
DxD: true sorcerer

I DO NOT OWN HIGHSCHOOL DXD!!! ONLY MY OC BELONGS TO ME. A guy dies and find himself in chaos, the source of all **Atleast one chapters daily**

Ahmad_Kas · Komik
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11 Chs

Six Years Gone... 1

It has been six years since I came to this world, and I am Sixteen years old now and will be going to kouh at the same year as hyoudou issei, I just hope the idiot doesn't piss me off. Walking into the bathroom, I take a look at my self in the mirror and damn I am hot, my body grew even more symmetrical over the years because of my body cultivation technique. Which I started practicing after reaching the peak of level 2 in my mana technique. I currently have three magic circles on all of my organs making me peak Satan class in mana quantity but peak ultimate class in fighting strength as I do not have any other fighting style apart from magic, I am planning to learn martial arts, more specifically staff techniques from some one like sun wukong but I will leave that to when I meet him in the future.

Two months after I became a Caelestis I unlocked a transformation which is the races true form, after asking Raphael why I was only getting the transformation this late, she replied saying that although the ritual finished changing my race the evolution never ended. She said normally I won't have a transformation, but because I requested the ritual to not change my physical appearance and the creatures I used were too powerful to just look human without any other benefits, so the ritual made it so that all the energies from absorbing the body parts of the beast focus on creating a transformation that does not change my appearance from a humanoid to something but also stronger than my basic form.

The results were actually great and I loved it, in my transformationed state, my hair is also burning with the rainbow fire, and so are my eyes, and I grow about two meters taller, my skin changes from human skin ti draconic scales that are so tiny and compact that one wouldn't notice with paying attention, my eyes are also reptilian, my ears grow pointy like those of an elf, all in all I look handsome and terrifying at the same time.

Four years ago, I introduced Alice to the supernatural world, and her reaction was priceless.


Flash back

It was a rainy day and Alice was doing the dishes after lunch when I asked if she had time to talk.

Alex:"Alice, do you mind if talk after you are done with the dishes?" I asked and she was surprised as over the past two years I only talked to her about going out for a stroll or exercise and never had a serious talk.

Alice:" of course my dear, just give me a few minutes and I will be done with the dishes" she replied happily.

So I sat in the living room and watched the news was on after switching the tv on. finding it boring I changed the channel to a few others until I saw a magical girl show going, and to my expectation Serafall Leviathan herself was acting the show, knowing her personality from the anime, its not that surprising. Watching for about 15 minutes, Alice came to the living room and sat beside opposite to me on a single seater couch while I was onthe three seater couch.

Alice:" Alex, what's this about as you rarely ever start a conversation with me?".

Alex:" Well, let me ask you a question, do you believe in the Things such as angels, devils, gods and so on?"

Alice:" religion is a weird thing Alex, and as you know I am not very religious."

Alex:" I am asking if you actually believe that they exist no not."

Alice:" Well I don't believe that such fantastical beings exist with out any one actually knowing that they do".

Alex:" well, to burst your bubbles, they actually exist and when I say they exist I mean Angels like Michael and Gabriel, fallen angels like Azazel and devils like lucifer, Beelzebub, Leviathan and Asmodeous all exist, gods like zeus, Odin, Amaterasu, Shiva, and Osiris all exist as well, they just live in their own personal dimension which only people with permission to enter can actually enter, unless you are an enemy and attack their barriers."

Alice:" let's say I believe you, why are you telling all this, if it is as you said and they live separately from us." She asked suspiciously.

Alex:" two years ago after my parents death, I learned about magic and I kind of stop being human, before you freak out, i did it to my self purposely to become stronger and protect myself and you, as I have a feeling things won't be the same in the few years to come."

Alice:" what did you do Alex?" She asked in a very dangerous tone even though she was smiling.

Alex:" Well after learning about magic I created a ritual to evolve me into a new unique race, allowing me to expand my life span to about 80,000 to 100,000 years."

Alice:" sigh, I seems you are not talking about anything serious and your imaginations are becoming too involved with reality, this is a little worrying." She said as a matter of fact that I was just imagining things, she got up to go back to her room to rest but I didn't let her as I brought out my wings. But at the sight of them she passed out almost immediately, luckily I was fast enough to catch her efor she fell on the floor.

I took her to the three seater couch and laid her down while I went to the kitchen to get her a glass of water. She woke up after about thirty minutes, she took the water I brought and drank it in one gulp before calming down a little and looking at me carefully, seeing that i in fact have two wings on my back that are on some kind of strange fire she asked doubtfully.

Alice:"W-what are those?"

Alex:" these are three results of my ritual Alice, I became the very first of my kind which I call Caelestis, meaning celestial and I want to turn you into a Caelestis if you won't mind"

Alice:" Give me some time to think." she said as she was still in shock, me being a different race meant that all I told her was true and that means part of her core beliefs was a lie.

Alex:" Okay, you can take as much time as you want" you might be wondering why my aura and mana does not attract enemies and strays, well immediately after I started to practice magic I asked Raphael to create a barrier that stops any and all Mana leaving the house in a permanent way, and to my surprise it was easy with runes as she designed it to also prevent teleporting in from the outside and only a Caelestis can freely move in or out of the barrier without any interference.

It took her three weeks to talk about the supernatural again but this time I could see détermination in her eyes. She didn't speak a word to me for the first week as she was still in doubt about the reality of the world.

Three weeks after our first chat about the supernatural, she called me to the living room to ask a few things about the supernatural world. I happily answered to the best of my knowledge.

Alice:" I get that all those myths are true, but after a short research, I found nothing about a race called Caelestis,could you explain why?" She asked with great curiosity.

Alex:" well, you won't find anything about Caelestis as I am the first ofthe race, I literally changed my genetic makeup from that of a human to something entirely new. As a Caelestis, I have great affinity towards all elements and magic co.es to me easily, I can just do nothing and I will still grow stronger albeit very slowly, and I can also transform into my true Caelestis Form which increases my resistance to attacks and all."

Alice:" can I see the true Caelestis form you just mentioned?"

Alex:" sure" I said before standing up and moving to an empty spot in the living room, I activated my transformation and grew up to two and a half meters taller. She froze in surprise for a good three minutes before she stood up and walked over to inspect my body. She asks a few questions from time to time from things about my wings to my skin/scales. She finished her inspection and went back to sit on the couch, I turn to my human form and sat opposite to her before she asks me.

Alice:" you said something about elemental affinities, what are they".

Alex:" Elemental affinities are basically what defines how easy it is for someone to use a certain element, for example, a man with the affinity towards fire will be able to use fire magic with little practice depending on the level of affinity he has, but a person without affinity towards fire will have to practice a lot more to use fire magic, affinities themselves are not what make it easier to learn that said element, affinities are more like a guide to show you what your body and spirit see attuned to, some one without an affinity can easily memorise a spell but to change one's mana from pure Mana to that said elemental mana will be harder, but that only applies to low level mages as one of the characteristics of a strong mage is to be able to easily use all other elements even if it is the opposite of their affinity."

A few more flashbacks and we will be in Kuoh academy 1 year before Canon

Ahmad_Kascreators' thoughts