
Echoes of Azure and Shadows

In the enchanting world of Etherea, a destiny awaits young Ethan, a kind-hearted boy from Earth. Blessed with wealth and innocence, his life takes a dramatic turn when a bolt of lightning strikes him, snatching his mortal existence away. Reborn into the body of a three-year-old, Ethan discovers a mystical blue flat metal that holds the secrets of unparalleled power between heaven and earth. Guided by the enigmatic Master Li, Ethan embarks on a perilous journey to unravel the mysteries of his newfound abilities. The azure lightning surging within him reveals the path of the Azure Lightning Steps—a forbidden martial cultivation technique. With each step, Ethan's physical prowess grows exponentially, granting him speed, strength, and agility beyond imagination. Yet, as he masters this power, he unearths an even greater secret—the Celestial Eye of Eternity, a forbidden cultivation technique that grants him a unique eye with extraordinary abilities. As Ethan's Azure Lightning Steps ascend, his body crackling with electric energy, he becomes a force to be reckoned with. But the forbidden Celestial Eye of Eternity propels him into an unseen world. With this eye, he pierces illusions, senses unseen foes, and harnesses celestial alignments to augment his powers. The boundary between light and shadow bends to his will, revealing the Twilight Dominion within his grasp. However, the allure of such potent abilities does not go unnoticed. Ethan's rise draws the attention of dark forces hungry for the ultimate power he possesses. Ancient prophecies awaken, and a web of intrigue and treachery entangles his path.

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14 Chs

Lianna Crane

~ Whispering Willow Clan ~

Marcus Willow sat on the prestigious throne and the elders around him were all discussing an important matter with him. With a heavy atmosphere in the room, one could tell it was a grave matter.

"According to the reports being sent by our spies in the Azure Crane Clan, the Azure Crane Clan is having some good seedlings this time around but two out of those that have been tested are monstrously talented. The two are Rowan Ashford, the son of the First Elder of Azure Crane Clan while the second one is Kieran Hastings, the first son of Jonathan Hastings, the clan leader of the Azure Crane clan. But according to the report, the test is still ongoing so there might be some other prodigy appearing in Azure Crane Clan." one of the Elders said solemnly. The Elder was named Jareth Willow and he had deep, piercing blue eyes that seemed to hold secrets within their depths. A palpable sense of power enclosed him, making others wary of his presence. And by his side, he wields a slender silver staff adorned with intricate engravings, a symbol of his mastery over spiritual energy. His silvery-white hair cascades down his back, adding to his enigmatic appearance. And he was dressed in flowing midnight blue robes, adorned with intricate patterns that shimmered shimmer under the moonlight.

"That Rowan is truly a prodigy, it was said that he had a level 4 brown spirit root with two spirit symbols." Another Elder replied. His name was Elder Marius Willow.

Elder Willow Marius had sharp, piercing green eyes that seemed to miss nothing.

Coupled with his cunning and shrewd character, Elder Marius is known for his deceitful nature and manipulative tactics. He had an aura of slyness and trickery surrounding him, making it hard to trust his intentions. By his side was a pair of slender daggers with blades as dark as night, perfectly reflecting his stealthy and elusive nature.

His jet-black hair was slicked back, giving him a sleek and dangerous look. Clad in deep crimson robes, embellished with intricate embroidery that symbolizes his position as an elder.

"Yes. He is young and promising." Marcus Willow said.

"How about that Kieran boy, his potential is much higher than that of Rowans." Elder Jareth asked while tapping his finger on the edge of his chair.

"We are going to see what we can do about him for now, remember what I told you all. Let's wait for the upcoming Dragon and Phoenix tournament that's going to be held in 5 years. I believe we have enough prodigies in our clan also that can stop and even topple over the Azure Crane Clan disciples." Marcus Willow replied.

"Clan leader, what if there is another monstrously talented prodigy appearing in their clan again?" A female elder asked from the side. She had enchanting and mysterious violet eyes that held a hint of deep wisdom. She was serene and poised, she carried herself with grace and dignity, masking her true intentions. She Radiates a calming presence, but beneath her composed exterior lies a mind full of hidden agendas. Her flowing silver hair cascaded down her back like a waterfall, enhancing her otherworldly allure. Adorned in flowing lavender robes, intricately embroidered with delicate patterns that seem to shift and change like wisps of smoke.

