
Echoes of Azure and Shadows

In the enchanting world of Etherea, a destiny awaits young Ethan, a kind-hearted boy from Earth. Blessed with wealth and innocence, his life takes a dramatic turn when a bolt of lightning strikes him, snatching his mortal existence away. Reborn into the body of a three-year-old, Ethan discovers a mystical blue flat metal that holds the secrets of unparalleled power between heaven and earth. Guided by the enigmatic Master Li, Ethan embarks on a perilous journey to unravel the mysteries of his newfound abilities. The azure lightning surging within him reveals the path of the Azure Lightning Steps—a forbidden martial cultivation technique. With each step, Ethan's physical prowess grows exponentially, granting him speed, strength, and agility beyond imagination. Yet, as he masters this power, he unearths an even greater secret—the Celestial Eye of Eternity, a forbidden cultivation technique that grants him a unique eye with extraordinary abilities. As Ethan's Azure Lightning Steps ascend, his body crackling with electric energy, he becomes a force to be reckoned with. But the forbidden Celestial Eye of Eternity propels him into an unseen world. With this eye, he pierces illusions, senses unseen foes, and harnesses celestial alignments to augment his powers. The boundary between light and shadow bends to his will, revealing the Twilight Dominion within his grasp. However, the allure of such potent abilities does not go unnoticed. Ethan's rise draws the attention of dark forces hungry for the ultimate power he possesses. Ancient prophecies awaken, and a web of intrigue and treachery entangles his path.

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14 Chs

Fatty Is a Demonic Genius

"Participant number 14, step forward!"

"Participant number 15, step forward!"

"Participant number 16, step forward!"

Elder Felix began to call out the participant numbers and each one of them began to come out to take their spirit Root test until it reached the number 24 turn to come out and take the test.

"Participant number 24, step forward!" Elder Felix's voice was heard and everyone turned their heads curiously, they were all waiting for the participant to come outside.

"Ehh? It's my turn already." Fatty suddenly exclaimed and turned to look at Ethan, "Hey little brother, I will be going now." he said.

Ethan looked at him and then gave him a thumb, "Go Fatty, you can do this."

"You know me well," Fatty said and puffed his chest out, then he swagger to the grand stage.


"Ehh? This is Fatty. So he's participant number 24." a middle-aged man said while looking at Fatty in surprise.

"This boy is so audacious and daring, haha. See how he reprimanded Elder Felix the other time, I just hope Elder Felix won't give him a hard time in the clan in the future." a thin man that looks with a heavy mustache replied.


Elder Felix watched as Fatty made his way to the grand stage and his eyes glittered dangerously. [You this damn thing, I will find a way to deal with you today.] he thought inwardly.

Fatty got to the stage and bowed slightly, then he said, "Elder, can we begin now?" while looking at Elder Felix with an innocent face.

[Damn it! You are now feigning innocence, right?] Elder Felix cursed inwardly then he looked at Fatty and said with a cold voice, "What is your name?"

"My name is Jasper Crane, I was but an ordinary member of the clan, but not anymore now because I've got a nice brother," Fatty replied with a silly smile.

Everyone was surprised when they heard his name.

"So his name is Jasper Crane. He got a nice name for the most handsome boy in our clan." someone suddenly said with sarcasm.

"Hahaha!!!!!!" and everyone burst out laughing.

"So his name is Jasper huh? What a nice name but I'll still prefer calling him Fatty" Ethan muttered with a wry smile.


"Who are your parents?" Elder Felix continued questioning him with a cold voice.

"Eh? What have parents gotten to do with the Spirit Roots test?" Fatty asked immediately while looking at Elder Felix with a frown.

Elder Felix's face darkened when he heard Fatty's question and he said coldly. "Answer me! Oh, you don't have any parents in the clan? Tell me, are you an imposter? You must be a spy." he said with a loud voice.

"Men, arrest this spy and take him away." Elder Felix cried out coldly and three guards began to rush forward.

"Stop!" a frost voice was suddenly heard and the guards stopped in their tracks, they turned to look at who had stopped them and Ethan immediately walked out at a slow pace with his hands behind his back.

"Young master Ethan, this is none of your business." Elder Felix's face turned gloomy when he saw Ethan's figure.

"Of course it is," Ethan replied indifferently then he said. "Elder Felix, how did you suddenly assume that my friend is an imposter? Do you think I will have a spy as a friend? Or what you are trying to say is that I'm also a spy?" he questioned.

