
I met three beauties and became a door stopper

The cold permeated his back from the hard, cold slab. It was enough to wake him up and he slowly opened his eyes.


[Ugh, What happened? Where am I?]

Turning his head, he realized he was on some sort of altar. In his vision he could see three large wooden desks with high back leather chairs behind them. The desks were the kind of thing you would see in a lawyer's office. Sitting in those three chairs were three women of unparalleled beauty.

<Woman 1>

[Ah, he's awake.]

<Woman 3>

Confirmed. He is awake.

<Woman 2>

[I'm sure you have some questions so I will do my best to answer.] Spoke the woman from the center.

The woman was about 6 foot tall and wore a close fit toga with a golden wreath on her head. She had beautiful golden blond hair which flowed down her back and striking green eyes which could trap a man in there gaze. She had a slim waist and perky breasts which poked out of the 'V' in the toga. Her skin was smooth and healthy like some kind of super model.

<Woman 2>

[If you stare that much, I would be embarrassed.]

Her cheeks turned pink as she blushed.


[Ah! I'm sorry. You are just so beautiful I thought I died and went to heaven.]

<Woman 2>

[No. It's OK. You did die and go to heaven technically so…]


[So I'm dead huh. There is no way I would be so lucky as to meet three beautiful woman so easily.]

Damn you online dating sites. The man looked shyly at the ground which was just white marble apparently as far as the eye could see except the desks and the three women. His previous life of relative isolation made things pretty awkward.

<Woman 2>

[Well I know you have questions but I guess we can start with introductions. I'm Cedona, the Goddess of Life and Death. These other two are Tearea, the Goddess of Time and Space and Iris, the Goddess of Magic who helped me bring you here. We are Gods of a world different from your own.]


[Goddesses! I should have known. It's not everyday a man like me gets to meet such beautiful ladies. It is a pleasure to meet you all. So you said I'm dead. I can't seem to remember dying though.]


[It was a car accident.]

Typical he thought. This is the whole other world trope he was use to reading about in light novels.


[So I got hit crossing the street, huh?]


[Umm, no you got in a normal car accident, though.]




[It was a tractor trailer full of toilet paper.]

He knew for some reason that there was a massive shortage of toilet paper going on due to the pandemic so he couldn't really blame himself from dying to a toilet paper truck. "TP" was pretty much gold these days.


[Well I consider myself a pretty good driver, so that is a bit depressing but I guess it can't be helped. You said you could answer some questions, yes? I guess I should ask the obvious ones first. Who am I? I can't seem to remember, and what am I doing here?]


[Oh? You seem to be taking this very well.]


[Well there is no point in getting worked up. You seem to be nice and I can't help but be calm looking at such a wonderful woman.]


[Oh my! You really are a sweet one aren't you.]

A sheet of paper and a clipboard appeared in her hand out of thin air.


[Your name is Marcus Faulk. Male. 39 years old. American. Seems like you served in the Navy and your profession is software engineer. We brought you here because we have need of you.]


[Marcus, huh? Yeah, that sounds like my name. It's coming back to me now. What did you need from me? I'm just your average guy unless you have some software your developing around here.]


[Well it's not what we need from you technically it what we needed from bringing you here. We needed a soul from your Earth to hold open the dimensional rift so that we can replenish our world's supply of magic. Your world is very abundant in magic and it's not being used so we help ourselves every few millennia so we can manage our world.]


[I see. I am glad I was successful in my mission of being a godly door stopper for you, my lady.]


[Ah! Well… I guess you could compare it to a door stopper, yes. We were able to take enough magic to keep our world going for quite some time so you have our thanks.]


[What happens now? Are you going to send me to your world? Am I to be transferred then? Am I going to be reincarnated on my world or maybe on yours?]


[Ara. You seem to know something about this, yes. Sadly, we can not send your soul back to your world now that you are on this side of the rift. Technically, we can't send you directly to our world of Levander as the remains of your body were thoroughly destroyed in the process of being a door.. I mean holding open the dimensional rift. We will have to reincarnate you into a local body for you to start a new life.]


[Will I be merging with one of the locals then? I can't say I would enjoy sharing someone's mind.]


[No. No. There should not be any need to do that. There are plenty of people that die every day. I am sure we can find you a suitable vacant body and we can give you our blessing to help you along. We know it will be difficult trying to acclimatize yourself to a completely different world after all.]


[You said there is… Magic, yes? Will I be able to use it?]


[Well my sister's and I usually give some help to those we bring over as it is a fairly rare occurance. I can guarantee you will not have any issues using magic in Levander. My sister is the Goddess of Magic you know.]

Cedona smiled and looked over her shoulder at the woman behind the desk on my left. The Goddess Iris looked very similar to Cedona except her hair was black and done up with a pair of silver hair clips. The same perfect hourglass shape was a feast for the eyes but her breasts were just a tad bit smaller than her sister goddess.

The Goddess, Iris, stared into Marcus' eyes and he could feel his soul being scraped over like a gutted fish on a chopping board. There was no smile on her face but there was a twinkle of interest in her eyes. She spoke mechanically.


[That should not be a problem, Cedona-onesan. You know I usually do not give out my blessing as it can be troublesome. However, we did strip this man's world of magic and that will make my job easier so I think it is within acceptable tolerances. We also used his soul as a door stopper to keep the rift open. I can not yet determine the ramification of such on his soul but he is already attuned to magic is some sense due to the transfer.]

