
Dxd : Undead

A crossroads of life and death. All must face this path the weary, the innocents, and the evil. The overlord of death although never expecting such found himself lost in the dimension gap. Now, trapped in this perpetual existence he will do anything to relieve himself of it. Oh, how far has the apple fallen that is for you readers to know...

Xshamee · Komik
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9 Chs

3. Reminiscence

The rating games announced, marking the end of her fate. The girl refused to bow before the almighty creatures of the sky. Phoenix, A bird of immortality. Legends spoke of them as birds of passion and love. A phoenix dies not when he is killed but when they stay devoid of love. Marching in an endless path of slaughter and destruction they stay true to their name. humans who earn its ire burn in its eternal flame. Legends speak of how the birds wreak havoc towards paleo-Indians in Arizona. Burning, scorning their anger infinite as their lust unsatiable.

The house of Gremory. Fortitude, Enlightened decided to marry off their scion. But the girl was reluctant. She held no love towards the immortal being as such threw everything she had to escape its ravenous claws.

"Issei. I would leave now to train for my upcoming fight" The hatred born for his lust stood as an insignia for the action of her future. Spurred in gait for she wished to remove that condescending smirk of his face and as well to unmask what her brother shied to look upon to the rest of underworld in whole. For her pride as Gremory would never succumb to the likes of those flapping their wings proclaiming a lineage lost in time.

"Is that so. Then know this that in your absence I can look after your headquarters" He urged her with whatever support he can give in lieu to this predicament.

"Thank you that's all I can ask" She thanked the kind boy as she left her nest to plan anew.

With those words, she left to face her future. Leaving him to wonder about what he should do now.

Ainz POV:

Once more in an embrace of his rich mahogany bed sat our overlord thinking deep of his thought. Uncaring was his gait for truly nothing held the wandering gaze of his palatable eyes. Murky deep, gazing for an adventure but having none the reason for pursuing so.

The feeling of love and friendship never held relevance to the life of this migrator, but by no means do all remains the same. The world moves uncaring of his thoughts acting oblivious towards his past.

He was an overlord, one in hold of the lives of others. Nazarick the place once he called home revolved around the hanging fruits which he calls word. Lives were snuffed while nations destroyed just by a simple flick of which he calls word.

A salaryman, he was. Uncaring toward others plight, even so, Ainz dared take his right. After his ascendence to the throne, his trials of becoming an overlord had a start. Nagging thoughts crept all along in his small black heart but against all odds, he took a start.

'What if I failed to live up to their expectations. None can put blame shearing my non-existent heart' Alas this was our overlord, over-convoluted was his grand schemes and praises his myth. Sharpened blades of words sliced deep in the hearts of nations, not of his own. The wept as they cried when Jaldaborth incited his might.


Like a rhythm of madness ensured their time, a grand chronicle of misery as true as held for debauchery reign in their night. Experiments were held as true for their tolerance. Roaches and monsters fed their carcasses praising this overlord's insight.

Even so, he accepted them. After all, they were his children and as a father and as one who created them it would rather be hypocritical to judge their feast.

But even against all such things, Ainz developed a connection with them. Their antics caused a flurry of emotions relegating his mind. Their meaningless words of praise 'Sasuga Ainz-Sama.' which he felt should correct but never being able to do so in fear of their sadness. It seems even their shortcomings regaled his heart. Oh, how he missed, reminiscing on the things he had lost.

Again though he would clarify, their stood always a but to every sentence, to word, to every magic and if the overlord of life and death could never capitalize on it then what difference was between this accendent and a common man of an unsophisticated rabble.

And so our overlord thinks once more...


I don't know why so many people follow this fic. More than quite a few people told me this was shit.

Its like the community is driven in two one saying this was the epitome of shit and the other regaling it like the next holy grail. Just decide if you like it or not. Either way, i also have decided to continue it. Your welcome:)

Now shill in those precious stones for faster updates, adios amigos.