
Echoes of Azure and Shadows

In the enchanting world of Etherea, a destiny awaits young Ethan, a kind-hearted boy from Earth. Blessed with wealth and innocence, his life takes a dramatic turn when a bolt of lightning strikes him, snatching his mortal existence away. Reborn into the body of a three-year-old, Ethan discovers a mystical blue flat metal that holds the secrets of unparalleled power between heaven and earth. Guided by the enigmatic Master Li, Ethan embarks on a perilous journey to unravel the mysteries of his newfound abilities. The azure lightning surging within him reveals the path of the Azure Lightning Steps—a forbidden martial cultivation technique. With each step, Ethan's physical prowess grows exponentially, granting him speed, strength, and agility beyond imagination. Yet, as he masters this power, he unearths an even greater secret—the Celestial Eye of Eternity, a forbidden cultivation technique that grants him a unique eye with extraordinary abilities. As Ethan's Azure Lightning Steps ascend, his body crackling with electric energy, he becomes a force to be reckoned with. But the forbidden Celestial Eye of Eternity propels him into an unseen world. With this eye, he pierces illusions, senses unseen foes, and harnesses celestial alignments to augment his powers. The boundary between light and shadow bends to his will, revealing the Twilight Dominion within his grasp. However, the allure of such potent abilities does not go unnoticed. Ethan's rise draws the attention of dark forces hungry for the ultimate power he possesses. Ancient prophecies awaken, and a web of intrigue and treachery entangles his path.

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14 Chs

Esteem Alchemist from the Imperial City

~ Whispering Willow Clan ~

"Clan leader, the people of Azure Crane Clan arrived in our clan and they said they're seeking an audience with you and the esteem lord alchemist," a guard said on his knee with a slight bow. Marcus Willow's eyes suddenly turn dim and he said in a deep voice "Dismiss them, they are not welcome in my Whispering Willow Clan,"

"But..." the guard was about to say something but he was suddenly cut off by the outburst of Marcus Willow.

"But? What but? You dare question my authority?" Marcus said with a cold tone, releasing mighty pressure on the guard till the guard began kowtowing, blood started leaking from the corner of the guard's mouth when the full might of Marcus' aura centered on him.

"No-no-no my lord, it's not what you think, I dare not question your authority, my lord. Jonathan Hastings, the clan leader of the Azure Crane Clan, and his elders are here." the guard quickly cried out, afraid of the clan leader's killing intent.


"The Azure Crane clan? What are they doing here?"

The Elders started clamoring in confusion and shock in the main hall with anger on their faces.

"Eh?" Marcus was also surprised and he said, "Let them in." The guard sighed in relief and stood up immediately to invite the Azure Crane Clansmen inside the large hall. The arrogant alchemist sat on his chair, indifferent to the tension in the hall.

A few minutes later, a group of men entered the large hall.

"Well, well, well, see who we have here," Marcus said with a wide smile on his face after the people of Azure Crane Clan has entered the large hall. Looking at Marcus' wide smiles, one would think both families are best buddies.

"He is sure a cunning one" the alchemist muttered to himself inwardly with a slight smirk.

As Jonathan Hastings entered the halls of the Whispering Willow Clan, his eyes fell upon the esteemed guest alchemist from the imperial city. With a graceful bow and a warm smile, he approached the alchemist, eager to make a favorable impression.

"Ah, honored sir, you must be the esteemed alchemist from the capital," Jonathan said, his voice filled with genuine admiration. "It's an absolute privilege to have you grace our lowly Stormpeak province. Your reputation precedes you, and we are truly honored by your presence." The guest alchemist, clad in rich robes adorned with intricate golden embroidery, exuded an aura of pride and mastery. His eye, as deep as pools, twinkled with a hint of amusement as he acknowledged Jonathan's greeting. 'Interesting,' he thought inwardly with a smile.

"Ah, Jonathan Hastings right?" the alchemist replied, his voice carrying a majestic quality coupled with his great bearing. "I have heard stories of your clan's esteemed reputation." he nodded in acknowledgment, viewing the people of Azure Crane Clans in a better light. Marcus noticed the change in the alchemist's expression and his face darkened immediately.

"Your expertise in alchemy is legendary, revered by many across the capital. We are fortunate to have someone of your caliber gracing our province. The treasures you create with your alchemical prowess bring immeasurable significance to those who possess them. Jonathan continued with his flattering as he aimed to build rapport and establish a favorable alliance.

The Alchemist's smile widened, revealing a glimmer of pride as he was very pleased with Jonathan's flattering. But some people in the large hall were not having it at all. Marcus' face turned extremely cloudy with the group of Elders, cursing under their breath. "You bastard!" Marcus cursed inwardly,


"He sure has a sweet tongue"

"I don't know that Jonathan could be so good with his words like this, he is sure an asshole, what an eye opener." the group of Elders and the people inside the hall were stunned while the people of Azure Crane Clan were also surprised, looking at their clan leader in a new light and respect.

"Clan leader is wise"

"Yes, yes"

"I did not know the clan leader have this side of him... Haha," a Grandelder from the Azure Crane Clan was also surprised.

