
Chapter 29 Cannot Forget Him

'Sandra, Hark said, if you agree to have surgery, there is 30% possibility that you can be cured! But you may lose some memory." Jimmy was as happy as a child, with excitement beyond expression.

The last risk for her to take was to forget things. She had only the memory about Clinton. No matter how much she hated her for this, she knew absolutely clearly that she didn't want to lose the memory about him.

When seeing her unhappiness, Jimmy knew what she was thinking about. He came up to hold her and said with consolation, 'don't get scared. We must try even though there is only 30% chance. When the surgery is done, I will help to remember each and every thing."

She lifted her lips unwillingly. If it could be chosen, she would rather not to have the surgery.

Even if the surgery was successful, she couldn't be with Clinton, but continue to live her life with the memory about him. Was it more heart-broken, or more difficult to accept?