
Earth's Alpha Prime

[The System is assimilating Earth with the rest of the vast Universe.] [Congratulations! You are one of the 11 Chosen individuals out of 7.8 billion for the Alpha Program.] [As one of the 11 chosen members of the Alpha Program, you will be among the first from your planet to embark on the Trial Program.] [When the Trial Program concludes, Earth's assimilation with the Universe will commence. Your mission is to survive, overcome the dangers, and grow stronger. Best of luck to you.] ------------------------------------- Book Cover: Dall-E Generated Art, based on a scene in Volume 3. -------------------------------------- Hi there! I’m MN, the Author of the OMNOS REDUX Series, a story that spans 4 Mega Books (~750 Chs), with each having two or more Sub-Books (~250 Chs). The adventure begins with "EARTH’s ALPHA PRIME," the first step in a journey that has seen me grow as an author along the way. In my books, you’ll find interesting abilities, a well-designed system, consistent LitRPG elements, and well-thought-out fight sequences. If you enjoy stories that combine survival, world-building, LitRPG elements, OP MC and a fresh take on the System, then this series is for you. By joining me on PATRE0N, other than the weeks ahead of ADVANCED CHAPTERS, you have the exciting opportunity to customize various aspects of the series, including, MINOR/MAJOR Equipment, Skills, MINOR/MAJOR Monsters and RUDIMENTARY/MINOR/MAJOR Characters. You can make a ONE_TIME purchase for this in the shop section. Your support helps me bring these stories to life and share them with readers everywhere. Thank you for considering joining me. I’m excited to share the OMNOS REDUX Series with you! Any support is highly appreciated and will allow me to keep updating the story! - Note that the 'Charge Up Front' is enabled. Meaning, PATR0NS are charged upfront and then on the first of every following month. Alright then, Cheers! Happy Reading! ----------------------------------- Chapter Release Rate: 4 Chs/Week.  [Mon, Wed, Fri & Sat] @ 23:30 [GMT+8] Discord Server: https://discord.gg/EmqX6fh9cV ----------------------------------- my plan for  EARTH’s ALPHA PRIME (Book 1 of OMNOS REDUX Series[ORS]) {~ Estimated around 750 Chapters} - Total  Volumes: 6 Volume 1: Survival Arc (Completed) {Ch.1 to Ch.129} Volume 2: Tournament Arc (Completed) {Ch.130 to Ch.234} Volume 3: Obelisk Acquisition Arc {~ Estimated around 125 Chapters} Volume 4: Earth Assimilation Arc {~ Estimated around 125 Chapters} Volume 5: Universe Expedition Arc  {~ Estimated around 125 Chapters} Volume 6: Annihilator Arc  {~ Estimated around 125 Chapters} End of the [ORS] Book 1 --------------------------------------------------

MN_1223 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
298 Chs

Monster Waves {(Part-2) out of 6}

Meanwhile, on the Colosseum's podium ground, Felarial summoned 100 screens, where each one showed a team's situation within their respective virtual battlefield.

Among those 100, the screen that floated on top of them all was five times larger than the rest. It was none other than the screen that showed the Earth trial zone team.

Felarial made that screen appear big after noticing that almost the entire Audience had their eyes attached to the first screen.

They wanted to personally witness how powerful the Earth's Alpha Chosen really were.

However, to their surprise, the screen turned ink-black just before the 1st Monster Wave began, blocking them from seeing anything.

The Audience was confused and looked at Felarial as they waited for some kind of explanation, but Felarial himself was no different from them.

However, he could tell the problem wasn't with the screen but due to the presence of the strange fog.

Before Felarial could make something out of it, three seconds passed from the start of the 1st Monster Wave, and the 'Round-2 Evaluation Score Leaderboard' that floated beside the screens had refreshed the Earth trial zone team's score from '0' to '2000'.

It was displayed '2nd Monster Wave' on the top right corner of their screen, making it clear to the Audience that after clearing the 1st Monster Wave within a couple of seconds, the Earth's Alpha Chosen skipped the 10-minute break and proceeded with the next Wave.