"Your kind words are truly humbling, Clan Leader Jonathan. It is a pleasure to share my knowledge and contribute to the advancement of cultivation. I think Azure Crane Clan holds great potential." The Alchemist said with a wide and proud smile.


Marcus who couldn't endure their flattering words again suddenly cleared his throat, putting on a fake smile, he approached the people of the Azure Crane clan and said, "For what purpose has the Azure Crane Clan esteem Clan leader and elders grace my humble abode?" He asked.

Jonathan was about to reply but Marcus wasn't done yet, he said. "Is it because of your dying son?" Marcus said with a strange tone. Jonathan's face and the elders' darkened immediately but they endure it and said nothing. It is common knowledge that each clan are having spies in each clan.


~ Azure Crane Clan ~

Victoria Hastings stood at the door of her son's room, her heart filled with hope and trepidation. As she pushed open the door and stepped inside, she couldn't help but gasp at the sight before her.

"Ethan? Is it you? You're awake?" Victoria's voice trembled with disbelief, her eyes widening with astonishment as she took in the transformed figure of her son. Gone was a sickly and frail child who was dying of poison. In his place stood a vibrant and radiant young boy, his eyes shimmering with a strange azure light.

Ethan turned to the beautiful woman who just entered his room and exclaimed inwardly 'So this is my mom in this life? Wow. I'm lucky to have good parents again in this life, maybe Heaven discovered it has wronged me greatly... Haha.'

Even though he knew his parent's facial features from his body memories of them, seeing them felt different and real.

"Mother!" Ethan said, feeling a natural and joyful reaction. 'Shit, I'm in a three-year-old lad's body, all these children's characters are kicking in unconsciously.' he thought inwardly with a bitter smile.

Tears welled up in Victoria's eyes as she stepped forward, unable to contain her emotions "Oh, Ethan, my dear son, I can hardly believe it. You are alive, ah you're alive and well." she cried out in joy. Ethan reached out and gently hold his mother's hands, a soothing warmth emanating from his touch. "Please, do not cry, mother. It's good that I'm alive." Ethan said with an innocent face.

'I'm determined to protect our family from now on and seek justice for what has been done to us.' he continued inwardly.

'Why do I have the feeling that I'm talking to an adult?' Victoria thought inwardly, clearly stunned.

"GUARD!" Victoria suddenly called the guard out in an audible voice. A young man in blue armor quickly rushed inside the room and he was shocked by the sight that greeted him.

"You...ng mast...er?" The guard stuttered, his jaw-dropping, forgetting the reason he was called.

"Go and tell my husband that our son, Ethan is awakened and healthy," Victoria commanded with a wry smile. The guard snapped out of his stupor and quickly said "Yes madam!" then he flashed out of the room like a gust of wind.

"Wow!" Ethan exclaimed when he saw the kind speed the guard moved when he exited the room. Victoria smiled gently and said, "Don't worry darling, you'll be a lot faster and stronger than all this guard after you've grown stronger, you are going to be staying with me from now on" she said with a serious face.


~ Whispering Willow Clan ~

The Azure Crane Clan, known for their grace and elegance, found themselves in dire straits without knowing that their problem as already been resolved by the emergence of the Azure metal. In a raw display of vulnerability, they swallowed their pride and approached the Whispering Willow Clan, their long-standing rivals, for assistance. Hoping to get the rank 4 Alchemist, who happened to be a guest within the walls of Whispering Willow Clans domain.

Tension hung heavy in the air as the people from both clans gathered in the grand hall of Whispering Willow Clan's ancestral home. Marcus, the cunning and devious clan leader of the Whispering Willow Clan, wore a sly smile as he observed the uneasy expressions of the Azure Crane Clan members.

The Alchemist chooses to be silent, observing everything with his spiritual sense while his eyes were closed, looking indifferent.

"I must admit, this is quite a surprise," Marcus remarked, his voice dripping with thinly veiled amusement. "The mighty Azure Crane Clan, seeking help from their sworn enemy. How pleasurable."


"So they also can bow their heads and ask for help? Haha"

"Hahaha!!!!!!!!!" The group of elders laughed mockingly while glancing at the member of the Azure Crane Clan in disdain. The Azure Crane Clans' Elders were enraged and frustrated by the mocking laughter in the air but they still endure it and choose to remain calm, leaving it to Jonathan.

"Our circumstances leave us with no choice, Marcus. I know you are already aware of what happened to my son, so there is no need for a child plays." Jonathan retorted coldly. "Give us a chance to invite the esteemed alchemist to our clan." he continued.

Marcus stroked his chin, relishing the moment of power. "Oh, I am well aware of your predicament, Jonathan. But you see, the esteemed alchemist wanted to marry my younger sister and I think he is absolutely on our side now, so... It seems the heavens have handed me a golden opportunity. Perhaps we can strike a deal. What do you think? After all, nothing comes without a price in the cultivation world."

The tension in the hall immediately tightened as Jonathan exchanged wary glances with his Elders.

"What do you want? You must know if you went overboard with your request, we will find other means to heal my son." Jonathan said, gritting his teeth tightly. Just as the standoff reached its peak, a guard from the Azure Crane Clan burst into the grand all with battered breath.