
Echoes of Azure and Shadows

In the enchanting world of Etherea, a destiny awaits young Ethan, a kind-hearted boy from Earth. Blessed with wealth and innocence, his life takes a dramatic turn when a bolt of lightning strikes him, snatching his mortal existence away. Reborn into the body of a three-year-old, Ethan discovers a mystical blue flat metal that holds the secrets of unparalleled power between heaven and earth. Guided by the enigmatic Master Li, Ethan embarks on a perilous journey to unravel the mysteries of his newfound abilities. The azure lightning surging within him reveals the path of the Azure Lightning Steps—a forbidden martial cultivation technique. With each step, Ethan's physical prowess grows exponentially, granting him speed, strength, and agility beyond imagination. Yet, as he masters this power, he unearths an even greater secret—the Celestial Eye of Eternity, a forbidden cultivation technique that grants him a unique eye with extraordinary abilities. As Ethan's Azure Lightning Steps ascend, his body crackling with electric energy, he becomes a force to be reckoned with. But the forbidden Celestial Eye of Eternity propels him into an unseen world. With this eye, he pierces illusions, senses unseen foes, and harnesses celestial alignments to augment his powers. The boundary between light and shadow bends to his will, revealing the Twilight Dominion within his grasp. However, the allure of such potent abilities does not go unnoticed. Ethan's rise draws the attention of dark forces hungry for the ultimate power he possesses. Ancient prophecies awaken, and a web of intrigue and treachery entangles his path.

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14 Chs

Uproar in the Azure Crane Clan

"Good news Clan leader." a voice was heard and everyone immediately look back at the intruder that just busted into the grand hall unannounced. Jonathan looked back and noticed the Azure Crane Clan's symbol and armor on the young man that just entered, he raised a brow and asked with a curious voice. "What happened? What good news?"

"Clan leader, the young master has awakened," the guard said and immediately, the hall dropped deadly silent.

Gasps of astonishment filled the atmosphere as the weight of this revelation settled upon the two gathered clans. "What did you say? My son is awakened?" Jonathan Hastings cried out in shock and asked quickly.


"Young master has awakened?"

"How is this possible?"

"Did any rank 4 alchemists come to our clan that we are unaware of?" the group of the Azure Crane Clan Elders were astounded.

"Impossible!!!" the people of Whispering Willow Clan exclaimed in disbelief.

"It was said that Ethan, the young master of the Azure Crane Clan was poisoned with the Soul Corroding Poison, who in the Stormpeak province could refine the Soul Regeneration Pill? Even in the surrounding provinces and towns." the Whispering Willow Clan were stunned, amazed by the weakening of the Soul Corrosive poison without intervention from a rank 4 alchemist, and their faces turned gloomy immediately.

"Ethan Hastings is awakened?" Marcus, momentarily taken aback by the unforeseen turn of events, quickly recovered his composure and viewed the Azure Crane Clan guard with a narrowed gaze. "So your son has awakened," Marcus mused, his mind calculating the implications, "Well, well. It seems our negotiations have taken an intriguing turn." Marcus said.

'There is a rank 4 alchemist also in this small province?' the alchemist, who has been indifferent from the beginning, thought inwardly.

"Congratulations Clan leader!"

"Haha... Heaven is helping our clan"

"I knew our heavenly favored young master will not die quickly like that, guess I'm right."

"Congratulations Clan leader!!!" the member of the Azure Crane Clan and their guard began to congratulate Jonathan Hastings with a joyous look on their faces. Jonathan was so happy that he began to laugh loudly. "Hahaha," Then he turned to look at the guest alchemist of the Whispering Willow Clan and said "Thank you very much, esteem sir, it is unexpected that my son, because of who I am here has awakened. I will be going back to the clan now sir, take care and I wish you a happy time in advance for your upcoming wedding ceremony." Jonathan said with a slight bow.

"No problem." the Alchemist replied indifferently, clearly not in a good mood again. Jonathan and his Elders noticed this but they choose to remain silent, minding their own business.

