
DxD: true sorcerer

I DO NOT OWN HIGHSCHOOL DXD!!! ONLY MY OC BELONGS TO ME. A guy dies and find himself in chaos, the source of all **Atleast one chapters daily**

Ahmad_Kas · Komik
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11 Chs

Six Years Gone........ 3

Over the past few years i did a lot of things, but there are four subjects that are special in a way, first I found out a hidden perk of my Mana technique, secondly naming Raphael and the planets, thirdly the dungeon, and fourthly my crafting professions.

Let's start with the hidden perk of my mana, I figured it out when I made the first mana circle for my heart.


It has been Five months since I started practicing, and I just reached the maximum mana capacity for my heart core, I could have filled it faster but I was busy practicing magic, because having mana and being a proficient mage are two different things, so I focused on my foundation.

All I have to do now is create a magic circle for my heart and I will be able to focus on my other cores.

I concentrated on my heart and focused my mana around my heart core and slowly but surely create an magic circle that's so complicated that it will take me years to create something close to it with all my runic and magical knowledge. It took me about twenty minutes to finish it thanks to the fact me being a primordial being makes it easy for me to manipulate mana.

That is when I notice the changes, when lee sunghoon created his magic circle, they basically only increased his mana capacity and gave him the ability to fuse two compatible single spells into a new one with the abilities of the former two, my magic circle however, evolves me with each one I make, the one I made already changed a lot in me, it made my mana denser and purer, it also purified my body and bloodline making my true Caelestis Form and human form look closer to being one, it also made me understand that my true Caelestis Form is a result of the large amount of essence I absorbed from the ritual and over time my bloodline will absorb all those essences and perfect itself which will make me the perfect Caelestis. And the magic circles actually make it easier and the remnants of the other bloodlines will have to be expelled from my body as I already have all their characteristics, this led me to asking Raphael if those bloodlines could be used to grant bloodlines to other members of my race creating a wider variety of appearances, Raphael also confirmed that after my bloodline is purified, my True Caelestis Form will be more refined and I won't grow that much larger only about half a metre taller but I will be stronger than my previous Form. This form is also my natural form so after my bloodline is purified to a certain extent, I would feel like my human body is just like an extra transformation to hide my real self.

*** Flashback End****

But that wasn't the only surprise, each core I form granted me either an ability or improvement to myself. This was the case when I formed all five cores, the synchronised and made me recover Mana so fast that I can keep fighting for a very long time, thanks to the amount of mana in each core, i only need to use Mana in one core and the others will focus on filling up that core with ambiant mana, making me have seemingly infinite mana.

The second important event was naming Raphael and the planets.


It was a year after I transformed Alice into a Caelestis, that I decided to name bothe Raphael and my planets, I start with Raphael and things took a turn I did not expect.

It was after breakfast that I moved to Alpha before beginning.

Alex:" It's time to give you a name, calling Raphael is like calling me Progenitor, it's a title not a name. I, Alexander Caelestis give you the name Ariadne, and grant you my family name Caelestis, from now on you shall be known as Ariadne Caelestis."

As I said that I felt a large amount of mana vanish from my body and into the skill Raphael, the ambiant mana in the surroundings also started flowing into my body as Raphael or Ariadne was evolving in to something entirely new, the evolution finished in less than two minutes, and Ariadne used physical projection to appear in front of me, She had pure silver Hair, golden eyes and a very and I mean very sexy body that strangely looks like that of Albedo from Overlord, the moment she opened her eyes she sprang into action like a ball of nuclear energy waiting to be released.

Ariadne:" Thank you Alex, I have been waiting for a long time for you to name me." She said as she dove into me with a hug, though her current body is just a projection, her appearance gave the question I have been asking, how do I make her appearance.

Alex:" Sorry for the wait Ariadne, I had to make sure Your name was meaningful and I had enough Mana to properly evolve you."

Ariadne:" Yes I know don't worry about it, but promise me you will make my body soon, and don't worry even if I have a body you can still use your skills, currently my existence is that of a manas but I have already created a spell that allows me to have a body without impeding on my capabilities. "

Alex:" don't worry, your body will be soon ready just wait a while for me to be strong enough, now let me name everything here in this dimension before we can talk all you want."

Ariadne:" Okay 👍 👌 " she let go of me, it seems like things are going to be lively with this ball of energy around.

Alex:" take care of my body after I pass out, maybe I should go in to the lake of Primordial Mana to help with my recovery, but I want to see how long it will take me to recover from zero mana to full mana. I, Alexander Caelestis, rename this planet From Alpha to Celestia, home of the Caelestis." I felt all my mana leave me and seep into the ground, luckily for me my heart has the properties of a dragon heart, and it starts to beat so fast that it sounds like an engine being turned on, it starts to produce primordial Mana constantly, but that's the last thing I remember before blacking out.

When I woke up, I find Myself inside my mansion on a couch, I look around and found Ariadne Observing the surroundings outside through the windows, She noticed me waking up and came over quickly, while saying.

Ariadne:" do you have any idea what you just did? You just terraformed the whole planet making it a paradise for the Caelestis but a he'll for anyone who isn't, luckily for you the beings born from the planets Mana are not affected by this, but still the mana concentration twice as dense as it was, the size of the planet increased to that of a dwarf star, exiting the size range of planets and approaching that of stars, the planet also began to produce a specific type of mana I felt only from you, meaning it literally truly became a Caelestis only planet, but as lont as someone has your aura on them they will be safe." She happily screamed with stars in her eyes. It may sound like she's scolding me but in reality she is just too exited that her calculations were right.

Alex:" calm down Ariadne, it's no like these changes were not expected according to your calculations, are there any changes outside of your calculations?"

Ariadne:" Yes, there is one I don't know if it is good or bad but it's very important."

Alex:" Okay what is it?"

Ariadne:" Come with me showing you while explaining will make it easier to explain"

And so she took me outside towards the mana lake and I saw something I didn't expect, A gigantic tree that towers above everything stands in the middle of the lake, I feel a weird connection to the tree so I look at Ariadne for explanation.

Ariadne:" Well, that is a world tree, but not any world tree, a primordial world tree, its job will be to give birth to Caelestis but it will take a few decades to be able to, and don't complain that it's too long, it normally takes a world tree Hundreds of years to start giving birth to its host race, its only taking a few decades because of the absurd amount of Primordial Mana on this planet, the other function is to nourish the planet with primordial natural energy which in turn makes th planet stronger and purifies the already pure Mana, the lake aroundthetree is already starting to get infused with a large amount of life energy turning it into a foutain of life. The problem is that the planet consumed Omega during the evolution which I didn't expect but its not like you had any plans for that planet right. And you don't need to bother naming the other planets with the naming magic because the world tree will nourish them and make them stronger with time, this also applies to the dimension itself."

Alex:" and I need to sit down, this is a welcomed surprise it makes things easier as I don't have to worry about Caelestis population and Don't worry about Omega, o wanted to use it for a magic school and as a training ground for the young but it matters not I will just use Beta 2 for that, Gamma will be home for the races that we are allied with but Beta 1 will be a trade planet between open for everyone from dxd universe, of course the security will be created by us."


(Next chapter will be the end of all Flashback and school arc will begin, if I make mistakes I hope you guys can point them out so that I can improve 😉)

Thanks for the support

Ahmad_Kascreators' thoughts