
Echoes of Azure and Shadows

In the enchanting world of Etherea, a destiny awaits young Ethan, a kind-hearted boy from Earth. Blessed with wealth and innocence, his life takes a dramatic turn when a bolt of lightning strikes him, snatching his mortal existence away. Reborn into the body of a three-year-old, Ethan discovers a mystical blue flat metal that holds the secrets of unparalleled power between heaven and earth. Guided by the enigmatic Master Li, Ethan embarks on a perilous journey to unravel the mysteries of his newfound abilities. The azure lightning surging within him reveals the path of the Azure Lightning Steps—a forbidden martial cultivation technique. With each step, Ethan's physical prowess grows exponentially, granting him speed, strength, and agility beyond imagination. Yet, as he masters this power, he unearths an even greater secret—the Celestial Eye of Eternity, a forbidden cultivation technique that grants him a unique eye with extraordinary abilities. As Ethan's Azure Lightning Steps ascend, his body crackling with electric energy, he becomes a force to be reckoned with. But the forbidden Celestial Eye of Eternity propels him into an unseen world. With this eye, he pierces illusions, senses unseen foes, and harnesses celestial alignments to augment his powers. The boundary between light and shadow bends to his will, revealing the Twilight Dominion within his grasp. However, the allure of such potent abilities does not go unnoticed. Ethan's rise draws the attention of dark forces hungry for the ultimate power he possesses. Ancient prophecies awaken, and a web of intrigue and treachery entangles his path.

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14 Chs

The Awakening.

"What's the problem?" Jonathan Hastings asks the Family Physician with an ugly look, he got the feeling that something is not right.

"I think the young master condition is already beyond saving at this stage without a rank 4 Alchemist. No matter how I try to neutralize this poison from the young master's body, it's too devious and it will only spread faster." the physician said.

"A low-level intermediate Alchemist?" Jonathan Hastings exclaimed, his face ghastly pale.

"Our Azure Crane Clan is only having a rank 2 Alchemist, only the royal family of our kingdom can have a rank 4 Alchemist in their midst," Jonathan exclaimed in a sonorous voice.

"But we can still buy time for the young master if we could get a Celestial Mist, and luckily, I have a middle rank-1 Celestial Mist with me here. With this Celestial Mist, he will be able to hold on a little 'till we found a rank 4 Alchemist." the physician said.

"The Celestial Mint?" Jonathan asked with an expectant gaze just to be sure,

"Yes, Clan leader." the physician said

"Very good!" Jonathan said,

"I will have to inform the elders, grand elders, and see if we could hire any level 4 Alchemist from the Royal Capital"

It must be known that Celestial Mist is very essential to every cultivator because it helps in clearing energy blockages, refreshes the spirit, and promotes spiritual rejuvenation. If getting the higher rank ones, some advanced Alchemist can do anything to get their hands on it.

Jonathan left Ethan's room with a heavy heart, looking at the unconscious Ethan on the bed but unknowingly to him, life has already started slipping away from the young boy.


"Clan leader!!!" the elders called out in salutation with a slight bow when they saw Jonathan's tall and handsome figure entering the main hall with a dark face.

Jonathan look at them and he quickly calm down, hiding his emotions from his face, but the three Grandelders noticed it and the trio nodded their head in approval.

"Clan Leader, what is the situation now?" the first Elder asked.

"Everything is under control. Sir Qi, the family physician has already given him Celestial Mist" Jonathan responded.

"Celestial Mist?"

"That's incredible!"

They all said but they soon noticed Jonathan's expression, which look dark at the moment.

"Is there something else, Clan Leader?" the female Elder raised a question curiously?

"Sir Qi said if we want to truly heal my son, we have to find a rank 4 Alchemist" Jonathan suddenly said.


Someone among the Elder was enraged and slammed his hands on the armrest of his chair and it suddenly turn to dust.

"Where do we get a rank 4 Alchemist in Storm Peak Province?"

The Elder yelled with anger.

Storm Peak Province, under the Shengdi Kingdom, is a hash and windy territory, renowned for its powerful storm, lighting-wielding cultivators, and wind-based cultivators. But in the Shengdi Kingdom, different cultivators with different cultivation techniques filled the Kingdom with the Royal family presiding over the affairs, noble clans, and powerful sects in the Kingdom.

"I caught wind of important information, Clan leader." someone suddenly said among the group of Elders. The person wore a blue robe, he was a middle-aged man with a coiled mustache and with a pair of cunning eyes.

Jonathan looked at the man and asked, "Elder Jon, what information?"

"I heard the Whispering Willow Clan invited a rank 4 Alchemist from the Royal capital but I'm not sure why or what the Whispering Willow Clan promised the esteem Alchemist." Elder Jon responds.


"Are you sure?"

"Is it true?"

"A rank 4 Alchemist? My God!"

The Elders and Grandelders exclaimed in astonishment, clearly surprised.

"It was said that they invited him because of their family prodigy, Noah. We all know that at the Spirit Root Test last year, Noah Willow threw every clan in Stormpeak Province into an uproar because of the emergence of his Rare Spirit Root." Elder Jon said.



Everyone nods in agreement.

