
DxD: The Plunder System (Paused)

Gods, Devils, Angel, Fallen, Dragon... Countless beings, countless skills. So, what does a human do in such a situation? He fucks and he steals. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Support me at: Pat reon.com/Greedyfrog

The_Greedy_Frog · Komik
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57 Chs

Gremory vs Phenex

The onlookers stared excitedly as the peerages teleported to the center of the stadium –the track and field ground.

"As expected, Riser is not there." Zeoticus said. 

"He rarely shows himself at the start." Ruval pointed out. "Which can be both good or bad… entirely dependent on the situation."

"As previously stated, the game will go on till one of the kings retires." Grayfia announced. "Usage of weapons and items are allowed as long as they are not illegal in the Underworld. This includes necromantic weapons or hallucinating substances."

The participants nodded. 

"Healing potions and items are allowed, however potions that temporarily increase abilities are not allowed."

This bumped out Kento a little as he thought of using his stat increment potion in case the situation turned dire.

"Other than that, everything is fair."

"Those items are unfair in official games." Ruval explained. "But they are still allowed to use holy items or even booby traps as being able to counter them proves the strategy making ability of the teams."

"And the members that you were wondering about are those three." Zeoticus pointed out. "The boy with a ponytail is Rias' new pawn, the girl with blonde hair is the temporary bishop and the boy in the white coat is her temporary knight."

"And I believe you are not going to tell me about their abilities?" Lord Phenex smiled.

Zeoticus laughed at the question. "That is something you will have to wait and witness, Lord Phenex."

"They are starting." Ruval pointed, making them all nod.


That was the number of women that were standing against Kento and Rias' peerage.

"Are you sure you can handle them?" Kento asked again, making sure that they won't immediately fall if he leaves. 

"Yes." Rias assured. "You can proceed with what we planned."

"Lord Riser was correct as always." They heard the purple haired woman with the eyepatch speak. "You still lack the numbers."

"Numbers aren't everything, Bomb Queen." Akeno said.

Kento saw that she kept her usual smile but for some reason, he could feel that she was not too happy.

"We will see about that." Yubelluna said.

Kento took a peek at their stats and he knew that he had previously heavily overestimated Riser's peerage.

It was not that just a few of them were low class devils, but in reality they were all low class devils.

"You handle this." Kento said, and he walked forward –putting Riser's peerage on guard.

As they saw Kento moving, they immediately decided to attack him.

"Ni! Li!" Yubelluna said. "Stop him!"

The moment Kento took the step forward, Riser's peerage immediately took position.

The two girls with cat ears immediately rushed at Kento, but the boy did not have to worry as he saw Rias's rook practically flying towards him.

Koneko did not waste a second and immediately blocked the attacks, while counter-attacking on her own.

Yubelluna frowned and immediately ordered the bishop to attack. "Mihae!"

The brown haired girl nodded. "On it!"

Saying this, she immediately summoned a swirling ring of fire that she was about to throw at Kento.

Kento paid no attention to it and made his way towards the school. 

The bishop launched the attack but Rias was quick with her command. "Akeno!"

The queen of Rias, grinned. "Don't worry~"

The fire that was making its way toward Kento was met with a bolt of lightning that immediately caused an explosion.

Kento smiled at them. "I would have loved to entertain you. But I have somewhere to be, ladies."

Saying this, Kento flew up but realizing that they would not be leaving him alone, he decided to go on the offensive before making his exit.

{Water Manipulation}

Compressing water to the point of forming a fist sized ball, he launched it towards the Bomb Queen. 

Seeing the size, none of them thought much about it and lightly dodged the shot.

However, Kento did not mean to use it as a damaging spell, instead it was a distraction.

"What the hell!"

The water ball hit the ground and exploded, creating a mist –blocking the vision of Riser's peerage.

Taking the chance, Kento bolted towards the school.

However, as he left, he felt extremely disappointed in Rias's peerage.

'Why did they let that chance go to waste?'

The mist blocking the enemy vision was the best chance for Rias and her peerage to counter attack, however it was the lack of experience and quick thinking that cost them a perfect opportunity to get a lead.

Disappointed and a little annoyed, Kento reached the school.

"That was a wasted opportunity." Ruval sighed, feeling the same as Kento. "That was a perfect chance for them to trim down the numbers by a little." 

