
DxD: The Plunder System (Paused)

Gods, Devils, Angel, Fallen, Dragon... Countless beings, countless skills. So, what does a human do in such a situation? He fucks and he steals. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Support me at: Pat reon.com/Greedyfrog

The_Greedy_Frog · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs


'System, put three hundred points in perception, hundred points in strength, eighty in vitality, seventy in intelligence and twenty in agility.' Kento took a deep breath. 'And show status.'

<<Points allocated>>

<<Showing Current Status>>

<Name: Kento Yamazaki>

<Age: 17> 

Race: Human> 

<Class: Unique> 

<Title: The Plunderer>

<STR: 500> 

<AGI: 500> 

<VIT: 500> 

<PER: 500>

<INT: 500> 

<WIS: 20> 

<CHA: 100*> 

<POINTS: 830>

Congratulations! Agility has reached 500>> 

<<For breaking the human limits, Hermes' Celerity has improved>>> 

<<Hermes' Celerity (A) → Hermes' Celerity (A+)>> 

<<Hermes' Celerity (A+): Gives the host a 75% boost in agility when fighting opponents with any advantage over the host!>>

<<Congratulations! Perspective has reached 500>> 

<<For breaking the human limits, Athena's Insight has improved!>>

<<Athena's Insight(A) → Athena's Insight (A+)>> 

<<Athena's Insight (A+): Gives the host a 75% boost in perspective when fighting opponents with any advantage over the host!>>

<<Congratulations! Intelligence has reached 500>> 

<<For breaking the human limits, Coeus' Perspicacity has improved.>> 

<<Coeus' Perspicacity (A) → Coeus' Perspicacity (A+)>> 

<<Coeus's Perspicacity (A+): Gives the host a 75% boost in intelligence when fighting opponents with any advantage over the host!>>

<<Congratulations! Strength has reached 500>> 

<<For breaking the human limits, Herculean Strength has improved!>>

<<Herculean Strength(A) → Herculean Strength (A+)>> 

<<Herculean Strength (A+): Gives the host a 75% boost in strength when fighting opponents with any advantage over the host!>>

<<Congratulations! Vitality has reached 500>> 

<<For breaking the human limits, Atlas' Will has improved!>>

<<Atlas' Will(A) → Atlas' Will (A+)>> 

<<Atlas' Will (A+): Gives the host a 75% boost in vitality when fighting opponents with any advantage over the host!>>

This was a huge jump provided by the boosts from his passives. However, there was still one stat that was quite low.

'Charisma is still at hundred.' Kento bit his lips. 'It will take four hundred points to get it to the same level as the others.'

Kento contemplated. 'Is it worth it?'

Charisma's passive was something he did not get the opportunity of witnessing. The fact that it only activated if a woman harbored anger or distaste towards him made it difficult to see it in action. 

Even when he fought Ravel, it did not activate which meant that girl did not feel any disgust towards him.

But there was another reason that he wanted to get his charisma to five hundred.

'The fact that it improved the passive's boost means that the chance of my class improving is also possible.'

Previously, when he got all his stats to hundred, he got the passive skills… And with those passives, his class also went up.

And now that the passives improved, there was also a chance that his class would also upgrade.

With the improvement in class, there was a high chance to get a new skill. But that was not the only reason he wanted to improve his class.

There was another reason.

'When my class improved, I felt my stats also getting stronger.'

Not just because his stat points were higher, but he felt that his output was higher than what those numbers would have usually meant.

What he was trying to figure out was why having a higher class allowed him to show better abilities than having the same stats with a lower class.

He knew that even with the boosts, his stats were lower than many of the opponents he faced. However, he was still able to defeat them without that much of an effort.

And he was certain that it was because of his class.

There was a very high chance that increasing his class would let him show even greater results with his stats.

'Even if not today… I will have to increase my charisma one day.' He made up his mind. 'It will be worth it.'

The class upgrade was something that he was willing to spend his points for.

'System, put four hundred points in charisma.'

<<Points allocated.>> 

<Congratulations! Charisma has reached 500>> 

<<For breaking the human limits, Adonis' Charm has improved.>> 

<<Adonis' Charm (A) → Adonis' Charm (A+)>>

<<Adonis's Charm (A+): Gives a 75% boost in charm if facing a female harboring feelings of hatred or disgust towards host.>>

<<Note: This skill is only applicable during arguement and not battles.>>

<<Class Upgraded>> 

<<Unique → Rare>> 

<<Skill Obtained>> 

<<Hathor's Yearning: Allows the host to control the fertility rate of himself and any women he desires.

