
Dystopia: Reborn in the World without Peace

Kiera, A CEO of a world renowned Fashion and Cosmetics Company, Utopia. The word Glamorous defines her. Spoiled by her dad, she never gone through tough times which made her evil in the eyes of people. Until her birthday when she met an old man begging her for food but she refused and revolted which made the old man furious. With that he cursed her. "Go forth to the World of Dystopia. You shall not return to this world until Dystopia is at peace." She didn't listen. She thought he was crazy. She went home and fell asleep. The time she woke up, she found herself in an unfamiliar place. She looked around. Where the hell is she? And then she remembered. "Dystopia."

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23 Chs

World of Trashes

"Demons, witches, vampires, ogres and other creatures are all around this world before. Now, these creatures were in one place, one world called Dystopia. Many believed that this world will not be peaceful as before. Sins, and evilness are lurking around this world, be careful, and pay for your sins Kiera." The old man said in Kiera's dreams.

"Ah!" Kiera gasps as she woke up.

"Are you okay?" The woman asks.

"Yes" Kiera said.

"You've been like that for two days, what happened?" The woman asks.

"You wouldn't understand." Kiera responds and left.

As Kiera walks out of the tavern, she remembered the day she got to Dystopia. ———

Kiera woke up in a bright light from the sun.

"Hmm..why is it so bright?" Kiera said covering her eyes.

When she opened her eyes she was in a unfamiliar place and era, she was in a medieval era. Kiera stood up and opened the door.

"WHOOSH!!" A horse passed in front of Kiera.

"What. The. Hell?!!"

A town full of people in a different clothing, different faces, different races and different creatures.

"Is t-this a dream?" Kiera said slapping her face.

"It hurts" Kiera said and slapped again her face.

"Mama, is that lady out of her mind?" A child said to her mother loudly while walking and pointing at Kiera.

"Kiera, snap out of it!" Kiera said talking to herself.

"See mama, she's out of her mind." The child said.

When the child and her mother left, Kiera was dumbfounded and felt pressured. Kiera was panicking until she collapsed.

"My lady!" A woman said and rushed to help Kiera.

"Huh..." Kiera sighs as she returns to the tavern.

"Oh, welcome back!" The woman said.

"Excuse me Miss? Can you help me?" Kiera asks hesitantly.

"Sure dear, do you need something?" The woman said.

"What's your name?" Kiera asks shyly.

"My name is Odette." The woman said.

"Well, Ms. Odette, I'm kinda in a hard situation right now and you're the one who always help me." Kiera said then she told Odette everything that has happened.

"My dear, I understand your problem and I believe you. There are just some things that we are not aware of and we have to fight to know what it really is." Odette said.

"Can you help me or not? I really want to be back in my own world!" Kiera yelled at Odette.

"Now I know the reason why you're here." Odette said.

"Uh, s-sorry, I'm just shocked and I don't know what to do." Kiera said with apologizing look.

"I know someone who can help you, you're not the only one with that kind of situation." Odette said and stood up. "Sleep early, the person I know visits this town before daylight." Odette said.

"Fine." Kiera said and went to her bed.

Kiera had a hard time falling asleep so she waited until dawn.

"Knock!" "Kiera, are you awake? He's here." Odette said.

"Coming!" Kiera said.

Odette went outside and approach the man she's been talking about.

"Uncle Pedro!" Odette shouts as she heads toward Pedro.

"Oh my lady, do you need something?" Pedro asked.

"Are heading out to scout again?" Odette asked.

"Yes my lady." Pedro answered.

"I was hoping that you could help my friend." Odette said.

"Of course!" Pedro responded.

Odette head inside with Pedro and introduce Pedro to Kiera.

"My dear, this is Pedro, the one I'm talking about." Odette said happily.

"Oh nice to meet you." Kiera said.

"Let me guess my lady, is she coming with me to the forest and bring her to the Namuh Tavern?" Pedro asked looking at Odette.

"Unfortunately, yes uncle Pedro." Odette said and looked at Kiera.

"Be careful my dear." Odette said holding Kiera.

Confused Kiera was just staring at them. "Where am I going? Be careful? Is it dangerous?" Kiera asked.

"You see, it's a little hard to explain but I guess you would understand." Odette said as she transforms into Fairy Elf.

