
Dystopia: Reborn in the World without Peace

Kiera, A CEO of a world renowned Fashion and Cosmetics Company, Utopia. The word Glamorous defines her. Spoiled by her dad, she never gone through tough times which made her evil in the eyes of people. Until her birthday when she met an old man begging her for food but she refused and revolted which made the old man furious. With that he cursed her. "Go forth to the World of Dystopia. You shall not return to this world until Dystopia is at peace." She didn't listen. She thought he was crazy. She went home and fell asleep. The time she woke up, she found herself in an unfamiliar place. She looked around. Where the hell is she? And then she remembered. "Dystopia."

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23 Chs


The Ringleaders seem to arrive at the Jade Lake but what they saw was something they did not expect. Before they arrived at the exact location, their surroundings became gloomy and misty, covering the sight of the Ringleaders.

"How are we supposed to see the island if we can't see anything?" Koko asked everyone.

"This mist must be something to protect the Jade Lake since it's the passageway to the other island." Hazeki said.

"Old Tanju? Are we there yet?" Kiera called out.

"Aye...it's strange that there is no island here. I am sure this is the exact location." Old Tanju said.

"We can take a look again and find the island." Kiko said.

"Alright folks! We'll look for the island." Old Tanju steers the wheel.

"Everyone, look for any sight of an island, Hazeki you look on the stern part. Kiko, you're on the portside and Moga you're on the Starboard side. Ladies, assist Old Tanju, I'll check on the lady we rescued." Levin ordered everyone their assigned tasks.

Levin entered his cabin to check on Kijima who's lying on the bed. Levin then remembered how he was saved by her on the last island and he saw on her chest that she has the same mark as well. Levin sat beside her and grabs the wet towel to wipe her dirty face. As he wipes her face, Kijima grabbed his wrist and threatened him with her claws, but as soon as she saw Levin staring at her she stopped and let out a sigh.

"I'm sorry..." Kijima said.

"Are you feeling better? Levin asked.

Kijima took a deep breath and placed her hand on Levin's chest.

"Woah! What are you doing?" Levin flinched and step back.

"My bead." Kijima said.

"Your what?" Levin asked in confusion.

"My bead is inside you, it has my energy and powers, if you are near me, I feel better." Kijima explained.

"What do you mean?" Levin asked.

"I gave you my bead when you were about to die, my bead saved you from death, that is why you have the vamp crest on your chest." Kijima stated how she rescued Levin.

"T-this mark, I knew it's from you...how do I give you back your bead?" Levin asked.

"I'm the only one who can take it back, and I can't take it now. You're going to die, you're still not fully healed. You still need the bead." Kijima explained.

"Did you suffer from those pirates because you don't have the bead? You were powerful when I met you last time. Is it because you don't have the bead?" Levin asked worriedly.

"It doesn't matter, as long as I'm near you, I'm powerful. I'll protect you, my bead." Kijima said with determination and placed her hand on Levin's chest.

"Thank you, I'll protect the bead as well...uhm may I know your name?" Levin asked.

"Ki-ji-ma." Kijima said and looked on Levin's eyes.

"That's a pretty name, Kijima. Thank you for saving my life." Levin said.

"No problem. But hey, don't tell anyone my name." Kijima replied.

"S-sure..." Levin said and invited Kijima to meet everyone.

As the two went out, the others are busy gathering at the port side of the ship. They are looking under the water but Levin interrupted them and introduced Kijima.

"Everyone!" Levin caught the others' attention. "This is Kiji. She'll be part of our team. Levin said.

"Oh! Nice to meet you Kiji! My name is Koko" Koko greeted cheerfully.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Kiera." Kiera offered a handshake.

"I'm Hazeki, you can call me Haze." Hazeki smiled.

"Kiko." Kiko said with a cold tone.

"And I am Moga!" Moga surprised Kijima.

"And that is Lily on top, she's the lookout of the team." Levin pointed to Lily.

"General, I would like to report that there is something beneath us." Lily went down.

"What is it?" Levin tried to look over the place where Lily is pointing.

"We still can't see it clearly, it's too dark under there." Hazeki said.

"We need to light it up." Kijima said.

"Light it up?" Kiera asked.

