

A young man, one with a drive to live life his own way, is transmigrated into a world completely different from his own, in a body surprisingly similar to his previous one. In such an unfamiliar environment, he'll need to give his all just to survive. //1-3 chapters a day.

Shadow_Drevna · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
2 Chs

Foreigner (2/2)

The room was deathly quiet, not a single noise heard. Even the gentle sounds of breathing were heavily muted, as if the multiple individuals situated around the long oak table had halted all bodily functions. With how silent the vicinity was, a pin drop would have been akin to a nuke, let alone someone talking. All eyes were focused on a young black haired female with a sleeved collar shirt, of whom was standing up from her seat.

"Sara Comont." The brown haired young man of around 18 years addressed the girl in a condescending manner, pushing the glasses up the bridge of his nose. "Wanna repeat what you said?"

"I said, you can't just cut the budget on a group because it's more convenient for you," Sara slammed a hand on the table. "Thats not how these things work!! Taking into consideration the schools budget, size of the club, how much is donated from said club, and what it means for the school overall is-"

"This is your first time in a student council meeting correct?" The young man questioned, interrupting the young woman.

Sara hesitated for a second. "Yes."

"I'll let your outburst slide on this one occasion," He replied, waving his hand dismissively. "Undermine my authority a second time, and there'll be -"


"Damn it!! My character died!! This is the fifth freakin time!! If yall cant do your jobs why play the game??!!"

All heads turned, including Sara and the speaking young man, eyes zeroing in on a young girl with bright white hair, turquoise colored eyes, and a skin color that wasn't quite caramel but neither white nor black. She wore the standard school uniform for females, a white collared shirt with a black tie, albeit modified in a way that gave her a much more feminine appearance. Though her voice was completely American, she gave off an exotic air, he skin tone and hair easily making her stand out from the other people situated at the table. Though no one had spoken to her since she arrived, everyone knew who she was based off her hair color alone, being the talk of Lebanon since the day of her arrival.

Yokino Iroas, president of the Tech Club and one of only four students who transferred into Marda Den High. Just like her brother Kenma, she was simply called "Foreigner" by most of the student body due to her unique appearance.

"Iroas, you got something to add to the conversation?" The older youth didn't look too happy about the sudden interruption, showing clearly on his face.

"To you? Not really." Yokino said, rapidly hitting some keys on her laptop. "You're just an annoyance."

"I'm sorry?"

"16 counts of interrupting others while speaking. 8 counts of underlying threats. 54 counts of condescending remarks. 19 refusals to hear the ideas of others. 23 unnecessary comments and opinions that had no place in a meeting with club Captains." Yokino shook her head. "As someone who wants to be taken seriously, you do a poor job of holding yourself up to the standard you claim to be at. Cutting budgets in order to further fund the Pack in secret is also inexcusable. Peter McPar."

Peter glared at the white-haired girl, a very well hidden look of anger concealed behind an emotionless gaze. "And what proof do you have to back that up?"

"Normally, I wouldn't have bothered coming here in general since I despise meetings, but some issues arose that made me rethink that." Yokino tapped a few buttons on her laptop, closed it, and slid towards the student council secretary. "Your budget cuts in the Swordsmanship club and the Tech Club will not be tolerated. Additionally, the allotment of donations from said Clubs that were meant to go to charities and the school as a whole aren't registered within the online system."

Peter scowled as he opened up the laptop. "Maybe the treasurer and secretary forgot to list them."

"Right. Cause that's gonna fly."

The brown haired teen quickly glanced over what Yokino was trying to show him. After a full minute of looking over the screen, Peter silently closed the laptop and shoved it towards its owner, a totally new look on his visage.

"What're your terms, Foreigner?"

Yokino smiled as she caught the laptop. "Oh? What's this? A change of heart? How touching."

"Don't push it."

"Or what?"


"Thought so." Yokina opened her laptop and typed something into it real quick. "As for my terms, a 25% increase in budget for the two groups you attempted to budget check will be fine. I don't really care about your stolen cash, nor do I have any intentions of getting involved unless it somehow affects me."

