
Dynasty Creation

The summary is quite long so I'll just say before you read it (or not) that the MC is reincarnated in another world as the descendant of a stupid god but the problem : he has nearly no cheat so he'll need to play time and not rush like MC of other novel. He will create a dynasty and will guide them to build the strongest dynasty in order for him to become a god and for the one who summoned him to recover his power and avenge himself. The hero is reincarnated in another world. He was called there by the ancestor of his new body. An ancient god who has lost the majority of his powers and who wishes to regain them by creating a powerful dynasty. The problem is that his only descendant, who should have been a demigod or at least a super powerful being, only has one ability : the ability to create magical objects by sacrificing his own life force. This seems pretty useless for creating a powerful dynasty. On top of that, the god's heir dies, which forces the latter to call a compatible spirit to put it in the body of his descendant in order for his legacy to subsist. This is where our protagonist arrives. A young man who has three hobbies in life: reading, watching anime and playing strategy games. He then wakes up in his new body, signs a contract with the god, his new ancestor and sets off on a quest to become more powerful, obtain an estate and have talented children. This seems complicated once again because of quite a few resons : his body is weak and he appeared in a world constantly at war, even if he's the last descendant of a god, this god never paid attention to them so his family is now a farmer family and his parents died years ago and even more : he doesn't know anything about this world... He will use the power of his predecessor to create an object capable of containing his consciousness when he realizes that time is passing and that unlike the heroes of the novels he does not have a cheat code that allows him to create a powerful kingdom of himself : When he reaches a certain age and realizes that his body is damaged, he creates a ring which will allow him to shelter his spirit while having the potential to become more powerful. Each time the wearer of the ring kills an enemy, the ring sucks the life force from them in order to strengthen itself and allow the ring's master (him) to add functionality to it. Watch as he spend his time growing the power of his dynasty in order to accomplish his goal. The protagonist will first have a human appearance and then will just be the spirit of the ring, a legacy he bestowed upon his descendants. He will then communicate and guide them to survive and become stronger.

S_Toi · Fantasi
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1 Chs

The demise of a god

The earth was shaking. Lightning tore the sky. Rays of light of all colors illuminated the sky. A dense, black fog covered the ground. The wind was blowing hard, roofs were torn off, passers-by who had not taken shelter were lifted into the air and already knew that they would not wake up the next day. The whole country was shaking. All living creatures in the empire, beasts, mortals, mages or even demigods raised their heads and looked at the sky, wondering if the end of the world had come. Everyone feared for their lives, from the humblest farmer to the most powerful demigod. Suddenly a big light appeared in the sky. The entire empire was cut in two at once. Tens of thousands of people died instantly. The ocean immediately rushed into the gap several kilometers wide that had just been created. The empire which had existed for 1500 years and which had managed to resist the ravages of time had just received a hard blow: half of the empire was now separated from the rest of the continent. An old man watching the sky sighed. He whispered: "The gods are fighting, it's a war of gods!"

Indeed, the gods were fighting. They were fighting together against a common enemy, as surprising as it may seem, they were fighting against creatures who had come to invade the world. They fought a little out of patriotism but it was above all their interests which united these gods who once hated each other against a common enemy: these invaders. It was a hash fight. A lot of gods fell into nothingness. Quite a few of these invaders died. Finally all the invading creatures either died or retracted. Once the gods had pushed them away, they turned against one of their own. He had obtained a powerful artifact during this fight and now their greedy eyes were watching him. He had no allies despite his strength. He never thought it would ever be useful to him and now he was paying the price. These deities who just some times ago fought alongside him now united against him. Despite his above average (divinely speaking) strength, he could do nothing against so many enemies. The injuries were piling up. He ended up falling to his knees. The bloody wounds covering his body. Golden blood flowed profusely, with each drop that fell, he lost some of his power. He would never be able to recover from these injuries, he knew that, but he still wanted to survive and take revenge. Betting it all, he then activated the artifact he had recovered and in a burst of light, his body was destroyed but his spirit as well as the artifact he was carrying disappeared. His enemies tried hard to find him, but some concluded that he had self-destructed.