"There is a sea stack around here somewhere, you need to put the jade on it to light up the island." Kijima explained.

"How did you know that? And where can we find the Jade?" Hazeki asked.

Kijima remembered what she heard from Toshi's ship when she was abducted.


"The treasures are underneath the sea and we need the real jade." Toshi explained to his pirates.

"What do we do with the jade, captain?" The pirate asked.

"We need to put it on the smallest sea stack, that's the only way to light up the island." Toshi explained.


"So we need to find the smallest sea stack?" Moga asked.

"Yes, but it will be dangerous since most of the creatures fortify it." Kijima said.


"Woah what was that!" Old Tanju shouted.

"We hit something!" Levin was alarmed.

Everyone checked the situation to find a small sea stack with jade in color.

"Wait, is this it? The smallest sea stack? It looks so special." Moga said in confusion.

"That easy huh?" Kiko smirked.

"It is! There's the missing piece." Kijima points toward the hole of the sea stack.

"Well, I guess we only need the Jade." Hazeki said.

"But how can we find it?" Kiera asked and everyone looked at Kijima.

"Kiji, do you know where the missing jade is?" Koko asked.

"I-I don't know, even Toshi did not mention anything about it." Kijima said.

"Hmm..maybe the Jade was just around us, maybe the other sea stacks have it." Levin said.

"But how can we get it? It's a waste of time to find other sea stacks." Kiera said.

"We can split up, find other sea stacks and meet back here." Levin started a plan.

"Wait, something's strange." Lily said.

"Why?" Kiko asked.

"Kiji said that the creatures protect the sea stack, why are there no creatures here?" Lily said.

"I find it strange too.." Kijima added.

"Maybe we are just lucky and those creatures were just myths." Moga said.

"We just stick to the plan and be back here after 30 minutes, is that okay?" Levin said.

Everyone agreed and they are divided into two teams. Kiera, Hazeki and Koko was assigned to the first boat that will explore the East. Levin, Kijima and Moga was on the other boat to check the West, while Lily, Kiko and Old Tanju are left at the ship to oversee both sides. As they paddle, the darker the water of the sea gets. Minute by minute, the mist eats the surroundings out. Both parties reached the sea stack assigned to them and Lily fired the smoke gun that Koko gave her to signal everyone that everything is clear. Hazeki and Levin team then began to explore the sea stacks.

"I'll look at the back side." Kiera volunteered.

"I'll stay on the boat for lookout." Koko said.

"Okay guys, be sure to find any crystal around this stack." Hazeki ordered.

On the other side.....

"Lev" Moga shows a jade stone.

"Is that it?" Levin asked.

"Keep it for now, we should find more." Kijima said and finds more crystal that looks like the jade.


"It looks nothing like the other stack. But it's green." Kiera said.

"Keep it for now, we don't know the exact color of jade." Hazeki said.

"I know different shades of green, Haze." Kiera said annoyingly.

"What? Just keep looking." Hazeki continued to find stones.

"I've been the CEO of my own cosmetic company that's why I know the difference of Jade and the regular green." Kiera argues.

"Alright, alright! I don't know cosmetics. Just look for it, we don't have much time." Hazeki said.

"Hmph!" Kiera continues to look for the stone.


Old Tanju's ship on the other hand are looking out.

"Kiko!" Lily called out.

"Do you hear that?" Lily asked.

"What is that?" Kiko asked.

"I can hear voices." Lily said looking for the source of the voice.

"Sirens.." Kiko said.

Before facing the danger, Lily fired the emergency flare gun but the mists blocks the view of the others.

"Shit! They can't see it with these fogs!" Lily panicked.

Kijima sensed danger from the sea and urged everyone to go back.

"Hurry! They're here!" Kijima exclaimed.

While the others are in panic, Hazeki's team are still searching and have no idea of what's happening.

"It's getting dark guys, I think we should go." Koko said.

"Let's go, Kiera that's enough." Hazeki said.

Kiera stood up and ride on the boat but as Hazeki starts to paddle they heard voices.

"What is that?" Koko asked.

"Mermaids." Hazeki said.

"Cover your ears! Don't let them hypnotize you!" Kiera said.

As Hazeki paddle more, mermaids kept on appearing everywhere surrounding them.