"Indeed." Venelana agreed. "They are already at a number disadvantage and wasting that chance was quite disappointing."

"Looks like that boy has quite a few tricks up his sleeves." Lady Phenex said, smiling at her husband. "He might prove to be a challenge for Riser."

Lord Phenex nodded. "He is definitely going after Riser. But let's see what our son and daughter have to offer."

"Well the mist is off." Ruval pointed, getting everyone to stare at the massive screen in front of them.

``Cheap tricks you have got there.`` 

They heard the Bomb Queen say.

``But that guy cannot even dream of holding a candle against Lord Riser. Much less when he has Lady Ravel with him.`` 

"She is cocky." Zeoticus noticed. "But it is possibly the experience she has over them which makes her prideful."

"Pride is something all devils possess." Lord Phenex nodded. "But it is upto the devil to prove that they are worthy of being prideful. We can only wait and watch if she has that ability to back her pride."

``He can definitely kick that chicken haired guy's ass!`` 


Ruval chuckled as he heard Issei. "I don't think I have heard anyone calling Riser by that name before."

Most people would be angry at their brother being insulted but Ruval did not share that feeling. Ruval was of the belief that everyone's honor was their own to protect, unless it came down to one's wife or parents. 

Then the person had a reason to get offended and take action.

However, this was not a feeling the Yubelluna or Riser's peerage shared.

``You pathetic worm!`` Yubelluna yelled, making the spectators amused. ``You will pay for insulting Lord Riser!`` 

Saying this, she did not waste any time and immediately threw a massive energy bomb towards him. 

``Issei dodge!`` 

Akeno shouted, but it was too late for him to dodge so Rias had no choice but to take charge.

Using her Power of Destruction, she erased the energy orb, which otherwise would have injured Issei.

"So, she finally decided to use her bloodline ability." Ruval smiled. "It is a nice counter to most abilities."

He remembered seeing Sirzechs in action once and using the Power of Destruction. And since that day, he had been in awe of the Bael bloodline ability.

``Mihae!`` Yubelluna shouted. ``Siris! Karlamine! You know what to do!``

The two knights immediately charged in with the bishop providing backup.

``Xuelan! Isabela! The backlines!`` 

Zeoticus nodded as he heard this. "Targeting the backlines is a good strategy."

"Not when the frontlines are standing strong and defending." Ruval pointed as they saw Koneko immediately jumping forward to defend Asia against the two rooks.

While Kiba had to handle both the knights.

Kiba and Koneko were capable of handling their opponents. However, the bishop providing support from the back made it difficult for them.

Akeno wanted to help but she was busy dealing with the pawns as the two cat girls were quite resilient. 

"Damn these two and their nekomata endurance!" Akeno frowned as she continued shooting bolts of lightning, but the swiftness of the pawns allowed them to dodge the attacks.

Even Rias was having difficulty hitting the attacks as Yubelluna herself was making sure to prevent her from targeting any of the pawns.

"This is bad for them." Ruval said, figuring out Yubelluna's strategy, which he knew was actually his sister's strategy. "Their healer is wide open."

And that was the strategy.

``Mira and Marian! Do it!`` 

None of the members of Rias' peerage noticed that Asia was their top priority and due to that, the pawns were able to break into their defense and go towards Asia.

However, there was a tiny variable.

``Not this early!`` 

Issei jumped straight in front of them and summoned his gauntlet.

The staff that the blue haired pawn carried was stopped by the gauntlet, taking the hit and protecting Asia.

``I-Issei–`` Asia trembled. ``Thank y-you.`` 

The boy felt the pain through the gauntlet but still kept his smile. ``It's okay.`` 

"It's not over." Lady Phenex pointed.

As Issei stopped the strike, the twin pawns jumped towards him and launched an attack.

Issei had to use his gauntlet's power and use a green energy blast –which still wasn't enough.

``Darn it!`` Issei felt the pain. ``I won't be able to hold on for long…`` 

However, that was when he heard a voice.

`*Maybe it is finally time I help you.*` 

Issei didn't know that it was going to be his first of countless interactions with a certain Dragon.

`*New host of mine, accept my power*` 


[[A/N: Read ahead on pat reon: Pat reon.com/Greedyfrog

Riser is about to be smoked by MC ;) ]]