Marcus thought Iris might have looked like her sister Cedona but her personality was mechanical and cold to a degree. Being a Software Engineer, Marcus felt a sense of familiarity from her. Straight. Logical and to the point. Also she was a breathtakingly beautiful woman who any man would be happy with. Her disposition fit Marcus more than Cedona at any rate. Marcus was most certainly and unintentionally staring.

Iris tilted her head at an angle to the side after he thought that and his mind froze for a few seconds. She couldn't read his mind right?

Iris nodded.



The sound escaped Marcus' lips. It looks like she could read his mind. He had been thinking about holding her in his arms and kissing her in his head.


[Ecchi.] she whispered.


[I'm sorry, Iris-sama. I can't help think such thoughts. I was a loner you know! And you are right in my strike zone. Please put up with me while I'm here. I promise you I will not do anything to you.]

The third goddess, the one on the right, laughed out loud.


[This one is so cute isn't he, Iris-chan. I'm glad we picked a more more mature one this time. I can't stand it when we bring over teenagers. They just break down and cry all the time. Not that time matters in this place but still, it can be tiring. Hey, Marcus was it? Your going to be in our world Levander from now on so you if there is anything I can help with just let me know. You really helped us out with being a door stopper.]


[Mo. Tearea-chan, you should not tease our younger sister like that. You know she does not do well with emotions. Also, Marcus is not a door stopper. He is a perfectly normal soul that was assisting us. I am not saying he is a triangular lump of wood.]

Cedona looked at Marcus again and smiled. Tearea was laughing again.


[We will give you our blessings when you leave here. Also you should check your [STATUS] before you go so you have something to compare. We will make it so you can do so. Not all of your skills and experiences from your old world will translate well to Levander. My sisters and I will do our best to move over what we can or at least something similar in our world. You just need to think about [STATUS] and you should see it.]

Marcus thought she must have been talking about something like a character sheet. Man, is this world like a video game? Well, I may as well give it a try.


[Status. Ahh. It appeared.]

In front of Marcus' eyes a box like gaming window appears. It was partially transparent so it should not hinder his vision.


Name: Marcus Faulk

Gender: Male

Age: 39

Race: Human

Physical Energy: 1000

Magical Energy: 0

Health: 27/27

Strength 14

Dexterity 12

Constitution 10

Intelligence 16

Wisdom 16

Charisma 12

Occupation: Software Engineer

Everyday Skills: Housework 6, Cooking 5, Home Repair 5, Car Repair 7, Computer Programming 8, Computer Architecture 9, Ship Operation and Maintenance 5, Sea Navigation 7, Land Navigation 5, Manpower Management 7, Accounting 3, Driving 8, Sales 5, Mathematics 7, Survival 6, Swim 6

Combat Skills: Martial Arts 2, Rifle 7, Pistol 7, Shotgun 7

Magic Skills:

Crafting Skills: Engineering 5, Manufacturing 5, Modeling 5, Tinkering 5, Woodworking 3

Resistance Skills: Sleep Resistance 5

Special Skills: Multi-Lingual, Computer Assembly, Repairman, Mechanic, Sailor

Titles: Software Engineer, Combat Veteran (Navy), College Graduate

Protections: Protection of Earth's Son of God (Baptism)

Notes: After getting out of the service, he became a software engineer prior to his death. He never got married and died without leaving any kids. A typical loner.


It seems like a few things have been kept in my status over the years. The Karate classes I took in college amounted to a solid 2 in martial arts. That's sad. Strangely, all those Dunpla figures I made has amounted to a 5 in Modeling. I'm not sure if I should be embarrassed that I'm better at Modeling then Martial Arts. Sleep Resistance? That must be from my Navy days. Those long work hours really were pretty brutal. At least my gun qualifications from the service actually are on damn status page. I got some medals to back those up even. Hell, I even got a protection I didn't know about from when I was a baby and got baptized at church. It's a bit upsetting that my whole life amounts to one small block on a screen. Hey! The damn notes even calls me a loner. I should be upset about that but I'm already dead. Marcus sighed.


[It's strange to see it all here but I guess that's all my life was worth. At least I bought a house there in the end. I hope my younger sister cleans the place up once she gets it.]


[You seem incredibly calm through all this.]


[Well it's not like I can do anything about it and it looks like I should be getting a fair deal once I go to this new world. So, with that said, Do I get to choose anything or is this whole reincarnation thing random?]


[Hmm. We could certainly consider any request you may have.]


[Well, I have been a man my whole life, so I would like to make that number one. I would also like to stay either human or at least something close if that is possible. I don't know what sort of races and such may be in your world so I'll just leave that open. I would like to be able to understand the language of the people in your world if possible. Life will be hard otherwise. And lastly, I would like to keep my old memories if that is possible.]


[Those are all reasonable requests and I think we can manage those. Well then are you ready to go then?}


[My dear Goddesses. Thank you for inviting me to your world and getting to meet you all. Even if it was unintentional, I did get to meet such beautiful women. If I were to brag to my friends back home, they would not believe me. I know you are almighty Goddesses but I hope we can be friends from now on. Even if I can't see you again, please remember me because I will never forget you three. I will give my first prayer to you when I arrive safely in the new world.]


[Oh dear, I have not been asked to be someone's friend in a very long time. Very well. We will watch over you below when we can. We are very busy you know. Now without any more delay, Tearea-chan, can you send our new friend's soul down to Levander? I have a few candidates ready. We can ask Iris-chan to help narrow down the selection and do the skill rework. Good luck, Marcus.]

The Goddess smiled as my vision slowly turned to black and I lost consciousness.