
Echoes of Azure and Shadows

In the enchanting world of Etherea, a destiny awaits young Ethan, a kind-hearted boy from Earth. Blessed with wealth and innocence, his life takes a dramatic turn when a bolt of lightning strikes him, snatching his mortal existence away. Reborn into the body of a three-year-old, Ethan discovers a mystical blue flat metal that holds the secrets of unparalleled power between heaven and earth. Guided by the enigmatic Master Li, Ethan embarks on a perilous journey to unravel the mysteries of his newfound abilities. The azure lightning surging within him reveals the path of the Azure Lightning Steps—a forbidden martial cultivation technique. With each step, Ethan's physical prowess grows exponentially, granting him speed, strength, and agility beyond imagination. Yet, as he masters this power, he unearths an even greater secret—the Celestial Eye of Eternity, a forbidden cultivation technique that grants him a unique eye with extraordinary abilities. As Ethan's Azure Lightning Steps ascend, his body crackling with electric energy, he becomes a force to be reckoned with. But the forbidden Celestial Eye of Eternity propels him into an unseen world. With this eye, he pierces illusions, senses unseen foes, and harnesses celestial alignments to augment his powers. The boundary between light and shadow bends to his will, revealing the Twilight Dominion within his grasp. However, the allure of such potent abilities does not go unnoticed. Ethan's rise draws the attention of dark forces hungry for the ultimate power he possesses. Ancient prophecies awaken, and a web of intrigue and treachery entangles his path.

Praise_Benjamin · Fantasi
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14 Chs

The Death of Mr. Qi

[Why was I suddenly scared when he looked at me just now? And why did this damn boy's right eye flash with an azure light?] Precious was alarmed and scared when she remember how Ethan's eye scared her a moment ago. She looked up and her eyes met Ethan's eye when all of a sudden, Ethan's right eye flashed with azure light and it quickly disappear, but during that little time, it was as if all her secrets have been seen through.

[Why do I have a feeling that this woman is not a good person] Ethan wondered inwardly but he soon dismiss the thought and focuses on his parents.

~ Two Days Later ~

A young boy and an elegant woman were seen walking down a path in the small garden at the back of the Azure Crane Clan's main mansion.

"Mom, you are still thinking about who poisoned me?" the young boy asked the beautiful woman beside him.

"You are so smart, Ethan. Since the day you were miraculously healed, you have changed so much." Victoria Hastings replied to her son with a gentle smile on her beautiful face, then it was suddenly replaced with curiosity and suspicion as she raised another question that has been bothering her. "You haven't told me how you are healed dear, and do you catch any glimpse of the person that poisoned you?" Victoria asked.

Ethan looked up and ask "Where is the family physician?"

Victoria was caught off-guild and she said with a slight frown, remembering something. "Now that you ask, I haven't heard or seen any traces of him since the day you were awakened," she said but her face suddenly underwent a drastic change, she look at Ethan with a horrified look and said. "Does it have anything to do with Mr. Qi?"


~ Precious Hastings quarter ~

Precious sat down on a luxurious chair in her chamber and an old man could be seen with his head bent, touching the ground as he was kowtowing heavily in front of her.

"You useless piece of shit, you can't even kill a three-year-old boy huh?" Precious Hastings yelled with a bone-chilling voice.

"I'm sorry second madam, it was my fault. I did not think Ethan would have survived the poison that was inflicted on him, I've made a great mess of myself." the old man said with fear all written on his face.


The old man was suddenly slapped and he immediately spit out a mouthful of blood, looking at the cold woman on the chair. "Have mercy, the second madam. Pls, have mercy!!" Mr. Qi cried out.

"Old fool, I will have to clean up the mess that you've made now huh? Trash!!" Precious Hastings look cold. "If you want me to spare your miserable life, then you have to find your way out of this clan, out of this province, and even out of this city tonight, never to look back again." Precious Hastings declared coldly.

"I will leave, leave, I'm leaving right away." Mr. Qi said hurriedly with a sigh of relief.

"SCRAM!!" Precious barked coldly.

"Yes, yes, yes," Mr. Qi said, fleeing the big chamber.

Precious Hastings watched as Mr. Qi was fleeing for his life till he could not be seen again in the darkness of the night, then she turned to a corner with an indifferent face and said, "You know what to do."

"Yes!" a cold female voice replied, and a silhouette flashed out like a ghost in the direction Mr. Qi has just taken. Precious watched the disappearing shadow and smile maliciously.

"Trash!" she spat, walking into her room.


"This useless bitch, she is nothing but a beautiful poisonous flower, this bitch almost killed me because of her useless scheme. I will leave a clue behind for the clan leader and the elders to be able to find out who wants the young master dead, and quickly escape this city without looking back again." Mr. Qi mumbled to himself, on his way to the nearest province.

As the moon bathed the forest in its ethereal glow, Mr. Qi, the physician of the Azure Crane Clan, made his way through the dense foliage. Thinking about how he is going to get his revenge and unveil the truth behind Precious Hastings' treachery, he knew he might as well lose his life if he is not careful enough. Unbeknownst to Mr. Qi, a sense of premonition lingered in the atmosphere. A strange stillness fell upon the forest as if nature itself held its breath in anticipation. Shadows danced ominously, weaving intricate patterns amidst the trees, their presence a haunting prelude to the unfolding tragedy.