"Yes, Clan leader, Elder Elara Willow has a very good point. If there's someone that's too talented among them, what are we gonna do?" Elder Marius Willow said, clearly in support of what Elder Elara Willow said.

"I receive an order from the main family in the imperial city to watch out for any demonic genius that could appear at any time. If this kind of genius should appear in our clan then we are fortunate but if this kind of genius appeared in the neighboring clan or even in the Azure Crane Clan, then we have to find every means to recruit him or her to our clan and send him to the main clan in the capital. But if he or she refuses our good offer then we have no choice but to exterminate them." Marcus Willow said with a cold glint on his face.

"There is such a message from the main clan?"

"I didn't know."

"What about Kieran, can't we just recruit him?" someone asked silently.

"Bullshit! Can you recruit Jonathan Hastings's first son into Whispering Willow Clan?" another person responded while looking at the person that asked the question in disdain.

"Silence!" Marcus Willow said but as he was about to continue with what he was saying, a guard rushed into the grand hall and quickly bowed his head.

"Clan leader, there is an urgent matter you have to hear." The guard said respectfully.

"What is the matter commander? Speak!" Marcus Willow asked curiously.

"Jonathan Hastings, the clan leader of the Azure Crane Clan has made a breakthrough and become a Core Formation Realm practitioner." the guard quickly said and it was as if a bomb was dropped on their heads.

"What? What did you say?"

"How dare you joke with us. Is what you're saying true?"

"Commander, is it true?"

Jonathan has a breakthrough and becomes a Core Formation Realm powerhouse?"

"What the hell is going on here?" The Elder was dumbfounded and they cried out incredulously.

Marcus Willow stood up, flashed, and immediately appeared in front of the kneeling commander. "Tell me everything, what is happening there?" he declared.

"It's like this…" the guard started recounting everything that happens at the Azure Crane clan's spirit roots test. "Elder Felix, the disciplinary elder of the Azure Crane Clan targeted Jonathan Hastings's son, Ethan Hastings. He insisted that Ethan should be punished for calling his elder brother, Kieran stupid because of the little brawl they had. He also argued that he was only making sure that the clan's rules and regulations were not broken. But then a young fat boy who is likely to be Ethan's friend insulted Elder Felix and out of anger, Elder Felix released his heaven and earth energy and let his aura press upon them but then Jonathan was immediately enraged, and he made Elder Felix vomit a mouthful of blood with only one strike, and he just sent out an ordinary palm strike but it gravely injured elder Felix even though Elder Felix tried defending against it with his ultimate fist techniques." the guard said, recounting how and what happened at the Azure Crane Clan's spirit roots test.

"He defeated him with a strike? Just an ordinary palm strike?" Marcus Willow and the other Elders were astonished.

"How strong." Elder Jareth murmured inwardly.

"But there's another thing, clan leader and it was extremely strange." the commander suddenly said.

"What????" Everyone glanced at the commander with burning eyes.


The guard swallowed when he noticed the elders burning gazes on him and he quickly said. "It's about Ethan Hastings, the second son of Jonathan Hastings, and that Fatty."

~ Azure Crane Clan - In the Martial Hall ~

"Lay low for now and don't expose our plans, it is unexpected that he has reached the Core Formation Realm, we have to make another plan." Elder Felix suddenly heard a transmitted voice in his head. He clenched his fist tightly and calmed down.

"Thank you for showing mercy, Clan leader." Elder Felix's face suddenly turned to an amiable smile and he quickly said.

Ethan looked at Elder Felix and thought [This man is truly a venomous snake. I have to quickly improve my strength if I want to be saved and protect the people that I love.]

"Let's continue with the test." a voice was suddenly heard and everyone immediately quieted down and turned to look at Richard Crane who had just spoken.

Richard turned to look at Jonathan and said, "Congratulations brother for breaking through into the Core Formation Realm."

"It's nothing, esteem elder, you don't have to bother about a lowly person like me." Jonathan Hastings replied with a monotonous voice.

"You can't say it's nothing, Jonathan, you've just broken through to the novice stage of the Core Formation Realm which is stage 1 but you knocked a staged 9 Spirit Awakening Realm as if you're playing with an ant. It's impressive!" Richard Crane said. Then he looked at Elder Felix and said indifferently "You can start now"

"Yes, my lord." Elder Felix replied and then he flashed and appeared on the grand stage again.


"Participant number 13, step forward," Elder Felix announced, and immediately, a young girl walked out.

