
Echoes of Azure and Shadows

In the enchanting world of Etherea, a destiny awaits young Ethan, a kind-hearted boy from Earth. Blessed with wealth and innocence, his life takes a dramatic turn when a bolt of lightning strikes him, snatching his mortal existence away. Reborn into the body of a three-year-old, Ethan discovers a mystical blue flat metal that holds the secrets of unparalleled power between heaven and earth. Guided by the enigmatic Master Li, Ethan embarks on a perilous journey to unravel the mysteries of his newfound abilities. The azure lightning surging within him reveals the path of the Azure Lightning Steps—a forbidden martial cultivation technique. With each step, Ethan's physical prowess grows exponentially, granting him speed, strength, and agility beyond imagination. Yet, as he masters this power, he unearths an even greater secret—the Celestial Eye of Eternity, a forbidden cultivation technique that grants him a unique eye with extraordinary abilities. As Ethan's Azure Lightning Steps ascend, his body crackling with electric energy, he becomes a force to be reckoned with. But the forbidden Celestial Eye of Eternity propels him into an unseen world. With this eye, he pierces illusions, senses unseen foes, and harnesses celestial alignments to augment his powers. The boundary between light and shadow bends to his will, revealing the Twilight Dominion within his grasp. However, the allure of such potent abilities does not go unnoticed. Ethan's rise draws the attention of dark forces hungry for the ultimate power he possesses. Ancient prophecies awaken, and a web of intrigue and treachery entangles his path.

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14 Chs

The Azure Metal: Chaos Across the Realms

In the large room, Ethan lay on the bed trying to digest the new information he got after he was reincarnated into the young Ethan's body.

"So this world is vastly different from my formal world. On Earth, magicians are seen as some sort of devils or demonic people and they are so rare people don't believe their ridiculous trick. But here in Etherea, we have Dragons in the legend, three-legged rocs, and diverse powerful spirit beasts huh! Wow," Ethan muttered to himself with an incredulous look.

"It's a pity that what the young Ethan knew about this world is so little, Hmm... I guess I'll soon find out about the surprises and excitement of this strange but incredible world." Ethan said, then he remembered how the formal Ethan died and his immature face turn cold.

"So there are some worms in this family huh? Young one, I will avenge you when I get stronger and will be a good child to your parents, my parents now in this world. I will soar and stand at the peak, thank God I have some knowledge of the cultivation world from some novels I've read online, Webnovels, and some sites on Earth. Hmm, let's see maybe it's the same world or this world is a whole different from what I have been reading on Earth." He said.

As Ethan lay in bed, a peculiar sensation stirred within him. It started as a faint tingling at the center of his consciousness, like a gentle whisper calling out to him from the depth of his being.

"Eh?" Ethan exclaimed.

Curiosity and instinct compelled Ethan to delve into this strange sensation. He closed his eyes, trying to focus inward, checking the vast expanse of his sea of consciousness.

"What's this thing?" he asked.

"Do I have a sea inside of me or what?" Ethan was baffled but then he remembered something and he was stunned.

"Th...is...this is Sea of consciousness?

Wow, why is it so big?" He exclaimed inwardly but then a shimmering blue glow caught his attention, emanating from a distant corner of his mental landscape.

"What's this azure light on my sea of consciences, Don't tell me you're going to kill me again in the same way you did on Earth." Ethan was both enraged and terrified but then he noticed the azure light was calm without giving off the same frightening aura it gave him on Earth.

With a curious face, Ethan approached the source of the glow. As he drew closer, he discovered a mesmerizing flat metal, adorned in shades of vibrant azure color. It seems to pulsate with bizarre energy, beckoning him closer.

"Azure metal? What is this thing?"

He was curious and then he reach out his hand unconsciously. As he reached out, the metal reacted, it's surface warm and inviting to touch.

Suddenly, with an ethereal resonance, the blue metal separated itself from the sea of consciousness, drifting effortlessly toward Ethan's right eye.

"What??" Ethan shouted.

"Stop, stop, stop, please st..op..," he begged but then he suddenly burst out and said, "I knew this blue metal is up to no good, this damn thing has just got me killed on Earth and now it's after me again...? Arghhhhh" Ethan cried out. Ethan was scared witless, but no matter how he cried, the azure metal seems to not care at all and continue heading straight to him.

