
Eɴᴅʟᴇss Lᴏᴠᴇ

~Love at first sight~ Having a crush is something very stressing mostly when he/she considers you as nothing else than a friend. I wrote this story mainly showing that as much as you can try not to fall in love, u found yourself already in love and there is no way you can fight it cz life never goes our way. No matter the rules or limitations you make for yourself you may end-up breaking them unknowingly cz you can't stop your heart from functioning. So this story talks about a boy called Justin Acker, a son of a very rich man who everyone envies but instead his life doesn't go his way. He lost his mother at 6years and at the same time his father's attention and affection, he only remained with his personal maid Teresa (Tess) who took care of him. That made him to hate girls...So if you want to know how he ended up falling in love with a girl read the story. ~Enjoy~

Miriam_Nondo · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
17 Chs

Preparation of the Couple Party (2)

After eating food, we both headed to our rooms, bathed and slept.



"Justin it's you…I never expected this," Alicia said surprisingly.

"So how does it feel, good, huh?," I asked with a wide smile.

" What,?," She asked. I tried to read through her eyes, but they were expressless, emotionless and cold…I really failed to read her gaze, I couldn't see any joy through her eyes, if eyes could kill…I could definitely be dead right now but I know girls are enigmatic just the way my mum was, pretending was part of her…So, I thought maybe she was hiding her joy.

"Where did your excitement go? Aren't you happy to finally know your prince charming?," I asked thinking these words would make her happy, but girls are truly enigmatic.

"You have betrayed me*sob*, pretended to know nothing…Acted like as if you were also excited to see the house like me*sob*, yet you see it daily…Why*sob*why did you lie me?," She said in tears.

This was the first time I was seeing her crying, It kinder strike my heart with deep sadness just by seeing the moods I instantly put her in.

"I- I th-thought that it would make you happy," I exclaimed sadly.

"Make me happy?*sob* seriously*sob*, you lie your friends to make them happy, huh?…U knew I had a crush on your title actually the person you are*sob*yet we were friends and you still went ahead to pretend*sob*You played with my feelings*sob*My emotions! ," She cried even more.

"Am so sorry I never knew, it would turn up this way…Am just sorry," I said making some steps forward to comfort her.

Am not an expert in comforting people, mostly girls…At this right moment I didn't know what to do, the step to make, the proper words to say…so, I did anything which came-up in my mind.

"Don't d-on't *sob*even try to make any other step forward," She said still in tears.

"And if I come closer what will you do?," I asked. I knew it wasn't the right thing to say but it was in my mind so, I brought- it -up.

"Just*sob*don't…I don't want*sob* to do anything stupid," She said already with a knife on her hands, well I can even call it a mini-panga cause it was really huge. It had to make me freak out and run but I chuckled internally, knowing that she is totally inoffensive and female… creatures naturally weak according to me.

"You won't do anything," I said mockingly and took some steps forward confidently, the more I was moving closer and closest, the more she was extending backward warning me not to make any other step forward, but I never stopped extending. Her tears were still flowing but at a higher tone than before. She cried so hard that she started feeling weak, the knife on her hands fell down and she also fell after and sobbed. I felt pity for her so I rushed quickly and knelt down just next to her to comfort her….I was the cause after all.

"Am sorry to hurt your feelings, I didn't mean to," I apologized sincerely.

"I said, don't come closer," She said with a deep voice, literally A Demon voice! Then looked at me, her tears had dried on the face, her eyes were blackish. She looked scary, grim, obnoxious, terrible, totally disastrous! This time I totally freaked out "What the hell?," I shuddered in thought.

"Now, do you still think I can't do anything?," She asked with her demonian voice…Things had turned-up, this time it was her coming forward on my side and me I was going backward, actually running' but she was teleporting herself to every where I was hiding, with a knife on her hands while repeating these grimy words "Today is your last day Justin Acker, you will never lie to anybody anymore hahaha, just because you will be dead…Don't hide Justino I won't do anything to you, apart from killing you hahaha"

I was running allover that weird house with cobwebs everywhere, wherever I hid I found weird skeletons of dead people, rats and snakes…Seeing them made me freak-out which led to my easy localization, she sensed my fear and then teleported herself directly in front of me, too bad I was scared every time….I ran so fast, but those weird remains just kept on making me frightened.

It reached a time I had over ran, over sweated and I was really exhausted…so I decided to hide for the last time, a last place! Just near a skeleton of a rat...At this right moment I realized that I had never felt this embossed, of everything! Life, Running, Hiding and mainly of seeing the witch that Alicia had turned into just because of her emotions…I was ready for anything, death was my last option.

