
DxD: The Plunder System (Paused)

Gods, Devils, Angel, Fallen, Dragon... Countless beings, countless skills. So, what does a human do in such a situation? He fucks and he steals. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Support me at: Pat reon.com/Greedyfrog

The_Greedy_Frog · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs

Kiba's Queries

"You don't seem too happy."  Aika asked, looking at the sulken face of Kento.

Kento wasn't paying much attention to anything around him, so when Aika asked him, he didn't answer.

"Kento?" Seeing that the boy was not responding, Aika poked him –which finally caught his attention.

"Oh." He looked at her. "Sorry for zoning out. I was thinking about something."

"Is everything alright?" She was worried about him, but the issue that the boy had was not something that she could help him with.

'The quest is still active…' Kento was in a pinch. 'And I do not know how to go on about it.'

He could not randomly attack Riser. If he did, he would be deemed a criminal and would be hunted down.

And worst of all, he did not know if there would be a penalty for failing the quest.

After all, it was a primary quest.

"Yeah… Just a few family issues." He lied.

Aika looked at him. "You know that if something has you worried, you can talk to me, right?"

Kento smiled. "I know. But it is something only I can deal with."

Saying that a problem was related to one's family, often stopped the person from prying further as it is never their place to talk about it.

And that was exactly the case with Aika.

Since Kento said that the issue was related to his family, she could not pry further.

"If you want to talk, I am always there for you."

Kento nodded at her statement. "Thanks."

As he looked at Aika, he sighed. "I am sorry that I haven't been hanging out with you much. So, how about going out for a movie this weekend?"

This made the girl perked up.


Kento smiled. "Yep. There isn't much for me to do this weekend anyways."

Dropping Aika, Kento did not go home. Instead, he went off to the nearby cafe as there was someone that was looking for him.

By the time their class ended, it was already evening. Most East Asian countries had a very strict routine for schools and colleges and Japan was no different.

While it was a little on the lenient side as compared to the other East Asian countries like Korea or China, it still was much more strict than the western countries.

'At least here you don't have to worry about the quiet kid unlike America.'

But as he reached the location, he saw a boy already standing there.

It was the person that asked him to meet.

"I did not expect to be called out by the Prince of Kuoh." Kento joked. 

The person that called him out to meet was none other than Rias's knight, Yuuto Kiba.

Weirdly enough, Kento could feel his vexation.

"Let's go inside." He said. "The place is under Rias and Sona's control so we can speak freely."

Kento still wasn't sure what the boy called him for. 

'He doesn't seem to be too pleased to see me.'

As he walked inside the cafe, he felt the supernatural element immediately.

It was difficult for him to explain but since he got the system, he has been able to 'feel' the supernatural element.

"The place is sound proof, so no one can hear us." Kiba said.

"That's sweet." Kento took a seat near the window, enjoying the evening lights.

"You can order something if you want." Kiba suggested, but Kento was mostly interested in the issue at hand.

"Ah, a coffee would suffice." 

At his answer, Kiba ordered coffee for him.

However, Kento was quite amused by his indifferent personality.

"So." He raised an eyebrow. "What's with you? We haven't talked much in the past but you seem rather irritated by my presence. I don't think I have offended you in any way."

Kiba looked down at the table, not answering him immediately.

"Here is your coffee sir." The waiter said.

Kento realized that he wasn't a normal human as his skills were quite high.

"So what are they exactly?" Kento asked.

"They are magicians under the Gremory pillar." Kiba answered. "So, don't worry. They won't reveal anything. Not that they can… as each table area is soundproof."

Kento hummed. 

"That's one of the answers." He smiled. "So, what's the other one? What's the reason for today's meeting?"

Kiba took a deep breath and looked straight at Kento.

"Why do you have a sword with holy element?"

This question was rather surprising to him. He knew that he would be asked by others as to how he got such an amazing sword, but he did not expect Kiba to be irritated by it.