"Clan leader Willow, I'll be going now, see you next time." Jonathan Hastings said, turning to Marcus Willow with a smile.

"Humph" Marcus Willow harumph coldly and replied. "I will not be seeing you off" his voice dripping with bone-chilling coldness. Jonathan merely smiles before turning back and leaving the Whispering Willow Clan estate with his Elders and guards.

The rank 4 alchemists looked at the faint silhouette of Jonathan and his Elders who were flashing out of the grand hall with a glooming eye. [Who could have healed his useless son in this province without me] he thought with irritation, regarding Ethan's healing without him a blow to his pride. [I will find out who healed him and make him or her pay,] he thought with a menacing look, killing intent flashing in his eyes.


Jonathan and the elders could hardly contain their joy as they hurriedly made their way back to the Azure Crane Clan, their hearts pounding with excitement. Jonathan was so overwhelmed with joy that his speeding figure couldn't be seen with an ordinary eye again.

"Open the gate!"

"Open the gate!"

A commander of the guard ordered in a loud voice and the guards at the Clans gate rushed to open the Clan gate for the Clan leader and the Elders. With his focus only on the clan, Jonathan flashed like a gust of wind inside the Azure Crane Clan's mansion, with the clan Elders tailing from behind.

"You're welcome, Clan leader.!!!"

"Welcome, esteem Elders!!!" the guards saluted in respect.

As they entered the Clan grounds, Jonathan wasted no time and rushed straight into Ethan's room. The door was swung open with a creak, and his eyes dilated with disbelief. There, lying on the bed, was his son, Ethan, wide awake and looking healthier than ever before.

"Husband!" Victoria Hastings call out to Jonathan when she saw him hurrying inside the room, "Our son is alive" she said with a bright smile on her beautiful face. Jonathan looked at his wife with a gentle smile on his face, then he turned to look at his son again.

"Ethan...my son, you've awakened!" Jonathan said with a trembling voice as he couldn't control his emotions.

[Whoa! This is my father? He's so handsome. I have a cute mom and dad, haha... Let's see what I'm gonna look like when growing up] Ethan laughed inwardly, scrutinizing his father with bright eyes.

"Dad!" Ethan cried out to his father excitedly and then he realise he has overreacted and cursed inwardly. [F#ck!! This little body is affecting me too much, I have to control myself or this damn body will even push me to play with sands. Haha, I can't imagine that shit happening to a grown man like me] he thought inwardly with a bitter smile. [But I can't make it too extreme, I'll have to pretend as if I'm a kid too to avoid too much attention and suspicion] he grunted inwardly.


Words of Ethan's awakening spread like wildfire among the members of the Azure Crane Clan. Joyous cries and celebrations echoed throughout the clan's premises, as the news traveled from person to person. Members who had mourned his supposed death were now thrilled.

"Haha, the young master has awakened"

"He's back" they exclaimed, their voices filled with astonishment and wonder.

Amidst the jubilant atmosphere, some clan elders couldn't contain their excitement.

"Haha, can you see those bastards' expressions today?" an elder laughed loudly.

"I couldn't take it anymore at their clan just now, I almost burst out hahaha," the grand elder said. "Let them go to hell," another elder said with a smile.

Ethan's awakening sent shockwaves through the Azure Crane Clan. Some celebrated his return with genuine happiness, while others felt a sense of unease.


Inside Ethan's room, a curvy figure could be seen standing there with a shocked expression on her face. Precious stood frozen, her mind in chaos but she managed to hide her outward expression quickly.

[How is it possible that this damn boy is not dead? Shit!] she screamed inwardly, her mind racing overtime to process the implications of Ethan's mysterious return. She had been counting on his death to solidify her and her son, Kieran's influence within the clan. But now, seeing him alive and well, her carefully crafted schemes crumbled before her eyes. She raised her head to take a closer look at Ethan again but what she saw almost scared her to death.