In fact, he didn't die but still lost his body which isn't good even for a god but he could still live. But he knew that to recover, he would need a lot of ressources. The problem : he had none. His previous home would surely disappear in the hands of these greedy bastards and he had no allies. He then had an idea : "why don't I use my descendants. I never looked after them but I'm still their ancestor and with my help, they'll be able to prosper. It has only been 3000 years since I last looked after them. Let's see what they've become... Da fuck ! How could I only have one descendant. I'm a god for my(god's) sake ! Even more, he's just a twenty years old mortal who has never even been in contact with magic or cultivation... What ! He's dying ! Oh fuck ! What can I do. I'm such an uncaring ancestor but how could these ungrateful descendants do that to me ! Sob sob...

Shit ! His soul was destroyed... Okay, let's first preserve his body... How could I have let my last descendant die like that... Such a godly idiot... Oh I've an idea 💡 Since I didn't even know him, it won't really make a difference if I just put someone else in his body. I'll save a dying soul and I'll even gain a descendant who will create a powerful dynasty which I'll be able to use to recover, regain my power and then take revenge. Let's see, what talent does he have ? None ! Oh shit. Let's give him a bit of my remaining power to raise his talent and give him a power that'll help him.

... It's still a truly bad talent, he won't ever become a transcendent but at least there isn't nothing. What ? His power is just creating magic item by sacrificing his life force? It's just telling him to die to make a cool sword... But what can I do, I can't supply any more power...

Now let's choose a compatible sool...

There's none in this world... Ah maybe in another world. Ah I think I found something, hum he just died and want to continue living ? Perfect 👍. Let's go !"

I think I died. I was playing strategy games as usual. I was relaxed, confiant of my capabilities. I nearly always winned. Two years ago, I was a 25 years old officer and I was already a commander. It was quite good and everyone said I was a genius but one day, I had an "accident" which destroyed a part of my spine. Ever since, I wasn't able to walk and I sank into depression. I left my job and I returned home in a wheelchair.

Since the accident I no longer left the house and I indulged in my three hobbies: reading, watching anime and playing strategy games.I recovered from my depression but my body didn't. I still was able to live nearly normally,(if for you it's being a shut-in).

But now there's a problem. An hour ago I received a call that said that my mom died. Her last words being : I wish I had grandchildren. I was devastated : "Sorry mom, I didn't took proper care of you. Sorry I didn't take any time to encounter a woman as I was busy working and after that I thought no woman would want me. A shut-in in wheelchair..." As I was crying, I didn't realised that I was falling. I fell on the ground where there was a pen that pierced my throat and just like that, I died. And now I'm here, in this dark space. There's no fucking way I could die like that ! Bloody hell ! Ah shit... What a shitty way to die...

At this time a voice called me.

"Hello ? Do you hear me ?

-Huh ? Yes why ?

- Oh nothing, just to say that I'm a god and that if you agree to be my descendant, I can reincarn you in my no good descendant body.

-Huh why not but what's the deal ?

-Simple : you just have to become strong, have a lot of children and create a powerful dynasty that will then give me ressources in order for me to recover and take revenge against the old fool that allied against me when I just saved their asses.

-Okay but I'd like to say that it's quite strange that you say it like that, shouldn't you mention almost nothing or give me overcheat abilities ?

-It's not that I can't but I won't just spend some of my precious strength in order for you to become strong. I already gave you a special power, even if it's a little shitty and a little talent even if it's not much.

-How can I acquire knowledge about this world ?

-Simple : Acquire it the hard way.

-With you everything is simple even if it's not.

-Alright, just sign the contract, I can't waste power on speaking with you. Bye !

Party A : Hyunjae Thalis Fehebsom Gramentum Hfvejezl Jidevsel Alalir, Sword God

Party B : You

1. Party B recognise Party A as his ancestor, he needs to respect him and transmit this respect and histories of his glorious feats to his descendants.

2. A will make sure that B obtain a body that is sufficiently handsome to seduce women and sufficiently talented to be able to at least produce descendants that aren't worthless and be able to become strong enough to protect himsel against most ennemies.

3. A will make sure to give a superpower to B.

4. B will make sure to have children in in order to create a dynasty.

5. B and his descendants will when they have created a strong dynasty (strong enough to resist all mortal countries on one on one) give at least a third of their ressources to A in order for him to recover.

6. A will protect B and his descendants without exposing himself until he's fully recovered.

7. When A has fully recovered, he will support B and his descendants in order for some of them to become gods or at least demigods.

After reading it I signed and my vision went black