She was a young girl who possessed an air of regality that befits her noble lineage. Her deep sapphire blue eyes exude wisdom and confidence, and with every movement, Lianna exudes unerring confidence, carrying herself with grace and poise. Her flowing azure robes, adorned with intricate crane patterns, symbolize her connection to the clan's esteemed lineage. Within her, there is a calm and focused aura, as if she holds the secrets of ancient wisdom.

"Look… It's Lianna Crane" someone suddenly cried out.

"She is so beautiful!" another disciple said with a dazed look.

"She's just an ordinary member of the clan but she exudes grace and elegance at such a young age."

"What's her age?" someone suddenly asked.

"She's 7." a short disciple replied.

Everyone looked at the young beautiful girl that was making his way to the stage. She walked past everyone and suddenly turned to glance in Ethan's direction before turning away, but on a closer look, a smile could be seen at the corner of her small lips.

Ethan looked at Lianna Crane and entered deep thought. [Why do I have this strange feeling that this little girl is nothing ordinary?] he thought while watching Lianna as she was making her way to the grand stage.

"Deep your right hand inside the pool of water in front of you and channel your spiritual energy." Elder Felix said while looking at the young Lianna.

Lianna nodded and deep his right hand into the pool of water when all of a sudden the pool of water began to ripple frantically and it started doing as if it was boiling.

"What is this?" Everyone's breath was stopped as they opened their eyes wide while staring at the pool of water on the grand stage.

Suddenly the shunning water stopped and everyone was stunned, "that's all?"

"what the…" someone was about to curse when all of a sudden, a blinding silver light suddenly glowed brightly and

"DING!" "DING!!" "DING!!!" "DING!!!!" "DING!!!!!" "DING!!!!!!" "DING!!!!!!!" "DING!!!!!!!!" "DING!!!!!!!!!" "DING!!!!!!!!!!"

The already familiar sound of the bell suddenly sounded strange to everyone as they were stricken dumb by what they had just heard.

"It's a silver spirit root, the legendary silver spirit root."

"What? 10 times! The bell sounded 10 times."

"She's a demon, a demon"



Richard Crane suddenly stood up and cried out in a loud voice. "The ultimate level of Silver Spirit Root? Hahaha. I have found a gem."

"Wow!" Lucas and the other three were also surprised.

"Impossible!!!" Kieran cried out as he looked at the glowing silver light. "Why? Why will she be more talented than me?" he cried inwardly while looking at Lianna with a hostile gaze.

Jonathan Hastings and his two wives were also thunderstruck, they looked at Lianna while Jonathan Hastings kept on nodding his head with a wide smile while saying "Good, very good, hahaha, very good."

"I knew she was not ordinary. Wow!" Ethan muttered while looking at Lianna with a gentle smile on his face.

Suddenly someone shouted, "What is this thing?" and everyone turned to look.

A majestic silver bird could be seen gazing down on everyone and everyone in the all immediately felt a chill running down their spine.

"It's a Phoenix, a silver Phoenix. It's a divine bird." someone suddenly shouted among the elders.

"This is an Astral Moon Phoenix" Ethan suddenly said silently but it was still heard by Fatty. Fatty looked at Ethan with a curious look and said, "How did you know its name?"

"I just know," Ethan said while looking away.

"Hahaha," Fatty laughed.

Ethan has become less guided with Fatty and he noticed that they are both getting along extremely well.

~ Whispering Willow Clan ~

"But there's another thing, clan leader and it was extremely strange." the commander suddenly said.

"What????" Everyone glanced at the commander and asked.

"It's about Ethan Hastings, the second son of Jonathan Hastings, and that Fatty."

"When Elder Felix was pressuring them with his stage 8 Spirit Awakening Realm aura the other time, it was said that Ethan and Fatty did not even move an inch and they were completely fine under the pressure."

"What???" Elder Marius cried out and Marcus raised an eyebrow, he was surprised too.

"How is that possible for someone that's still in Foundation Realm to stand completely fine under a Spirit Awakening Realm master?" another elder said

"I don't believe it." Elder Elara spoke out.

"If it's true then I will have to recheck these two."

"Hmm?" the kneeling guard suddenly yelped and everyone looked at him.

"clan…clan…leade…r" he stammered while looking like someone who had just seen a ghost.


"I've just received a message transmission from one of my subordinates, something bizarre has happened at the Azure Crane Clan," he said and everyone looked at him immediately.