
Chapter 126: Softly

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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Rias then clapped her hands and announced, "Alright. Naruto-kun, you move out first. Akeno, you go as well. I shall work on Raynare, and then the rest of will head out as well."

Naruto nodded and jumped out the window. Landing in a tree, he quickly started tree hopping. His speed was great enough that he reached the edge of the sports field within minutes.

He jumped into open without a hint of fear. He didn't move further.

There were no doubt several of Riser's servants hiding around here. Didn't want them reveal themselves prematurely.

Taking a deep breath, Naruto then yelled out loud enough for Riser to no doubt hear him, "Yo, Yakitori-teme! I'm out in the sport's field. I told you I'm going to fry your ass up to serve yakitori at our victory party, didn't I? Well, I'm here to deliver. I'm going to burn your chicken ass to serve roast phoenix. I know your ass is too chicken to come out here directly though, so send out whoever you want. I'll take out your whole peerage if I have to, but I'll eventually reach you. I'll then turn you into yakitori. So bring it!"

The silence that followed seemed to convey the disbelief Riser's entire peerage was no doubt feeling.

For Naruto to insult a high-class devil so openly is brazen to the point it can almost be considered insane. It's…stupid.

Naruto didn't care though. He made his intentions known, and now he just needed to wait for their reaction.

Sitting on the ground, Naruto got comfortable to wait for a while. His head turned slightly as he saw a figure flying across the school yard. Akeno.

Akeno gave a smile as she approached the new school building.

They hadn't tried to attack yet, so they obviously weren't sure how to take the bold move.

Flying across the open school yard was completely audacious. Not to mention foolish.

Coming to a stop, Akeno's hand started sparking. She then called out, "Oh, Bomb Queen-" She then threw her hand forward, launching a bolt of lightning into one of the windows. The empty room exploded from the attack. "Come on out. I really want to play."

Her smile turning sadistic, Akeno fully entered her S-mode. She then sent another attack to blow up another classroom, laughing gleefully at the destruction.

"I'm not so sure about that, Naruto-kun?" Rias claimed in a worried tone before continuing, "The queen is the most powerful piece. Tying them up in a difficult battle at the beginning is a waste. I was hoping to use Akeno to take care of a few of their pieces first?"

"Think about it, Rias. All the footage we've watched of Riser's Rating Games shows he relies on her heavily.

She's an opportunistic striker. Any unaware and open opponent is attacked. She's too much of a powerful opponent to let wander around like that.

As it is only you, Akeno, and I stand a chance of defeating her. That means if she runs into anyone else, that person could quickly be eliminated," Naruto argued.

"He has a point," Yuuto admitted before elaborating, "You want Akeno to take out some of Riser's pieces first, but Riser will have the same opportunity if you do that. The Bomb Queen might take out one or two of us."

"And losing one or two people will hurt us much more than it does Riser," Raynare added.

"…I agree with them, Buchou," Akeno suddenly declared.

"You too, Akeno?" Rias asked.

"Ufufufu. They make sense, Buchou. Riser relies on her heavily. If we tie her up early, it could mess with his overall strategy," Akeno pointed out calmly.

"…Fine," Rias said in defeat.

Akeno let off three more attacks before the last one was nullified by an explosion.

Akeno's smile widened as she turned to see her opponent flying from the roof of the new school building. Seems she finally answered.

Yubelluna, the Bomb Queen. She was a beautiful woman with purple hair and eyes.

She was wearing a purple gown that exposed a great deal of her bountiful cleavage.

Over that was a white cape-like garment. In her hand she was holding a fancy staff.

"You are bold, Priestess of Thunder," Yubelluna remarked as she approached Akeno. She then added more harshly, "Too bold."

"Ufufufu, I'm so sorry. I was just so excited to have a battle with you," Akeno claimed. She then let out a shiver as she added lustfully, "I'm shivering just from the thought of hearing your pained cries."

Yubelluna remained calm despite the comment, instead saying with a smile, "I admit I was hoping to fight you as well, Priestess of Thunder."

"Then we're both happy," Akeno said as sparks started flying off her arms. Launching an attack, she called out, "Let's see who is happy at the end."

"Unusual tactics," Tsubaki commented with a frown. "A direct challenge in an open area, and a clash of queens."

"The battle of queens is a good idea for Rias. Tying up the more powerful opponents to focus on the weaker ones first is a risky, but potentially rewarding tactic," Sona noted slowly. Looking at the screen where Naruto was sitting down…while eating a snack, she added, "Uzumaki-san calling out Riser must be a trap. There's no other explanation."

"Riser won't walk into such an obvious setup," Tsubaki muttered.

"He has no choice," Sona claimed before explaining, "Naruto insulted him and challenged him directly. Riser's pride and overall reputation demands that he answer in some form."

"So instead he has to try and react in a way with the least chance of damaging his peerage," Tsubaki remarked.

"Yes, that is the only option," Sona admitted. After several moments of thought, Sona muttered softly, "A two pronged attack. With the destruction of the gymnasium, there are only two avenues to reaching the new school building. Through the school yard, and through the sports field. The two queens are battling over the school yard, and Uzumaki-san is planning to battle right in the middle of the sports yard. The two ways are blocked by battles this way. What is the point? And where is the rest of Rias' peerage?"


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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