Just as Mr. Qi reached a secluded clearing, a chilling breeze brushed against his skin, sending a shiver down his spine. A silhouette emerged from the darkness, cloaked in darkness and wielding a gleaming sword. Its glinting edge hinted at the imminent danger that lay ahead.

"Who...who are you?" Mr. Qi stammered, his voice betraying a mixture of fear and determination. He quickly wields his long spear, facing the silhouette in front of him.

"Who are you and why are you blocking my way?" he asked coldly, "who sent you?" he continued interrogating the strange figure hidden in the darkness.

The mysterious figure remained silent, its gaze fixated upon its target. With a swift, fluid motion, the silhouette lunged forward, the sound of the blade slicing through the air, echoing through the stillness.

"You are courting death. Humph," Mr. Qi Harumph coldly with a sneer, his expression becoming ruthless as he also dashed forward to block the silhouette but then Mr. Qi's eyes widened in disbelief as pain seared through his body.

"Shit, too fast, it's too fast!!" he was alarmed. He staggered backward, clutching his chest, blood staining his hands.

"Who the hell are you? Why...why are you doing th...is? I have no enmity with you." Mr. Qi cried out with a pale face, he was thrown into desperation. He knew he had offended a very high-ranking opponent and he also knew that he was no match for this assassin when they exchanged blows just now.

[Damn it! This person is toying with me just now or else I would have been dead within a strike] he thought bitterly. But his face suddenly changed dramatically, he immediately understand what is going on and said, "Precious Hastings sent you to silence me right?" he asked. He was no fool, he quickly realized he has already been used up and dumped. "At last, she is one step ahead of me... Haha," he laughed in self-reproach.

The silhouette remained stoic, its face hidden beneath a veil of darkness. With an almost graceful movement, it raised the sword once more, preparing to deliver the fatal blow.

Mr. Qi gasped and was desperate to escape but he soon realized to his horror that he couldn't move.

"No-no-no" Mr. Qi roared

"Please don't kill m...e" he pleaded with tears.


A faint chuckle escaped the lips of the silhouette, an eerie sound that seemed to echo through the night. "Your loyalty is applaudable but futile," came the frostiness, calculated response. "No one will know how or who killed you."

With a swift and merciless strike, the silhouette delivered the final blow, silencing Mr. Qi's pleas forever. The forest bore witness to the tragic demise of a clan physician, his life extinguished by the hand of an unknown assassin.


~ Precious Hastings Home ~

Precious Hastings stood in front of her abode with her hands clasped in front of her, she glanced into the night as echoes of spirit beasts and windy gales filled the darkness, a sinister smile playing upon her lips.

"This is only the beginning" she whispered, her voice filled with a venomous satisfaction.

"No one will stand in my way, not even the truth itself."

~ The next day ~

As the darkness started fading from the face of the earth and the light of dawn pierced through it, shocking news spread through the Azure Crane Clan like wildfire.

"Have you heard it?" a disciple asked.

"Heard what???" a group of disciples gathered around the young man that asked the question.

"A report came from the second madam that Mr. Qi, our clan physician has fled after he was caught by one of her maids, he was caught holding soul-corroding poison." the disciple said in one breath.


"How is that possible?"

"Mr. Qi was found with Soul Corroding Poison? My God!"

"Wait! Is it, not the same Soul Corroding Poison that was used on the young master?"

"Don't tell me it was him."

"That damn old foggy, I knew he was nothing good"

Everyone was stunned and started cursing, talking, and wondering why Mr. Qi would suddenly turn against the young master.


Mr. Qi poisoned my Ethan?" Jonathan was stunned and he exploded with rage. "Gather men and search all around the Stormpeak province for any traces of him. I want him dead, I want to tear him to pieces." Jonathan yelled in a bone-chilling voice, his face was so cold that no one could breathe properly under his mighty pressure.

~ 3 years later ~

A sense of excitement and curiosity filled the air of the Azure Crane Clan as everyone was preparing and talking about the important event that is going to be held the following day.

Inside a luxurious blue room, in the main mansion, Ethan sat down on the bed wearing an azure robe with a book in his hands. The book cover was brown and it seems it was pealed out from a spirit beast.

"You are always on this book, Ethan." a sweet voice was heard, and a beautiful woman walked inside the azure room.

"Haha, Mom, you are here" Ethan replied with a silly smile, scratching his head in embarrassment.

"You are six years old now honey, you want to start cultivating so badly, don't worry dear, you will be taking your spirit root test tomorrow, and I know my son will be exceptional," Victoria said with a dotting look on her beautiful face.

"Yes, Mom. I will not let you down." Ethan replied with a serious face. Ever since he has been reincarnated into this world 3 years ago, he has been showered with love and care both from his father and mother, and he respects them so much.

"You are going to be meeting your cousins and uncle tomorrow," Victoria said with a slight frown on her face.

"Mom, what's wrong?" Ethan asked when he noticed something was off.

"It's nothing dear, it's just that your father and his elder brother, which is your uncle don't see eye to eye. But don't worry, he will like you" Victoria said with a sigh.

[So my uncle and my cousins are coming tomorrow huh? Let's see how capable they are] Ethan thought inwardly, his right eye flashing with an azure light.