Additionally, host's semen has the ability to heal any sickness or disease someone might be suffering from.>> 

'This confirms that every class up skill would be sexual.' Kento shook his head, embarrassed by the perverted system.

But this also confirmed one thing.

'This power…' Kento smiled. 'It's good.'

Kento felt his power increase by a lot. Not just by a few points rather by multiple levels.

'This proves that class improvement increases the stats by a massive amount.'

Kento was happy with the results, making him feel like he was strong enough to not struggle against those high class devils anymore.

By his previous estimate, he was around a middle class devil and with his former stats he could go against high class devils thanks to his class.

'I am around the stats of a high class devil now… However…' He was a bit disappointed. 'I am nowhere near an ultimate class.'

The difference between a high class devil and an ultimate class devil was far higher than that of a middle class devil and a high class devil.

Even with his skills combined, he was not nearly as strong as an ultimate class.

But this did not discourage Kento.

'Starting from the stats that made me nearly faint just being in the presence of low class fallens, to the point of fighting and defeating high class devils.' He smiled. 'I have indeed come a long way.'

He was only determined to climb higher from here.

And now, he also had a lot of skills to help him climb higher.

{Power of Destruction}

He saw Rias creating orbs made of the Power of Destruction that destroyed anything on its way.

'I wonder why she never changed the size or the shape of her attacks?'

He knew that it was difficult to control this power, as he was having difficulty in compressing the orb.

However, he was able to compress it to make it smaller after quite a bit of effort.

'Rias had this ability since birth… She should have been able to improve it a bit.'

'But it is what it is.' He sighed. 'I have it now, so I can try to experiment with it.'

He had a lot of ideas about how he could implement this with his other skills. But he could not try them all at the moment.

'Satan Beelzebub said that he will be able to complete the entire construction in one night.' Kento recalled. 'I just have to make my mom agree to it. But how can I make her believe that such major construction work can be done in one day?'

He did not want the devil to manipulate her mind into thinking that their house was always like that. It was not that it would change things about her, but because he just did not want a person that he knew nothing about to be inside her head.

'I will figure something out.'

Until then, he had to continue training in the barren land.

But just as he was about to test out one of his combination skills, he heard a voice in his head.


The boy immediately figured who the voice belonged to.

'Kami Inari?'

"After quite a lot of tries, finally I will be able to find who this person is."

In a dimly lit room, Azazel smiled looking at the only feather of Dohnaseek that was left.

"Why are you so invested in this thing?" The one to ask this was a silver haired man whose hair nearly reached his shoulders. 

"You will understand soon, Shemhazai." Azazel said.

The Governor General of the fallens preferred to keep things a secret until he was able to unveil their truth.

Shemhazai sighed. "Maybe as the Vice Governor General of the fallen angels, I should know this?"

"It's nothing to be worried about." Azazel assured. "I am just going to Kuoh for some time. We need to push this alliance thing anyways."

"How long will you be gone for?" The silver haired fallen asked.

"Possibly a few months." Azazel said. "But I will be coming here from time to time."

Shemhazai frowned. "So you're telling me that the entire workload is going to fall on me when you will be in Kuoh?"

Azazel smirked. "Pretty much. But Baraqiel will be there to share the workload." He said. "So, do not worry much."

"That does not make it any better." Shemhazai protested. 

"This is something that is important, Shemhazai." Azazel explained. "And it is only for the good of the fallens."

Shemhazai knew that the Governor General never did anything that hurt the fallens but he was worried since the man was going into the territory of devils.

"Do return safely though." He said. "The fallens need their leader."

Azazel laughed. "I promise. I will be back before you even know it."


[[A/N: Read more than 25 Chapters ahead on patre on: Pat reon.com/Greedyfrog

I was writing the DC story so didn't post DxD. Back to DxD now (Will post DxD and DC daily). Already uploaded chapter 1 and chapter 2 of the DC story here (DC: The Enchanter).

And 29 chapters of the DC story is already in pat reon.

Should I make a discord server or naw?]]