'It is not irritation.' Kento noticed. 'It is disgust.'

Kiba's face morphed into a frown. "Are you related to the church?"

Kento raised his eyebrow once again, confused as to why the boy was so offended by a sword.

"You know just as well as I do that it hasn't been long since I made contact with the supernatural world." Kento answered. "So, me being related to the church is not even a question."

"Then why do you have that sword?"

Kento extended his arm as the sword in question appeared at his command.


"It is a sword that I obtained from a person in Kyoto." He lied, hoping that Yasaka would cover for him if the situation worsened. "And I am pretty sure that churches don't use katanas."

Kento smiled. "I thought they used sabers, rapiers or longswords."

Seeing the sword so close to his face made Kiba rather uncomfortable.

"It is a little different." He said both in regret and relief. "It does have a holy element in it… But it is mostly a purification kind. I cannot feel the presence of magic of those angels or church bastards from it."

"Was that what made you so irritated?" Kento asked. "Because you felt the holy element?"

Kento did not know that Kiba hated the church and the holy element to that extent. He always thought that the devils were weak to the element and thus stayed away from it.

But for Kiba it was not fear or annoyance, it was pure anger and disgust.

'For someone who had been a human prior to being a devil… It does not make much sense.' Kento thought.

"Who was the person who gave you the sword?" Kiba asked.

"A Shinto priest." Kento smiled. "He said that the sword was quite ancient and since I saved the guy from a few robbers, he gave it to me as a token of appreciation."

"Well he did say that it was special, but even he didn't have much knowledge about it other than it being almost ancient."

Lying was a natural talent that Kento had. And topped with the confidence that he uttered those lies with, most people had no choice but to believe them.

Kiba sighed and mumbled. "And I thought I had a lead…"


Kiba shook his head. "It's nothing."

But this made Kento quite interested. "You seem to have a story."

Kiba looked at Kento. "Maybe I do. Sadly it is not something that I can talk about."

Kento knew that everyone had secrets. 'Even I have secrets that I cannot mutter even by mistake.'

"Understandable." He nodded. "Does my answer satisfy your question?" 

Kiba nodded. "It did." He showed Kento a small smile. "But I would suggest that you don't use this sword recklessly. Since it has some sort of holy essence in it, the devils will not like that."

Kento knew what he was talking about. 'Tessaiga is a bane for almost all unholy creatures.'

"I will keep that in mind." 

Kiba nodded. "I am sorry for abruptly calling you. But this was something that had been bugging me."

"I can understand." Kento said. "We each have our stories."

Kento found Kiba quite well spoken and it was one of the reasons why he had a good impression of the blonde.

"It's getting late." Kento said. "I should get going."

"Once again, I apologize for calling you here."

Kento laughed. "It's alright. I was in the mood for coffee anyways."

Kiba smiled. "You are quite an understanding person, Kento."

Kento shrugged. "I try."

"That… was something." 

After getting out of the cafe, Kento decided it was best to go home. It was already quite late and he knew that his mother might worry.

He decided to take the shortcut to his house.

However, as he walked towards his house. 

He heard a familiar sound.

<Quest Alert!>


It was a telepathic call that spooked Kento.

'*Don't be scared. It is me, Inari.*'

Hearing this, Kento was surprised. 

'There is something that I want you to do.'

<Quest: Chance of a lifetime.

Prove your worth to the god of the storms, Susanoo>

'You… have to meet Susanoo.'

<<Rewards: Points ×200, [Skill Increment Potion (A) ×1], [Bow of Artemis (A+)], {Flash Steps (A)}>>





25 chapters ahead on Pat reon: Pat reon.com/Greedyfrog

Anyways, forgot to explain this in the past

Difference between Weapon mastery and a specific weapon art is that with weapon mastery one can use any weapon with ease and can fight like a professional using it.

But with a specific weapon skill like Expert Swordsmanship or Expert Archery, one can surpass the known limits of those weapons. They can use them not just like an expert, but like a god.]]