Rising up from her seat, the white-haired girl tucked her laptop underneath her arm and strolled over to the door, glancing back slightly to look at Peter. The two made eye contact, Yokina with an emotionless gaze and the Student Council president with a look of pure contempt.

"For future reference, don't talk to me. I've no interest in dealing with subpar individuals."

Click! The sound of the door closing was like thunder to the silent room.


Everyone within the room jumped slightly as Peter slammed a fist into the table, a look of pure frustration written across his face. No one dared to speak as the brown haired individual rubbed his face roughly, leaning back in his seat.

"Damn you Iroas!! That damned Foreigner!!"


"So, can you please help me? I heard you're the one to come to for this."

"Sure, it's just a bunch of bullies, after all."

Kenma let out a breath as he clicked away on his handheld game system, rapidly tapping on the buttons. Situated near the front of an empty classroom, feet propped on the same desk the teachers occupied, the white-haired individual looked completely relaxed. Seated a few feet away from him was a tall, lanky kid with really bad acne and bright orange hair similar to that of cheeto dust.

"Damn it!! My Scyther died!!" Kenma scowled slightly. "The guy just keeps spamming the same move!!"

"Are you.....playing Pokemon?" The ginger asked, a look of confusion on his face.

"Sun version" Kenma replied. "Had to do a trade up with my sister to get this specimen of Scyther. It's supposedly stronger than normal cause of breeding or something. Kinda feels like I got scammed, though."

"And why exactly would I scam you?"

Kenma glanced up from his game, turquoise hues eyeing a bright haired girl as she walked through the door. "Because it keeps losing doofus."

"Maybe you're just bad at the game. I doubt it's the Pokemon's fault." - Yokino

"Maybe you're just bad at life."


Kenma sat up in his seat, closing his 3DS XL and setting it near the edge of the desk, shifting his attention to the two people in the room.

Around 3 hours had passed since Ken had met up with Kimberly and observed her getting her face kicked in, and within that time, the white-haired youth had taken refuge in an empty classroom. Classes had ended some moments prior, and though Kenma hadn't been expecting anyone other than his sister, a young man had walked into the room with an interesting request. According to the ginger, some bullies had been harassing him for far too long, the teachers and faculty having done jack-all to actually fix it, merely giving the perpetrators a few days suspension and letters of apology.

"Okay. What're the names of your bullies?" Kenma leaned forward in his seat, elbows on the desk.

"What?" The kid seemed perplexed from a second as he tore his gaze away from a now seared Yokina.

"The names of your bullies man. Ogle my sister on your own time."

"Or don't ogle me at all," Yokino suggested as she opened up her laptop. "That'd be great."

"I wasn't-"

"The names, man," Kenma interrupted.

"Aaron Relan. Dana Silber. Ashley Afron."

As soon as the ginger finished what he was saying, the white-haired individual glanced towards his sister, of whom was skimming her fingers over her keyboard. After a minute or so, Yokino glanced up.


"Whatcha got for me?"

Yokino made a face. "So what? I'm supposed to drop everything I'm doing to attend to your needs?"

"Sounds about right," Kenma rebuttalled.

"You're delusional."

"You're the one with the computer." Kenma smiled slightly. "Plus you probably already have the information, don't ya?"

Yokino sighed as she hit a few keys. "Aaron Relan, a sophomore, age 16, held back a year for bad behavior. Despite his young age, he seems to be the leader of the trio that was just mentioned. Been arrested 3 times for theft, vandalism, and public indecency in that order. A real idiot."

"Sounds attractive. Don't you go for bad boys?"

"You never run out of jokes do you?" Yokino asked rhetorically, glancing over at her brother.

"Does he have any relation to the Pack?" Kenma touched his chin thoughtfully. "Or any relation to Timothy Berna?"

"All of them do," Yokina answered.

"Is that right." Kenma smiled. "Okay, then I'll gladly help you out country boy."

The ginger haired youth, the same one who had spent the last few minutes looking utterly lost as the siblings went back and forth, looked relieved. At least until the transfer student finished what he was gonna say.

"I'll just need $5,000 and a pack of gum."