"It's truly a big event that has happened for the past one hundred years in Stormpeak province, not even in our Azure Crane Clan." Someone said among the elders.

"That Noah lad surely has unlimited potential and it was even said he was just seven when he took the test last year." an elder with pale white skin, in a green robe, said, and everyone one nod in agreement.

"It was said that Noah's father, the clan leader of Whispering Willow Clan wanted to make a rank 3 Qi Refining Pills for him. The pills must be at least 80% pure without impurities." Elder Jon said.

"Oh?" Jonathan raised an eyebrow in shock.


A cold snort was suddenly heard from one of the higher seats which belongs to the Grandelders.

"So what if they have an unusual genius in their clan?" he harumphs coldly and continues "All we have to do now is ask the rank 4 Alchemist in Whispering Willow clan a favor if he is willing to help then we will give him whatever thing he asked for as a price for helping us." The Grandelder said.

The Grandelder possessed an imposing physique, his eyes sharp with a shade of deep azure.

"What Grandmaster said is true, that's what we are going to do" Jonathan Hastings nod in support of what the Grandelder said.


~ Whispering Willow Clan ~

The Whispering Willow Clan residence was nestled within a unique valley in the Stormpeak Province, enclosed by towering Willow trees and serene lakes. The Whispering Willow Clan, with its profound connection to the wind element and its deep reverence for nature, holds a unique and revered position within the Stormpeak Province. They are known for their agility and stealth.

Within a great hall in the Whispering Willow Clan, several entities could be seen within the hall with some guards hidden in the shadow, each of their cloth was with the symbol of an elegant Willie tree, gracefully swaying in the wind. At the highest seat in the great hall, a man's sharp gaze could be seen.

Marcus Willow, the Clan leader of the Whispering Willow Clan, possessed a face that is a study in contradiction. At first glance, his features exude an air of dignity and refinement, drawing trusting individuals under his bout. However, a closer look reveals subtle hints of ruthlessness and deviousness that lie beneath the surface. His eyes, sharp and piercing, hold a glint of cunning. They are striking blue, and his eyebrows, are meticulously arched, which gave him an aura of complete control and manipulation. A prominent scar visibly runs across his left cheek, a testament to his ruthless nature.

"Esteem lord, what do you think about my son's talents?" Marcus asked while looking at a young man that looks like he is in his 30s with an arrogant air, seating beside him in one of the highest seats.

"It's promising, considering this remote area." the arrogant young man replied with an emotionless face.

"Hehe, don't worry great Alchemist, you will soon be able to witness his full potential." Marcus Willow said with a confident smile.

The Alchemist remain silent but he was smiling in disdain inwardly.

But at this moment, a guard stepped forward, knelt with one knee on the ground, and said "Clan leader, the people of Azure Crane Clan are here."


~ Azure Crane Clan ~

In a large, dimly lit room, a sense of heaviness and gloom hung in the air. The flickering candlelight cast dancing shadows on the walls, picturing a surreal scene. At the center of it, all lay a frail, sickly boy, that's suffering from a potent poison. In the body of this sickly boy, life started slipping away slowly till he took his last breath.

Suddenly, as the clock ticked away, the boy's eyes fluttered open, revealing striking azure orbs that seemed to hold a depth beyond his tender years. It was as if the Universe had chosen this child as the conduit for a greater destiny.

Despite the lingering weakness in his body, the little boy possessed an ethereal beauty that captivated those who gazed upon him. His features were delicate as if carefully sculpted by an artist's hand. Smooth, porcelain-like skin adorned his face, untouched by the trials of life. His dark, tousled hair fell in gentle waves, framing his countenance with an almost celestial charm.

But it was his eyes that truly mesmerized him. Azure pools, shimmering with a hint of wisdom far beyond his years, held an ancient knowledge that whispered of the experiences of a soul reborn. They sparkled with a quiet determination and a curiosity that seemed to reach into the depths of the universe itself.

As the boy blinked, his lashes skimmed against his porcelain cheeks, bringing out the innocence and vulnerability that coexisted within him.

"Where am I?" a fragile voice was suddenly heard in the tranquil room.

"The rainstorm, Mr. Kol, the blue light, and the azure thunder, are they all a dream?" he asked himself in extreme bewilderment.



A painful cry voice was suddenly heard, the boy screaming while holding his head with his small hand.

"Wha...t...what is going on?"

"I'm dead?" "the azure lightning kill me?"

His heart was in chaos at this moment.

"so I have now reincarnated into a three-year-old body?" he asked himself.

"We both have the same name, what a coincidence. Maybe it's fate." Ethan smiled bitterly.

A smile formed on Ethan's face, radiating innocence and warmth that belied the weight of his past life experiences.

"Dad, Mom, my friends, and everyone on Earth... Sigh!" he sighed, thinking about how devastated they would be when they discover he is dead.

"Well, thanks to this old man for poisoning the formal Ethan and allowing me to occupy this body. Maybe it's fate or something but I can't believe those novels that I've read on the web novel Earth about reincarnation, that I would now experience it." he smile with a complicated expression that doesn't fit his innocent face.

"In this life, I'm gonna explore this world, I must grow stronger, be able to control my fate. And if the Gods stand in my way I will destroy them, not even Gods nor demons can stop me, Ethan."