
DxD: true sorcerer

I DO NOT OWN HIGHSCHOOL DXD!!! ONLY MY OC BELONGS TO ME. A guy dies and find himself in chaos, the source of all **Atleast one chapters daily**

Ahmad_Kas · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
11 Chs

Student Council

(As you wish I will keep writing and I like the idea of power seals like mana seals to help him learn to utilise mana efficiently. Tnx)


While waiting for homeroom to begin, I noticed a few group glancing at me from time to time, after a while a girl with purple hair and red eyes walked up to me and began introducing herself.

??? :" Hi, I am Kotomine Akane, nice to meet you."

Alex:" Hello Kotomine-chan, I am Alexander Caelestis, but you can call me Alex, to what do I owe the pleasure of your presence?"

Akane:" you see, almost all of us grew up here in kuoh but we never saw you at Middle school so we thought you might be a new to town, sorry if I am intruding, if you do not mind indulging in our curiosity"

Alex:" oh, I don't mind, I didn't go to any Middle school because its useless as I have finished all the curriculum at the age of 10, can we continue this later, the teacher is here." I said as I saw the teacher stepping inside the class.

Akane:" Okay, then later and nice meeting you again" Akane said while going back to her seat, I didn't notice but the whole class was quiet watching us, so it's easy to guess they were curious as I Don't take walks that much and I seldom communicate with others.

The whole day went by quickly as I was actually getting sleepy because of how boring it was. During lunch, My conversation with Akane continued, she introduced me to her two friends, namely Morioka Maya and Sakane Kaori, with maya being a pure Japanese girl with black hair and moderate shape, kaori being pure Japanese as well but more busy than Maya, Akane is actually half American which I expected with her purple hair.

After School I said my good byes and went to the student Council Room to meet the devils 😈, well to me they are more like humans with bat wings and dark afinity but i won't judge, I reach the student Council Room and knock on the door to which I received a reply quickly.

???:" Come in"

I open the door and went in to find Sona Sitri and Tsubaki Shinra with sona sitting by a desk and Tsubaki standing behind her, at the side were Two girls, one with crimson hair sitting down beside sona, while the other is a Japanese woman with black hair tied up in a ponytail, standing behind the first girl, they are obviously Rias Gremory and Himejima Akeno.

Sona:" Please have a seat Mr. Caelestis" said sona while pointing out to a chair opposite to themselves, I sat and asked her.

Alex:" why has the student Council requested my presence today" while keeping a passive expression.

Sona:" I want to confirm some things first, Mr. Caelestis are you involved with the supernatural community?" Asked sona.

Alex:" it will be more accurate to say I am a lone supernatural being who has never been in contact with other supernatural beings." I answered honestly as I liked sona sitri more than Rias gremory because sona is an exhibitionist, and answering honestly will prevent future complications especially considering who their elder siblings are. Sirzechs and Serafall will not take it lightly to a secretive man skulking around their precious younger sisters, Damn Siscons.

Sona:" that makes things easier, So what are you? from your aura to your how you smell you are human, but your appearance and Mana are anything but human."

Alex:" well I am masking my scent because of the cute cat, my aura because I want to blend in with humans and well, for my own protection,as for what I am, let's say I am the first of my kind." I said while laughing my ass in my heart, their expression was weird to say the least when they heard that I was the first of my kind. Aster recovering from their shock, Rias was just looking at me like a piece of meat, while sona being smarter already figured out the Implication of a new race appearing out of nowhere, her face went pale, but she still asked a question to confirm her suspicions.

Sona:" by the first of your kind, do you mean a new race or just derivation of another race? Because depending on your answer, the whole supernatural world will be affected."

Alex:" what I mean is that I am the progenitor of a new race I named the Caelestis, meaning celestial."

Sona:" I am sorry but I must report this to my Sister" she said before going out of the room. After she left, Rias finally lost her patience and talked to me.

Rias:" Hi, I don't believe we have introduced ourselves, I am Rias Gremory and this is Himejima Akeno" she said while pointing towards Akeno, " do you know about the peerage system of devils?" she asks with stars in her eyes as if I am some kind of exotic animal.

Alex:" Yes Gremory heiress, I know about the peerage system, but why are you asking about it" I asked while I already knew what is going on in her head.

Rias:" then will you join my peerage and become a devil?" She asked

Alex:" it seems you don't know what it means to be a progenitor of a race, Rias Gremory." I said in an angered tone.

Still not taking me seriously she starts preaching that being a devil has many advantages such as long lifespan, and that she will protect me from other factions. I was starting to get passed when sona came in and noticed the atmosphere in the room was tense with me having a deep frown and Rias angry at my refusal to join her peerage.

Sona:" what's going on here?" She asks with a frown on her face. Tsubaki stepped forward and explained the situation making Rias look away and sona looking at Rias incredibly, she was sure Rias was aware of what she was doing, and knows that it might create an enemy for the devils making her look at Rias with a headache. She then proceeds to talk with me ignoringRias.

Sona:" I am sorry for her behavior Mr. Caelestis, please forgive her, I have informed my sister, the current Maou Leviathan, she will be here in a few minutes."

Sona pulled Rias to the side and started scolding her while Rias was going on about her engagement with riser phenex.

After about thirty minutes, a crimson magic circle appeared on the ground beside Rias and Sona, out of the magic circle a man with crimson hair like Rias, a woman with a shabby suit with clack hair and another in a maid uniform with silver hair and a frosty expression came out. All the devils immediately stood respectively at their appearance, the woman with shabby suit who i know as Serafall Leviathan scanned the room and found sona and Rias at the side, she immediately ran towards sona like a kind on sugar rush and started asking a bunch of questions.

Serafall:" So-tan, I was surprised when you contacted me, where is he the new guy?, has he left already? He didn't do anything to you did he? If he did I will kill him and attack heaven to calm down." Sona froze at her sisters word, I could see her trembling, it seems she Will develop a trauma at this rate.

Sirzechs:" Serafall, calm down for a minute" he said then looked at me and asked" you must be Alexander Caelestis, I am Sirzechs Lucifer the current Maou Lucifer and that is Serafall Leviathan, the current Maou Leviathan, while this is My Queen, Grayfia Lucifuge, nice to meet you" he introduced each of them one by one, by this time sona has calmed down and was looking at me with stars in her eyes, before I could reply she said

Serafall:" Are you really a new race and a progenitor to boot?, what are you? " She.started asking and sona who was already trembling from embarrassment almost looked like a ripe tomato. Sirzechs had to interfere again before things settled down, then I responded.

Alex :" nice to meet you Maou Sirzechs Lucifer, Maou Serafall Leviathan and Grayfia Lucifuge." After that,.Sirzechs ask the million Dollar question.

Sirzechs:" What are you Caelestis-kun? " he asks while looking at his sister who is finding the Celine interesting and avoiding eye contact with him, ' it seems she did something again' he thought while massaging his forehead. I then started to talk which drew all of their attention.

Alex:" I used to be human, seven to eight years ago, but I created my own race because I han an uncurable disease, my experiments to a positive turn when I heard about the evil pieces of your race, but being a devil is a big no no to me so I thought, 'if another person could change peoples race so can I, and started studying runes, formations and magic, one day I was studying the difference between a few races before I mistakenly triggered a portal to the dimensional gap, due to the explosion that created the portal and the runes around me, the bodies of the races I was studying fused with me and changed my entire existence to what is now known as a Caelestis" I paused to give them time to comprehend what I was saying, this was a lie I created to keep people off my back, because the last being To create a new race was the god of the bible and he is already dead, so a lot of people will come after my body if I say I can create a new race as I wish.