As time passed, the disbelief on their faces didn't fade but deepened. Because by the time the first thirty seconds were over, the Earth team cleared the first seven Monster Waves, whereas just a few trial zone teams passed the 1st Monster Wave.

The Audience wanted to glimpse how the Earth's Alpha Chosen cleared those monsters. Alas, what could they do even when the Tournament Manager was helpless.

At the same time, within the Earth trial team's shared virtual space, Gabriel, Kasim and Henry felt like crying upon looking at their newly refreshed individual contribution score.

[Congratulations! Your team have successfully cleared the 7th Monster Wave.]

[Due to clearing the 7th Monster Wave within the first five seconds, a 100% bonus Score was added to your Round-2 Team Evaluation.]


Individual Contribution Score:

Olivia (Lv.40) - 0

Min soo (Lv.38) - 0

Andrea (Lv.37) - 0

Sergei (Lv.35) - 0

Brandon (Lv.35) - 0

Kensei (Lv.31) - 0

Henry (Lv.30) - 0

Kasim (Lv.29) - 0

Gabriel (Lv.27) - 0

Jay (Lv.25) - 193500 (1000+2500+5000+10000+25000+50000+100000)

Dante (Lv.25) - 0

Team Score: 387000 (193500+193500{Bonus})


Ever since the Monster Waves began, those three waited for the monsters to cross past the 'Thunder Miasma Field' but to no avail.

During the 7th Wave, they hoped to find monsters since the horde of the 7th Monster Wave comprised 100 Tier-3 Low-Phase monsters.

However, to their bitter disappointment, not a single one of the monsters managed to set foot across the foggy border.

Once the 7th Monster Wave ended, Jay didn't skip the 10-minute break right away and instead called out to Olivia, "Use <Mind Link> and share my senses with the rest of the team."

She gave a strange look at Jay as if saying, 'Don't you have access to my abilities? Why don't you do it yourself?'

Nonetheless, she didn't dare to voice it out and complied with his instruction.

As soon as Olivia activated that skill on the entire team, a strange connection linked their minds together, and they were able to communicate with each other with just their thoughts.

Besides that, everyone could not only perceive through their own senses but through the senses of others as well. They could even sense each other's position without having to look around.

Jay didn't wait any further after Olivia used her skill and initiated the 8th Monster Wave.

Unlike the previous seven Monster Waves, where the Earth's Alpha Chosen couldn't sense the presence of monsters within the ink-black fog, their perception of the 8th Monster Wave was quite the opposite.

They were able to sense the horde of 100 Tier-3 Mid-Phase monsters approaching them through the fog from all directions.

At the same time, they were able to observe how deadly the fog Jay deployed around them was.

The emulated health bars above the heads of those monsters displayed the gradual deterioration of their health, and that was just from being in contact with the fog.

On top of that, the monsters had to face the onslaught of several grey thunderbolts, each chipping away a large portion of the monsters' overall health.

By the time they were 300 meters away from the Earth's Alpha Chosen, their numbers had gone down to 68.

Beyond the 200-mark, that number reduced to 31 and the monsters that managed to cross the <Thunder Miasma Field> amounted to a measly four.

All those four were Aerial-type monsters, and none of them had more than 10% in their health bar.

The first ones to react were the 'desperate trio', Gabriel, Kasim and Henry. They attacked those four monsters like there was no tomorrow.

As a Wind-elemental user, Gabriel was the fastest one with his ranged wind-blade attacks and scored two kills. In contrast, Henry and Kasim finished off one monster each.

[Congratulations! Your team have successfully cleared the 8th Monster Wave.]

[Due to clearing the 8th Monster Wave within the first ten seconds, a 90% bonus Score was added to your Round-2 Team Evaluation.]


Individual Contribution Score:

Olivia (Lv.40) - 0

Min soo (Lv.38) - 0

Andrea (Lv.37) - 0

Sergei (Lv.35) - 0

Brandon (Lv.35) - 0

Kensei (Lv.31) - 0

Henry (Lv.30) - 225

Kasim (Lv.29) - 240

Gabriel (Lv.27) - 495

Jay (Lv.25) - 442540 (1000+2500+5000+10000+25000+50000+100000+249040)

Dante (Lv.25) - 0

Team Score: 840826 (442540+398286{Bonus})


The contribution of the individual score depended on the amount of damage dealt rather than who finished off a monster.