Time appeared to slow as the metal hovered before him, suspended in midair. An invisible force guided it toward his eye, where it gently merged with his iris, becoming one with him.


Ethan suddenly let out a horrible scream after the azure metal fused with his right eye. The pain was so intense that he wish he could just die again, it was unbearable for his weak body, but then he noticed a refreshing cooling sensation coming out from his sea of consciousness, calming him and strengthening his body but,

"No, no, no!!! Mom, Dad, ahhhhhh" he continued letting out horrible screams. But then a few minutes later, a surge of energy poured through Ethan's body as the merging process was completed.

He felt a profound connection to the azure metal as if it has become part of his very essence.

"Wha...t...the hell?" he muttered in a trembling voice.

Opening his eyes, he beheld an extraordinary sight. The room which was originally lit with a dim light turned bright with azure color when he opened his eyes. His once-ordinary right eye now possessed an otherworldly brilliance, glistening with an azure hue that seemed to mirror the depths of the cultivation world itself.

Ethan blinked in stupefaction, his gaze encompassing a newfound clarity. With this fusion with the azure metal, his right eye had become a conduit, capable of piercing through the roof of the building, he turned left, and he could see maids and servants going about, performing their tasks.


"Eh?" a maid suddenly exclaimed.

"I think I felt a curious gaze on my back just now," another maid said.

"You felt it too?" the first maid asked.



"Wow!" Ethan was astounded.

"I could hear what they are saying clearly," he said with an excited gaze but then;

"Ahhhh" he suddenly screamed and quickly close his eyes and then everything returned to normal.

"I will have to wait till I'm able to cultivate before using this ability again anytime I deem fit," he grunted with frustration. But it was unknown to him the chaos he had evoked outside world when the azure metal fused with his eyes.


In the realm of Etherea, every powerful and divine being in the realm was started by the emergence of an azure light that suddenly pierced through various realms, causing the ripping of both conspiracy and unease among the powerful beings who inhabited the various realms. As the metal merged with Ethan's right eye, its emergence unleashed unforeseen chaos, disturbing the delicate balance of power and drawing the attention of formidable entities from across the realms.

Deep within the celestial realm, a magnificent avian deity adorned in resplendent plumage of gold and crimson was engrossed in his immortal meditation. However, an Azure light suddenly pierced the celestial heavens.

"Hmm?" an ancient voice was heard and the avian deity's eyes were snapped open, its radiant gaze fixated on the mortal realm.

"Azure light piercing through the nine heavens, could it be...?" the Avian deity muttered to himself with a shocked face. Then it outstretched its divine wings and it suddenly disappeared like a ghost.

A similar occurrence was also happening in another mysterious realm. In the darkest depths of the Netherworld, where shadows danced and the whispers of the departed echoed, an ancient being reigned with authority. As the azure light penetrated the boundaries between realms, upsetting the serenity of the underworld, the lord of the Netherworld's attention was ensnared.

Emerging from the chasms, a figure shrouded in inky darkness and adorned with a crown of ethereal flames, cast a menacing gaze toward the mortal realm, intrigued by the unfolding chaos and the mysterious power that has surfaced.

"So it's finally here." a hoarse voice came out of the Lord of Netherworld's mouth.

"Jejejejeje" he cackled strangely and disappeared within the shadow.

~ Astral Plane ~

"Did you see that?" a voice sounded from an unknown place in the surroundings.

"Yes." an ancient being replied. Straddled upon the Celestial plane, Seraphia, the Enigmatic Keeper of the Astral plane, a luminescent being with iridescent wings that glowed like stardust, gazed down upon the mortal realm with an enigmatic smile.

"The prophesy is true," it said with a smile.

"But I did not expect the azure metal to choose someone from the mortal realm" it continued.

"It needs to grow with the fated one, I just hope those guys haven't noticed the azure metal's emergence." the strange voice sounded again, but now with a tinge of worry.

"Even if they notice the azure light, there is no way they would be able to track down its location for now," Seraphina said.

"I hope so." the strange voice responded.