"No, young master, it's not like that, how will you be an imposter when we all witness your birth and your poisoning," he said with a strange tone that was both telling and threatening Ethan that he should respect his elders and that something might happen to him if he continues to disrespect his elders.

Jonathan Hastings frowned when he heard this but he still chooses to remain calm and watch.

"You don't have to remind me or try to scold me, Elder Ethan. My friend here was also born in the clan like how you all witnessed mine but he wasn't noticed because his parents were just ordinary people, so you asking about his parents now just because you can't see them is over the line already, is everyone in the clan here in the Martial Hall today? Elder, you have to do better next time." Ethan said calmly with his hands still clasped behind him.

Everyone looked at Ethan with their mouth wide open, they were all shocked about how wise and thoughtful he is at such a young age. Someone that couldn't take it anymore suddenly looked at the person beside him and said, "What is Ethan's age again?"

"6, he is still 6." the person answered absentmindedly.

"My God! Is he a reincarnated master from the past?"

"Young master Ethan is so smart and cool"

Everyone was surprised at how smart, bold, and how Ethan was speaking with Elder Felix.

Richard was also surprised, he looked at Ethan, trying to see through him but he noticed that he couldn't get a thing from the young boy. "This boy is strange, what secret is he hiding?" Richard Crane thought inwardly but he soon dismissed the thought. "There is no way a 6-year-old boy would be hiding a great treasure within him," he muttered and then looked up and said, "Elder Felix, let Jasper take his test, he is not an imposter."

"Yes, esteemed lord." Elder Felix bowed slightly.

Ethan looked at Richard Crane and then he turned back and walked back to where he was standing before.

"Deep your right hand inside the pool of water in front of you and channel your spiritual energy." Elder Felix said while looking at Fatty with a cold gaze.

Fatty shrugged his shoulders and moved closer to the small pool of water on the stage and deep his right hand into the water.


The water began to ripple and suddenly the water started bringing out hot steam while the water began to glow with a bright red light. And everyone in the room felt as if they were all on fire.

"What the hell? Am I in hell?" someone suddenly shouted.

"Ahhhhh!!!" Some weaker disciples began to scream due to the high temperature and the elders immediately released their spiritual energy to shield everyone in the hall.

But then they soon heard what made them forget the pain they were feeling from the heat.

"DING!" "DING!!" "DING!!!" "DING!!!!" "DING!!!!!" "DING!!!!!!" "DING!!!!!!!" "DING!!!!!!!!" and then it stopped.

"Eight times, it sounded eight t…" That person was still saying this when "DING!!!!!!!!!" another sound was heard.

"Nine? It's a grade 9 red Spirit roots" The person let out a scream and everywhere went up in uproar.

"Fatty is so talented?"

"I can't believe it! How is this possible?"

"Am I having a very long dream today, someone should wake me up"


"Ahhhhhhhh!! Who smacked me? Who?" the person was enraged and he bellowed.

"Hahaha!!!!!!" Everyone laughed.

"I can't believe this shameless Fatty to be a demonic genius. Wow!"

Ethan was stunned and smiled slightly, "this boy is so talented wow." he said inwardly. He has already noticed this when Elder Felix was pressuring both of them with his spiritual energy, Fatty should have fallen on his knee but he was still standing tall and enduring it.

Fatty smiled and was about to walk back when he was suddenly stopped by a voice.

"Jasper Crane, wait!" Richard suddenly said and he stood up from where he was sitting.

Fatty stopped and turned to look at Richard Crane, then he bowed slightly and said, "Yes? Esteem lord."

"Will you follow me to the imperial capital and join our main clan there? You see, you will have access to great resources and you will be well nurtured. With your potential, you will even be able to surpass many geniuses in the capital in a short time if you work hard." Richard Crane said.

Kieran looked coldly, [Why is this damn fatty like this? Why is he more talented than me? No, I don't believe it] he cried inwardly. Then he turned to look at his mother and he also noticed how dark his mother's face was.

Precious Hastings was also surprised and her face turned gloomy when she saw and heard the "Dong" sound. [Why is this bastard Spirit Roots higher than my son's own? No-no, I have to eradicate him before he matures.] she thought while looking at Fatty with thick killing intent.