Since the last four monsters didn't have more than 10% of health, the contribution they received was just as low.

Regardless, Gabriel was excited to score higher than Kasim and Henry.

From the beginning of the trial program, he had always been at the very bottom of any rankings among the Earth's Alpha Chosen, and Gabriel was the only one who wasn't in the Alpha Rankings asides from Dante.

So, when he was ranked second only to Jay in terms of the individual score, Gabriel became even more excited and wished for nothing more than to score even higher in the next Wave.

Kasim and Henry more or less had similar thoughts about scoring higher in the 9th Monster Wave.

But unlike Gabriel, they didn't see it as ranking near Jay because even if all three of their individual contribution score was combined, it didn't amount to 1000, much less comparing themselves to the Goliath of a man, whose individual score neared half a million points.

Meanwhile, Jay thought back to the details about the bonus score that MJ informed him right before Round-2 began.

Only by clearing a Monster Wave in the first 5 seconds would a team obtain a 100% bonus.

If it were delayed by even a second, the System would categorize it as under 10 seconds, and the bonus received would be lowered to 90%.

Likewise, for every five seconds down the line, the bonus received will be reduced by 10%, with the top 50 seconds as the endpoint and clearing a Monster Wave any beyond that wouldn't result in a bonus score.

{Author Note: For a better idea on this, I suggest you guys open this paragraph's comment section to find the table I have prepared, before continuing from where you left it off.}

All the first seven Monster Waves till then were cleared within five seconds, which gave the entire team an 100% bonus score.

But when it came to the 8th Monster Wave, it took them 8 seconds to clear it, and that was categorized as under 10 seconds, resulting in the 90% bonus.

Before skipping the 10-minute break, Jay mentally communicated with the entire team through the <Mind Link>, "Beyond the 9th Monster Wave, it will be quite hard even to survive and obtaining a bonus score is nigh impossible. So, if you all want a good enough Individual Score, the 9th Wave is your chance. Finish off the monsters as soon as possible, even if you all had to expend more Spirit Energy and Stamina."

Soon after his words, the 9th Monster Wave began as 100 Tier-3 High-Phase monsters galloped towards the Earth's Alpha Chosen.


Note: The '1st FIFTEEN PEOPLE' to comment for every new chapter release will get '1 ADVANCED CHAPTER' for free on Earth Alpha Prime's Discord server.

In the discord server, I opened private channels for those Top 15 candidates, where I post the respective Advanced Chapter.

Also, you could find the link for Advanced Chapters in the Earth Alpha Prime's Discord Server. (within the 'ADVANCED CHAPTERS!' Category.)


Discord Link for 'Earth's Alpha Prime' :



Preview of advanced chapters:

Chapter 154: Monster Waves (Part-3)

Chapter 155: Monster Waves (Part-4)

Chapter 156: Monster Waves (Part-5)

Chapter 157: Monster Waves (Part-6) (going to be out soon).

Chapter 158: The Score that broke common logic. (going to be out soon).

You could find the link for Advanced Chapters in the Earth Alpha Prime's Discord Server.

Gamma-Chosen --> 3 Advanced Chapters (1 and a half weeks ahead of the public!)

Beta-Chosen --> 6 Advanced Chapters (3 weeks ahead of the public!)

Alpha-Chosen --> 10 Advanced Chapters (5 weeks ahead of the public!) + A short-term character/boss/Equipment named after you (either your name/nickname/a name of your choosing.)


Upon reaching my 2nd ******* Goal,

The Chapters available to Gamma-Chosen were increased from '3' to '6'.

The Chapters available to Beta-Chosen were increased from '6' to '10'.

The Chapters available to Alpha-Chosen will increase from '10' to '15'.

On top of that, the Chapter release rate will increase from 2 Ch/Week to 3 Chs/Week.


Stay Safe:)

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MN_1223creators' thoughts