
Chapter 2

Throughout the day Jung Suk and I continued to work on cleaning up the house. We put everything out on the front yard or while the garden I suppose to air out and for us to dust as we put it back away. While doing all this I couldn't help but think about my dream from last night I had told Jung Suk about it the moment after I woke.

"Hae Won it's just a dream" he said.

""I know but it felt so real"

" He what's that red mark on your neck I didn't notice it til now"

I reached up to my neck and felt dry blood. I felt it right where that man had the sword to my neck. What was his name again I thought to myself. It is in the same spot he had the sword helped me. Yeong Won! That's his name. My dream it was real I couldn't believe it though I didn't tell Jung Suk he would just think I'm crazy. I decided once everything was back into the house I would do some more research on the house.

"Hae Won! Hae Won!..... Hello earth to Har Won!" Jung Suk yelled breaking me from my thoughts.

"Sorry Jung Suk I was lost in thought"

" I noticed when you didn't answer what you wanted for dinner"

"Dinner? Is it that time already?"

" Yes we got the house cleaned and things put back away already we made an amazing accomplishment today"

"Oh you know me when I set my mind to something ..." I laughed.

" How about we go into town and eat?" Jung Suk asked

" Yeah, let's go"

We got into the car and headed to town. We decided on something simple some fried chicken. We were sitting down eating and I was looking out the window of the restaurant when I seen him that man from my dreams standing there watching me. Not breaking eye contacti rushed out of the restaurant into the crowd making my way to him. Someone stepped in front of my way and I broke eye contact and then I lost him he was gone. In the blink of and eye he was gone I searched up and down the street looking for him. I felt a hand on my shoulder spinning me around.

"Hae Won! Are you ok?"

It was Jung Suk

"Did you see him?" I asked still looking around

Jung Suk looked over his shoulder

" See who? Hae Won who are you looking for?"

" That man the one who has been in my dreams. I just seen him didn't you?"

Jung Suk looked at me straight into my eyes "Hae Won I didn't see anyone. I think you've been over working yourself on the house. There is no one there."

"Yes maybe your right Jung Suk let's go home I want to just sleep"

Jung Suk nodded in agreement and we walked back to the car and drove home.

I had fallen asleep by the time we had gotten back and Jun Suk carried me to bed.

" Goodnight and sweet dreams Hae Won." Jung Suk whispered as he lay me on my bed giving me a kiss on my forehead. Jung Suk left after that.

I was in a deep sleep only again to be awaken by doors sliding open.

" Your here again" I heard a voice say.

I opened my eyes to find Yeong Woo again in front of me.

" You know you're the only woman to be brave enought to sneak into my bed"

I looked at him confused

" I don't understand what's going on here" I replied.

"I unfortunately don't understand either, how is it you come to be in my day bed almost everytime I come in here and what are you wearing?"

I look down and see I am still in my tank top and my jeans. Had I really fallen asleep like this.

" I am in clothes."

" Clothes??" He laughed

" What kind of person in there right mind would let a woman dress in practically nothing"

" Where I come from it's normal"

" Where you come from, where is that?"

"I come from the year 2024, and this house we are in now is my home I purchased"

" 2024? You mean your from the future? "What are you some kind of shawman or witch perhaps?"

" Look I don't know what is happening myself"

He walked closer to me." I don't know if I believe you or not. You must be a traitor"

" Traitor? No look I don't even know what year I am in."

After saying that he slowly started to fade from my sight but before he disappeared I heard him say " I won't let you go next time."

Slowly I began to open my eyes to the morning sun peaking through into my room.

" This is getting so weird" I thought to myself.

I got up and decided that I was going to go do some more research on this house see what records I could find. I got up out of bed and headed to take a shower. As I was walking into the kitchen I decided to go get the diary and go through it while I ate. I made breakfast and sat down and began opening the book.

Again I opened to the first page all it said was Yoeng Woo. Once again this feeling came over me just like the first time.

" I told you I won't let you go again"

I look up towards the voice. There he is standing in my kitchen. But this time it was different he seemed kind of ghostly.

" I-I ....." I couldn't speak.

He walked over to me a reached out to grab me but his hand went right through me. Both of us looked shocked. " What is going on?" He looked at himself confused and he tried again. " Look I don't know what is going on Yoeng Woo but it's definitely not normal." I told him.

He looked down at the table where the book lay. He looked at me and back at the book and he reached to grab it, but again he couldn't. " I don't understand that is my diary what are you doing with it."

" I found it in the floor boards under the desk"

" You found the secret compartment?" He looked at me once again shocked.

" Yes I did. I told you I purchased this home. Do you mind if I go further into it and read what you have in here I want to learn more"

He nodded giving me permission.

I turned to the next page.

" Today I was walking the house and in the garden I had seen a beautiful woman in strange clothes next to a fire but before I could say anything she was gone."

I read the next page.

"Tonight I walked into the study to work on some paperwork when I entered and seen the same woman I previously seen in the garden sleeping peacefully on my daybed. I watched her for what seemed like hours. She began to stir. I quickly took out my blade and put it to her throat."

I continued reading page after page and it was every one of our encounters including the one at the chicken shop. And then I turned to the last page with any writing on it and the encounter we just had was there. I turned to look at him but he was already gone. I skimmed the entry. I got to the point I opened the book and began reading.

"..... I gave her permission to read, but then she was gone. She is beautiful and I get a strange feeling every time I am with her or I see her. I am pulled to her and I don't understand why. I must know who this stranger is. Why do I see her. She is always dressed strangely. Yet still I am drawn to her like a firefly to light. Must know more about her."

That's where it ended. I went to the next page and there was nothing it was blank. I decided to try something I had only seen in movies. I grabbed a pen and began to write.

" My name is Hae Won. I am from the year 2024. I purchased this historic home as it is the last standing. I was drawn to this home for what ever reasons unknown to me. But I want to get to know more about this home and it previous owner or owners and find the reason."

I wrote the entry and closed the book and left to go do my own research or at least see if I can find anything about the home I now reside in. Unknowingly to me my entry worked and as I had left the house he was writing in the diary hoping that it would work the same way. He was responding back to me.

I am so sorry for being so late I do not have these chapters prewritten but I am writing as I go. please do not hesitate to comment and give me feed back. I would greatly appreciate it.

BaybeAzelcreators' thoughts