoes of Colossus

The Lumeneris, a ship patrolling the fringes of a vast galactic civilization, stumbles upon a colossal, enigmatic structure. Their curiosity leads them to investigate, but their initial exploration takes a dangerous turn when they encounter a powerful entity trapped within. Aided by a crewmate's sharp mind and burdened by the legacy of an ancient betrayal, Captain Anya must make a critical choice: help the entity and risk unleashing its power, or leave it imprisoned and risk its unstable energy destroying everything. Their decision sets them on a collision course with the Xythians, a cunning and ambitious alien race with their own designs on the entity's knowledge. Anya and her crew find themselves caught in the middle, forced to forge fragile alliances and navigate a minefield of political intrigue and technological secrets. The entity's knowledge, bestowed upon them as a reward for their courage, opens up a universe of possibilities. Yet, this gift comes at a price. Anya and her crew become the guardians of this immense power, forever changed by their encounter with the colossal structure. As they venture forth into the unknown, they grapple with the responsibility of using their newfound knowledge wisely, ensuring it serves as a beacon of progress, not an instrument of destruction. Echoes of the Colossus is a space opera filled with thrilling action, thought-provoking exploration of knowledge and responsibility, and the intricate dance of trust and betrayal that binds civilizations together in a vast and mysterious galaxy. Join the discord: https://discord.gg/Y9Ruf22g

Dsm · Sci-fi
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56 Chs


Weeks had passed since the Lumeneris' fateful encounter with the colossal structure. Repaired and refueled thanks to the bustling space station, the ship hummed with renewed life. Yet, a sense of unease lingered amongst the crew. The blinding flash of light, the deafening silence, and the unanswered questions gnawed at their minds.

Anya stood on the bridge, gazing out at the starfield. The colossal structure, a distant speck against the vast canvas of space, still held a powerful allure. What secrets did it hold? What became of them after the blinding flash?

A flicker on the main console drew her attention. Ren, his usual cheer slightly subdued, tapped away at the controls. "Captain," he announced, his voice tight with a mixture of excitement and trepidation, "I'm picking up a faint energy signature emanating from the structure. It's weak, but unlike anything I've ever encountered before."

Anya's pulse quickened. Could it be...? "Are you sure it's not just residual energy from our previous encounter?"

Ren shook his head. "Negative, Captain. This signature is… different. It's pulsing, rhythmic, almost like a… heartbeat."

A shiver ran down Anya's spine. A heartbeat? The colossal structure, once a silent monolith, now seemed to possess a life of its own.

Kai, who had been engrossed in a star chart, finally looked up. "What are we waiting for then, Captain? Let's investigate."

Anya hesitated. The memory of the blinding flash and the unknown consequences still weighed heavily on her. But the thirst for knowledge, the need to understand what they had experienced, was too strong to ignore.

Taking a deep breath, Anya straightened her shoulders. "Prepare for re-entry, Ren. We're going back."