
Echo of the Ancients

Currently on hiatus for an indeterminate time period.

Gavin_Erickson · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs

Seriously Dude, Shut The Fuck Up!

Carson heard the familiar voice of the announcer as he entered the stadium for a second time. "We have now, another challenger for the number one position of the un blessed ranks. Its our newbie who survived the pack on his first day against our current reigning champ."

The barrier lowered after the two fighters took hold of their weapon, and the warrior looked into his opponents eyes. The man didn't seem phased, however, He stared back at the red orb in Carson's eye and shouted in a mocking tone. "Nice eye, newbie. You wont have it for much longer though. I'll at least give you the pleasure of knowing the name of the man who killed you, it is-"

Carson didn't want to stand through all of this time-wasting chatter though, so he cut the man off and spoke. "You know the last guy who told me that was a primordial, he dead now. I stole his eye" He pointed at his left eye socket and smiled "It was pretty fun... Now, are you gonna fight me or not."

The red-haired man across from him recoiled slightly after taking another glance at his eye. "No way, that's bull-"

Carson interrupted him again however. "Oh yeah i almost forgot... Go fuck yourself!" 

The young man charged in, his staff at the ready, and his crimson eye gleaming in the sun. He reached his opponent in seconds, much faster than his previous battle.

He swung his staff at the mans liver, attempting to cripple him as quickly as possible. The attack collided early however, having hit the mans weapon beforehand.

"I may not be blessed, but i was granted quite the knowledge when i first reached number one." The man whispered in Carson's ear, and the young man just listened, not recoiling or running, confident he could handle whatever the redhead would throw at him. "I can make my weapons disappear- - and reappear in whatever hand I'd like" As he said each word his dagger disappeared and reappeared, switching hands.

"Ooh interesting." Carson replied with mock interest. "But seriously dude, shut the fuck up!"

The warrior swung down diagonally at the chatty gladiator opposing him. His staff was once again met by a metal clang, much to Carson's annoyance. He swung the other side of his staff at the man, aiming for the liver, but redirecting last second to the hand now holding its weapon.

The red headed warrior anticipated this it seemed, as his hand was already out of the way of the incoming strike. In retaliation he pulled his dagger to the other hand and struck at Carson's side, hoping that he'd be too slow to react.

Carson looked at the strike with solemnity before deflecting it, 'If I didn't do that training in my room, I'd probably be hit here.' The young man had made sure to correct every minute flaw he could detect in his style before the fight. Because of this he had virtually no openings, even ones that a normal human wouldn't be able to see he picked up on and rectified. However this created a major drawback, with how much he had corrected he was basically unable to deal damage, meaning that if he wanted to, he'd have to open up his guard.

The pair returned blows one for one, becoming a blur as they both started sweating. Soon even Carson was beginning to get worried about being able to keep up. He may have had the superior cognitive and visual prowess, but his opponent had years of real world experience, of which he virtually had none.

The warrior lost track of the dagger his opponent wielded, and felt a cold pain along his collar bone. The strike was deep enough to sever an artery and only inches away from his jugular. 

Carson jumped back in opposition, pulling himself up into perfect guard to prevent another strike while he analyzed his opponents movements.

"Wow, looks like you just talk big you ain-" But the red head once more he was cut short as a swing came at his head. He rose both his hands up to block it, but instead felt a blow land on his kidney.

While Carson thought over their battle, he had noticed one inconsistency. With virtually every blow the gladiator kept his right hand near his head to prevent any feints, and used his left to block the main attack. When he tested out his theory, the young man half expected the gladiator to just use his right hand to block, and keep his left down. But it seemed, however, that the muscle memory he had developed over so long would end up being his downfall.

Carson swung again at his kneeling opponent, not for a moment doubting the prowess of the best unblessed fighter here. In doing so he was correct, but he should've been on the defensive instead of offensive.

He felt a stinging pain shoot from his belly as a dagger plunged hilt deep into him. He paled a bit as he saw the blood-flow pouring out from the new gash in his armor. The feeling of his intestines pulling out of him - only being held in by the cold metal shroud - was haunting, but he still retaliated

The warrior finished his swing at the figure, breaking the ornamental armor guarding his shoulder, and hit the joint hard enough to shatter it. But with unyielding resolve he continued.

The next strike came at the gladiator from above, and it had enough force behind it to split him in two. He tried to block, but instead of feeling the metal rod be parried away from him and be carried down harmlessly, he felt it push his own blade into his face.

The gladiator screamed in a rather girlish tone as the large dagger lodge itself into his mouth, and driven deeper by Carson's staff. Every part of the red-headed mans face fell away from the cut, the metal having severed all of the muscle holding it together.

He tried to stand, but his head - now only attached by the spine - flopped back, providing him with a great view of the stands. His life was ended soon after, a devastatingly strong attack having landed directly on his stump, shattering what remained of his spinal cord and skull.

Carson stood from his enemy's corpse, and looked to the announcers box. "Well, well, well" The announcer spoke in an unhappy tone. "You two didn't let me finish my introduction before you started fighting, not to mention how you disrespected me after your last fight. And in doing that you are now doomed to receive any punishment i wish." The man smiled evilly as he pulled a rope to the side of him.

The gated door that he had noticed in his first fight opened slowly, and behind it Carson could see two glowing eyes staring back. Trying to be funny, the young man knelt down on one knee and rubbed his armored fingers together. "Here kitty, kitty."

Out of the door a giant brown bear emerged, its glowing eyes turning red when it saw Carson. The announcer spoke angrily, his ego having been bruised by the two gladiators. "You get to fight the bear, nobody has ever survived him before. Your friend over there already died in retribution for his punishment, it seems that you should do just the same."

"Damn, that's one big kitty!" The bear charged at Carson, but he just smiled happily. 'Sure animals are much stronger in raw physical capabilities, but they telegraph every attack because of their lack of intelligence.' The young man ducked an attack and swung full force. 'If i hit it just right...'


The bear's hind leg was bent backwards at the joint, crippling its movement as Carson charged in in retaliation. "I fucking hate bears!" 

The warrior suddenly lost grip on his weapon as the bear took its shaft into its mouth. It threw the metal pole to the other side of the arena, and blocked Carson's path. 'Okay, I take that back, Bears are fucking smart'

The young man tried to run for it, but was intercepted by the bear midway. He jumped on the back of the beast that weighed over 1,500 lbs and shoved a fist into its eye. They wrestled in an awkward waltz, and Carson had managed to put it in a headlock.

The bear rolled on the floor, attempting to shake off the warrior, or crush him under its weight, but against all odds Carson slipped around and put it into a guillotine choke. The bear flailed as it felt its airway and blood-flow stop.

Carson struggled with the beast for a couple minutes, and when he felt it go weak he made his final move. The young man pulled his arms directly upwards, and twisted the beast in an alligator-style roll, immediately snapping the neck of the colossal creature.

"That wasn't too bad" he said to the grimly quiet audience. The announcer seemed to want to reply but only sputtered in disbelief. The young man had taken off his breastplate to reveal the organs that had fallen out of his gut. With a cringe, Carson pulled his own intestines back into his belly and held the skin and muscle tissue together.

"If that's all, I'll be going now." The warrior strode out of the silent coliseum and was taken back to his room by the dumbfounded guards.

Once he laid down in his bed, he couldn't help but laugh, and quickly stopped himself as his abdominal muscles tried pulling apart again. He would have an absolutely horrible night waiting for the healing goop to arrive.