"Humans are rare in Dystopia, and it is dangerous for you to stay here so I'm going to help you." Pedro said as he transforms into ogre.

Kiera gasps but she starts to realize something and agreed to Odette and Pedro.

"Whatever it is that I need to do, I'll do it, just to get home." Kiera said with determined look.

"Thank you Ms. Odette!" Kiera said waving at Odette while leaving with Pedro.

"Take care my dear!" Odette said waving back.

"How do you like your clothes?" Pedro asked.

"Well I'm from human world so this is not my style." Kiera said looking at her black cape and hat.

"You need that for disguise, the forest is full of demons and other creatures." Pedro said.

"WHA-WHAT?! DEMONS?!" Kiera asked Pedro and stopped walking.

"Yes." Pedro said.

"Why are you taking me there?!" Kiera asked panicking.

"Stop it, it's the only way to the other town." Pedro said and walks.

Kiera was shocked at Pedro's response but she continues to walk.

"You just have to keep close to me and don't go to shaded places. Demons can't hurt you if there's sunlight." Pedro said.

"Really? So it was easy to cross that forest, the sun is rising now." Kiera said with confidence.

"Maybe." Pedro said.

Kiera looked at Pedro thinking that he's teasing her.

"Here we are." Pedro said.

"Uncle! Wait for me. I'm....Almost..Up." Kiera said as she reach the upper mountain.

"I never knew a forest could be this huge.." Kiera said in awe.

"Keep walking." Pedro said.

"Wait, Uncle? Where's the sunlight?" Kiera asked nervously.

"There's no sunlight here because of the trees." Pedro said.

"Well those trees are gigantic so how are gonna cross this forest without being eaten?!" Kiera asked.

"Just keep walking and don't mess around."

"O-Okay." Kiera follows Pedro.

After an hour Kiera asks for a break.

"Uncle, have you been walking around here everyday?" Kiera asked.

"Yes, I trade things to Riva town." Pedro said.

"Riva town? Is that where we are going?" Kiera asked.

"Yes, let's go now we don't want demons to hear us." Pedro said and stood up.

Kiera stood up and as she was going to follow Pedro she heard a voice.

"Kiera, where have you been? I've been waiting for you." An unknown voice said.

Kiera stopped walking and look back.

"Mom? Impossible, she's dead." Kiera said.

"I'm here." The unknown voice said.

Kiera tried to look around but she can't see anything.

"Mom!" Kiera shouted.

Pedro heard and look behind him and found that Kiera was left behind. Pedro run towards Kiera's voice and saw Kiera shouting to a tree.

"Mom! Mom!" Kiera shouted at the tree.

"Kiera!" Pedro said while shaking Kiera.

*How can a demon tricked you?* Pedro said in his thoughts.

Kiera stopped shouting and looks at Pedro.

"Umm..Uncle? Kiera said pointing above Pedro.

Pedro turns and look where Kiera was pointing at.

"HAHAHAHA" A Demon laugh and jumped at Pedro.

Pedro tries to fight the demon but he lost his sword, Pedro was struggling to get his sword but the Demon keep strangling him.

"K-Kiera, the sword! Snap out of it, this is Pedro." Pedro said while asking for help.

Shocked Kiera stood up and grab the sword behind the tree and stabbed the demon.

"Is he dead?" Kiera asked while helping Pedro.

"RUN!" Pedro said while grabbing Kiera's hand.

"AHHH!" Kiera shouted as she saw the demon following them.

When they reached the end of the forest Kiera saw the sunlight.

"Uncle! Hurry!" Kiera said while pulling Pedro.

Pedro stopped before he reached the end of the forest.

"Uncle? What's wrong?" Kiera asked.

There was no response from Pedro.

"Come on uncle we're almost there!" Kiera said pulling Pedro.

"You can go Kiera, I'm heading back." Pedro said.

"Wait what? Uncle it's dangerous in there remember? Why are you heading back? You need to trade things right?" Kiera said.

"I can't.." Pedro said.

Kiera got annoyed and starts to act as a brat then she pulled Pedro out of the shade. "Why are you so annoying?!"

As Pedro got out of the shade he turned into ashes.

Kiera was shocked and she saw deep in the forest that the demon before was watching and smiling at her.

"HUH? HOW COULD THIS BE? UNCLE PEDRO?! AHHHHHHH!!" Kiera shouted angrily.