I really wanted to die and I knew it would benefit me…Only one benefit came up in my mind "I would be able to see my mum once again"

"Ooh Justino, near a skeleton….Aren't you scared? hahaha," She mocked making a fake worried face which snapped me out of my thought.

She came closer to me with a sharp knife pointing directly on my precious hidden heart, I never defended myself.

"But doesn't she know the precious thing she wants to strike" I thought. "Anyways let me endure cause I really want to see my mum"… I just closed my eyes ready to feel the knife pass through my body.

I never expected it to take this long…I stayed still and endured a little more but it became awkward, why wasn't the witch killing me yet.

This was weird so I opened my eyes and saw her stuck with her knife pointed on the direction of my chest, my heart's side! Ready to strike me but unable….she was like a statue not able to move. "I can't kill you*cough*,I have failed…Your blood is too strong*cough*," She said.

"What? My blood?," I asked in confusion then tried to take her knife from her hands…Directly I caught on it, she turned into salt crystals.

"Damn," I said bending to touch the salt. I even tasted it to confirm if it was really salt and yes! It was salt but with some warmth like if it had been heat but not to the fullest… Plus an abnormal whiteness, it was too white and shining like diamond crystals.

"Well, I knew I was very unique and special but I didn't expect my blood to be that powerful…Maybe I aint human?," I thought.

The salt was welcoming, actually contagious…I looked at it and instantly wanted to sit on it and sprinkle some on myself.

For the first time after a long time…I felt playful, so I did what I desired.

I realized I wanted to go back to when I was 6years old, A happy child, fragile, shy, social, talkative, stubborn, playful , friendly, expressive, kind and of course intelligent which am still but things changed so much after 3rd March and they never left me the same.

I became rude, obnoxious, arrogant, proud, unkind, unfriendly, enigma, heartless and inexpressive. The only thing which stayed intact is my knowledge. My friends zone reduced to one person, Jacob! Even Jessica I bounced her with one heart, but I have this puzzle in my head…on how I accepted Alicia as a friend so easily, its weird but the weirdest is the way she thinks am good guy, but after all am good to her.

I was sleeping while playing in that salt knowing that I should enjoy the moment of being unserious for a while, then I would go back to the fantasy I built for myself. Suddenly I started seeing light surrounding the place "Damn what the hell is happening," I thought.

Then I felt light strike my eyes in full form so, I opened my eyes and realized I was still on bed.

"Hey morning Justin," Jacob greeted after opening the curtain widely.

"Damn! It was a dream, thank God!," I sighed in relief.

"What was that dream?," He asked me curiously.

"Not important," I replied.

"Are you sure? If it's not important why have you over reacted to it?," He asked me curiously.

"Huh? Cause that's the normal reactions after waking up," I explained.

"Oh yeah! Your right the normal reaction after waking up is thanking God for removing you in the dream you were in," He said teasingly.

"Yep...You get it bro," I said tapping on his shoulder teasingly.

"You mean, me who doesn't say that after waking-up is abnormal?," He asked.

"Damn, you didn't know…All along this is when you have discovered, am even shocked!," I said mockingly….Teasing him directly.

"Haha very funny, now tell me," He said.

"Is that how they taught you how to request when you were young?," I asked slightly grinning.

"Ok, please," He pleaded.

"Ok please? What do u mean? Cause I don't understand," I smirked.

"Justin…Please may I know your dream," He said rolling his eyes.

"Not the right way but…Yes please, let me tell it to you," I said making a soft bow mockingly.

"Hahaha Justin your really mad,"

"Hahaha…Well, it was half a nightmare," I finally confessed.

"A nightmare, you say??…About what, explain a little more about it?," He asked worriedly. Seeing his reaction made me chuckle inwardly, he looked so cute worrying for a small reason.

"It aint important, thank God it passed and it had a good ending,"

"Not important Justin? How can you say that confidently?"

"Hey! Your over reacting, what happened that year passed too…and it will never happen again, ok?," I assured him.

"You almost died Justin, in my eyes…Tell me what that nightmare is all about?," He said totally shuddered by thinking of what had happened in our childhood.

"Just Alicia that's all, she was annoyed and turned into a demon, tried to kill me but I killed her first miraculously with my strong blood as she said …It's not that big, ok? So don't worry I won't try to commit suicide anymore! Your worrying too much," I explained honestly.

"Sorry bro, it's just that when I heard nightmare…I remembered that night, the darkest night in my whole life, I freaked-out you get, just-

"Chill bro, I understand…But never worry again about me that much, am fine now all the nightmares about my mum ended…So relax," I interrupted his words, he nodded feeling slightly embarrassed and just headed outside my room after telling to prepare quickly cause he had already received a copy with designs for the party.

