
Eccentric Love

How will you feel when you come to know that your life till now is not true? You are not normal. You are introduced to the dark side of the world as a gift on your 18th birthday. That you never thought it really exists... My life turned upside down after I entered TESKA varsity. The things which should never be the truth turned out to be the reality of my life and my own family turned out to be unreal. Can you believe if I tell that my cousins who grew up with me are non- humans? Everything was on the track until I met him. One gaze of him changed everything. His eyes said more words. I can tell he isn't simple as he looks. As days go by weird things started to happen. I don't know what I did that made him hate me so much. But at the same time he is the person who comes first during my difficult times. I can feel some unknown pain and happiness when I see him... Who I am? What I want? What is happening to me? Why me? All these questions surrounded me.. Still, I don't regret meeting him.. Do you think I am eccentric? Or I am in love?

MEG7 · Fantasi
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15 Chs

The answer

"I think we should leave them alone for sometime" said Austin elder brother William.

Austin looked at me and signaled me to take care by nodding his head.

Austin, who I knew only for few days felt like I know him for a long time. I can't even tell whether we are friends or not. But surprisingly, I felt more closer to him. I am not sure what he was thinking, when he risked his life for me. What if Professor Oliver didn't stop them? What if they got hurt?.

Austin and his brothers left. While Kate and Jaden was standing silently next to me. Or should I tell two werewolves were standing silently?.

"Kris! " started Jaden.

"I know you have lots of thoughts in your mind now. But believe us, we did all these things for you".

"Believe? How do guys expect me to do that? How many more things you guys are hiding from me?

Does aunty and uncle know about this? ".

I asked. My mind was filled with questions. I had many questions to ask, but don't know where to start.

"Yes. " Kate replied.

For what she is saying yes? So, aunty and uncle know about it? So, all these years only I was the one, who was kept in the dark?.

"Explain! " I said.

"Kris... Even mom and dad are werewolves. In fact Aunty Amelia is also a werewolf" Kate said in a low tone.

"And uncle James is also like us. To be specific like you. " Jaden continued.

Wow, can this day be more worst? My own mom and dad turned out to be in humans. First of all, I am not sure what creature I am.

"What I am? " I asked, trying to control my tears.

"Eccentric! " Kate said.

Eccentric?. So, is she trying to say I am strange person?

"Eccentric have their own powers. To be more accurate, every person in TESKA is eccentric. And every person have their powers connected to some animals or birds. "

"To be short, when a person has some powers of animals which make them different from normal person, is known as Eccentric" said Jaden and Kate in a comforting voice, trying not to shock me.

Now, it all make sense. Why we ended in TESKA?. Why I was able to see animal spirits behind each back? . Why I had a strange feeling?.

Then the animal spirits I saw, is the power they had. Kate and Jaden are werewolves, so they have the power of the wolf.

Then Professor Oliver is also a werewolf?. Austin and his brothers had different spirits behind their back. So, they are also Eccentric?.

"Even you guys can see the blue spirits? " I asked them.

"You can see them? " they asked in a surprised tone.

"Yes. Why? "

Kate and Jaden again looked at themselves in silence.

"What now? " I asked them in a calm tone. Because I am sure nothing can shock me anymore. I got used to it now.

"Kris, only few people can see the blue spirits! Those people are considered as the strongest of eccentric".

" It's better if you don't tell it anyone! " they said in a low tone.

Strongest of eccentric? Till now I don't know I am eccentric. And they are telling I am the strongest? I need a break from all these. I feel like my head will burst if I know something more.

"I will meet you guys later. " I said.

"Where are you going? " asked Kate in a worried tone.

"Just for a walk. Don't worry, I will come to the dorm soon" I said.

"But.. " Kate started. Jaden stopped her.

"Be safe! " Jaden said.

I know they two are trying to protect me. But, it is lot for me to take in one day. I am not sure what I will do to them if I don't calm myself.

"Sure, thank you guys! " I said to them in a calm tone, trying to put a smile on my face.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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