Fatty looked at Richard Crane and said, "I can't decide yet esteem lord, I will have to wait for my little brother's response." he said and everyone was stunned.

"What the hell is wrong with this Fatty? Did he hit his chubby head on something?" someone suddenly asked.

"This boy wanted to throw this big opportunity away because of a brother? Who is his little brother?" another person asked incredulously.

Richard Crane was stunned and frowned while saying in a deep voice, "Who is your little brother? You have to know that not everyone has the opportunity to cultivate or even join the main family in the imperial clan but you wanted to throw this opportunity away because of a brother?" Richard Crane asked with a frown on his face. He was irritated at how negligent Fatty seemed to be.

Fatty turned and pointed at Ethan then he said, "That's my brother."

"Eh?" Ethan was stunned and said loudly "Fatty what are you doing? You can join the main clan if you want."

"Hey little bro, then I will join whatever clan or sect you wanna join," he said with a cheeky smile. Then he turned to Richard Crane and said, "Thank you esteem lord for your kindness, but I have decided to join any clan that my little brother decided to join." Then without waiting for Richard Crane's response, he bowed slightly and started walking away while making a silly buzzing sound.

"This boy… Humph" Richard Crane watched as Fatty was making his way back to the participant and harrumphed coldly.

Richard Crane turned to look at Lianna and said, "Lianna, will you join the main family clan in the imperial city, you must know that everything I promised earlier is still available for you and you will even get a double of it because of your level 10 Silver Spirit Root." he said with an amiable smile.

Lianna looked at Richard Crane then he looked at Ethan. [What? Don't tell me you want to wait for Ethan too.] he cried inwardly. But his fear soon came to pass.

"I will also join any sect or clan that young master Ethan joined," she replied with a slight bow, and the hall went deadly silent.

"What the HELL?" someone suddenly broke the silence with a scream and immediately the hall went into an uproar.

"What? Did our little goddess know about Young Master Ethan?"

"What is so special about young master Ethan? Is it because of his handsome look and posture?"

"I can't believe this… Why is every clan genius following young Master Ethan?"

Kieran was enraged and jealous, he immediately said, "Liannna, you have to listen to esteem lord, you don't have to waste your talents on following some insignificant person.

"Thank you, young master Kieran, but I have decided," she responded.

"You…" Kieran was speechless and angry but he kept quiet, a concealed cold light flashed in his eyes.

Richard Crane looked at Lianna Crane and then turned back to his seat.

"Participant number 25, step forward." Elder Felix's voice was suddenly heard and a young boy walked out.

~ Whispering Willow Clan ~

In the grand palace, Marcus Willow and the group of Whispering Willow clan's elders could be seen looking at a kneeling elder with a curious gaze.

"I've just received a message transmission from one of my subordinates, something bizarre has happened at the Azure Crane Clan," he said and everyone looked at him immediately.

"What happened?" Marcus Willow immediately said.

"A girl named Lianna among the participants had a level 10 s...silver spi...rit root." the commander stammered.



"No, impossible!!"

"How is this possible?"

"What is going on?"

The Elders started shouting and yelling, they were shocked and scared.

Marcus Willow was stunned then his face shunned with a thick killing intent. "I have to report this to the main clan in the Imperial Capital," he said and immediately flashed out of the grand palace.

~ Azure Crane Clan ~

"Participants number 25, step forward" and immediately a boy named Kai Crane stepped forward. He was tall with a mischievous aura, and his piercing green eyes shone with a corny glint. Dressed in long green robes, his long black hair was tied neatly.

"Deep your right hand into the pool of water and channel your spiritual energy." Elder Felix said.

Kai nodded and deep his hand into it and immediately, the water glowed with a brown color and then;

"Ding!" "Ding!!" "Ding!!!" "Ding!!!!" "Ding!!!!!"

The bell sound was heard five times and immediately a projection of a brown tortoise appeared.

"It's the Earthly Tortoise"

"Wow, he is comparable to Rowan Ashford's elder sister." someone suddenly said and everyone nodded.

"Well done boy" Elder Felix nodded and said,

"Thank you, Elder," Kai said and turned back.

"Participant number 26, step forward." Elder Felix's voice was heard and a figure walked out. Immediately the hall went silent while everyone stood up and looked at the person that was making his way to the grand stage.

'Creak!' 'Creak!!'

Only the sound of the figure's unhurried footsteps could be heard inside the hall.