I was excited to see them so I quickly prepared myself. It took me less than 8minutes to shower and I dressed-up then quickly rushed to see the copies.

I reached and he was taking breakfast.

"Ok now show me the copies," I asked after sitting next to him. The dinning table was really huge, 50people could fit on it…When Tess is around, we always sat next to each other, we hated occupying faraway seats.

I saw the designs and I felt weird doing this without Tess so I sent a pic of the copy asking her to pick the ones she preferred…She answered immediately, and picked the necessary designs.

"Jacob we are done," I said with a wide smile. He looked at me puzzled as if asking me what was next.

"Well, it's tonight," I confirmed.

"Great then, now for the masks, sap?," He confusingly asked.

"Leave it all to me, just a call and everything will be fixed," I confidently said.

"Ok cool…now we go to school," He reminded me.

"Oh damn! School I had forgotten but let me first make the call,"

"Ok, bro...You'll find me with Peterson in the car,"

"Ok, Alexa call the Mr. Eric," I commanded.

my phone.

~Calling Mr. Eric in process~ It replied.

I sighed, it had taken long since I last heard from Mr. Eric he is our Manager…Any function which is to happen at home or that we want to organize, he is responsible for it. He is the one who organized my mum's burial ceremony, My horrible birthdays and even my mum's remembrance parties. And I was calling him to organize this one too it was going to be quite weird, to see him again.

~Ongoing call~ It said snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Hello," His voice was heard through the phone.

"Hi Mr. Eric,"

"Mr. Acker Junior, longtime…What owes me this call?," He asked.

"I wanted to organize a party at home, and I know no one as good as you,"

"Woow! Is that a compliment?," He asked teasingly.

"Well, I know nobody else," I admitted.

"So, you want me to organize your party?"

"Yes, if possible sir,"

"Ok, Is it for tonight?," He asked curiously.


"Ok…I'll be there for the day and at night everything will be ready,"

"Thank you, the money will be transferred to your account in a few,"

"On that I trust you Mr. Acker Junior, it's always a pleasure to work with you" He finally said. Then I hanged up knowing that everything was in perfection for the party.

~End of call~ Alexa said.

I went through the lift, to the parking then entered the car and Peterson started the driving to school.

"Good morning, Mr. Acker…I hope you received the copies,"

"Yes I did and I picked my choices," I replied.

"Good, Did you mark your desires?…So that I can bring them today after classes," He suggested.

"Yes, here are the ones I want,"

I gave him back the copies with ticks on the designs I had chosen.

"Great Mr. Acker, the designs will be available after school," He said, stopping the car at school

"Aaaah, Justiiiinnnnn he is here" The girls screamed already scattering in the parking.

"Jacob," I looked at him with alerting eyes, telling him to find a way for me to pass cause this time the girls had increased in number, and had surrounded our car.

"Damn," He said looking out.

He opened the door and then pushed the girls so that he could pave way for me…so, I also followed him from behind. The girls where screaming my name from left and right, but unable to touch me…they love me so much but they know am golden, they can't risk to dirty me with there ugly hands. They keep-on screaming but from a distance.

"Finally," I sighed in relief when we left the parking.

"Damn bro! It seems today you put double love portion on yourself," He said teasingly.

"Hahaha…Love portion! Yeah your right, today girls have doubled up," I exclaimed.

"Maybe…Your blood has become stronger, huh?," He asked tapping my shoulder teasingly.

"Hahaha very funny, we better go to class now," I said heading to class and he followed me.

We entered, sat where we always sit. Everyone looked excited for tonight, they all stopped concentrated when we entered…Jacob never had a second for himself, he was busy answering questions about the party. He already had invitations and most people knew and were pleading for him to give them. I told him to give the invitations to important people, people worthy to attend.

People don't disturb me unlike Jacob cause hierarchy exists! They know there levels….Besides that, they also know me properly am too arrogant. Beside that one girl Alicia who sees goodness in me. Oh! She doesn't know my callousness.

I think the teacher had already realized that nobody was minding him, at that right moment the class looked like a club.

"Hey! Guys I know your all excited for the party tonight but everything has its timing…Yes! I know about it so, sit comfortably and wait we finish this lesson," Mr. Alford commanded. Silence encircled the room, and everyone who was conversing stopped and concentrated on what he was saying.

"Good, so we continue…I was saying….

Well the rest I never heard, actually I never needed to…I knew everything. I was swallowed by my memories, deep in the flashback.

Aren't you excited for the couple party..How do u think it will? Who will Justin go with? Answer on the comments

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