
Dxd: To catch them all.

Two souls merge, one a weak level one Pichu, the second, a downtrodden orphan, two worlds become one. When awake, the boy is in his world of Devils, Angels and games, when asleep, his mind wanders to a world filled with creatures, good and bad...

Anubis32 · Komik
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10 Chs

Haunter's Haunted House. (1/3)

Taking a step back from Mary, Mason looked back at her and asked

"Do you know what your level is?"

Mary stood still, staring at the floor as if she was trying to disappear into it.

"Level one, I-I-I didn't have parents to teach me how to fight, I'm really sorry about my weakness"

'Well I'm level four while she is level one, this dungeon is recommended for levels 1-15 which means for the first few floors we should be okay, however, if we don't level up enough we are going to die on the later ones.'

"Mary we are going to need to kill all pokemon that we come across here--"

Mary began to cry,

"I don't want to kill anyone, please, I can't do to others what happened to me, I will not leave a child without a mother or father."

Walking back up to Mary, Mason looked her in the eyes,

"What I'm about to say must stick with you going forwards. YOU KILL THEM OR THEY KILL YOU. Mary, we do not have the luxury of being able to choose, if you want to be free to decide whether to kill or not you need strength to back up that choice, something you do not have. Neither do I. I don't want to kill anything however I will because I need to."

'Display her status for me'

* Name: Mary

Pokemon: Ralts

Type: psychic

Level: 1 (30 exp needed)


Confusion (30/30)

Growl (40/40)

Nature: Modest


Hp: 16

Att: 5 -

Def: 6

Spa: 8 +

SpD : 5

Speed: 5

Special traits:

Perfect Ivs. *

'Can I form a party with her to share exp?'

*If she agrees, I will do so.*

"Come on now, we need to start moving, would you like to start a party with me? It will allow us to share exp as well as allow me to keep an eye on your health."


"You can do that without being in a rescue team? Please let's, I will try not to hold you back.

*Party formed, assigning Mason as the party leader.*

"Right let's go."


The journey through the first two floors was relatively easy, Mason killed all the Ghastlys that they encountered, slowly making Mary more active in the combat as they went forwards.

Mary although deeply conflicted about all of the killings tried to hold her own, eventually knocking out her first pokemon however she refused to kill it, annoying Mason to no end. He understood why she was adverse to killing however he knew that the pureness in her would have to be taken away if they are to survive, their enemies wouldn't hesitate so why should they?

Feeling his rage began to spiral, Mason stopped and took a deep breath wondering where the rage truly came from, he was usually indifferent to death, he had to be to survive on his own in a supernatural world however he was never angry at those who refused, so why now?

Was it due to the influence of the Pichu's soul merging with his or something darker? Had he finally accepted that killing was an easy method to gain strength and had become like those in his village? He hoped not but he knew only time would tell.

"What are you thinking about?"

Mary asked pulling him from his thoughts.

"Nothing important, just debating my entire life's philosophy at the most stupid of times like usual, let's keep pushing on, the stairs to the third floor is just ahead."

And so they did, pushing through the third floor with relative ease, the fourth floor however would be a different ball game altogether.

'How many floors are there left in this place?'

*There are 3 more, while you have reached level 8, Mary is still only level 5, she is going to struggle heavily, as are you.*

'What do you mea--'

Before Mason could finish his sentence, he collapsed onto the cold floor,

*-10 hp*

'What the fuck is happening?'

*-10 hp*

*Due to the makeup of the dungeons, you expel large amounts of food as you explore, your are out of reserves and are losing health as a result, I suggest you find something to eat asap.*

Mary ran towards Mason as quick as she could,

"Are you ok?"

The small mouse in her arms smiled weakly,

"I need food, I have fought way too much, make me ridiculously hungry, to the point it is going to kill me. Next time, if there is one, I will bring a god damn Buffet with me."

Mary pulled out an apple seemingly from nowhere and handed it over,

"Take some of this, we can use it until we find some more food, Dungeons spawn it, I'm surprised we haven't found more it in her--"

Mary paused, then sighed.

" That Gengar must have messed with the rates that food spawns, it is his personal dungeon after all..."

After this dungeon and a little bit of the rescue team set up, we will be returning to the Dxd world.

Thoughts on the book so far? I know the chapters are a little short but writing them around my work schedule is a challenge.

I want to say thanks for the support on the the book so far and see you in the next chapter.

Anubis32creators' thoughts