
DxD: The Fight For Freedom

Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/ZBjyhdt3 Update Schedule: 1 Ch/week- ten days Most fanfic characters in DxD either have cheats, systems, special backgrounds, or know the plot for their SMOOTH plan. This story doesn't have ANY of that convenient plot. Well.... You can read other stories if you don't like this story. This story only has the OG MC with different thinking. What happens if Issei has a very cautious, grounded, but decisive mindset? What happens if you take off the anime and boob logic out of the window with simple common sense? What if... What if Issei never wished to be a Harem King? All of these what-ifs make this story born. . . A True Dragon of Domination who fought for his survival and freedom. "Heh...In the end, we all become who we are by the results of our choice. If this is my ending, then I can only accept it." This story is AU. (P.S. The general will follow the OG story. Although, the content WILL be different with different MC .) (P.S.S There's no reincarnation, transmigration, system, regression, nor knowing the plot for the MC. His special cheat is only himself and Boosted Gear, Period.) (P.S.S. I'm a complete beginner who writes fanfic for fun and scratching the itch on my brain resulting in this fanfic. forgive me if there's an obvious plot hole, grammar mistakes, or nonsensical logic.)

NikkeSimp · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
15 Chs

Chapter 13: Evil Doesn't Need to be on Purpose.

"...." - A character's dialogue

(....) - A character's thoughts

{....} - Issei communicating with Ddraig in mind

{....} - Ddraig speaking in Issei's mind

[....] - Ddraig speaking openly to his surrounding

(...)- Ddraig's thought.


"...Hey Issei, why are you so restless these days?"

Kuoh Academy, Saturday.

After their 'boring' class had finished, Matsuda and Motohama immediately hounded the last member of the trio. This week, it's evident something happened to the brown-haired boy without a doubt.

Both of them are academically average, but not stupid and slow. They could pass it as moody days or alone time if it's just one to two days. But this time, Issei has avoided them for five days straight.

If they ignore this, then their relationship as bros is just a title and nothing more.

Looking at the duo staring at him with narrowed eyes, Issei couldn't help letting out a bitter smile. In the end, he couldn't completely cut them off.

"...If I say I just have nightmares, would you believe me?"

"Bullshit. Try other excuses."

"Hmph! Looks like your mouth is only useful for rizzing girls."

"Oi! I resent that!"

(Who's rizzing who!?)

At the very least, the boy never consciously tries to seduce girls into his bidding! He could say that with a clear conscience. Although, his exclamation fell on deaf ears. Heck, both of them have deadpanned faces that are so flat and bland.

Momo, the class Madonna who overheard their conversation even stares at Issei with half-lidded eyes unconvinced. Says the guy who could make half of the girls in this room go doki-doki if he put his mind to it.

As a 'victim' of his charm, she could confidently proclaim Hyoudou Issei has a devilish tongue. Whether he does it intentionally or not, the silver-haired girl doesn't know which is worse. At least he's a proper gentleman, Momo grumbled inwardly.

In Issei's mental landscape, Ddraig let out a chortle hearing their entire conversation. Although it's only been a week of knowing each other, his host truly has a remarkable talent for seducing people easily like breathing, especially females. No wonder the Fallen Angel reacted that extreme.

Scandalized, Issei crumpled his face in dejection. It looks like today is his beating day.

Karma always catches up for everybody.

"Issei's charming girls aside, today you must explain yourself. You've missed our usual outings many times already."

"Yeah, buddy! This time, you can't escape anymore. I'll drag your feet down if needed!"

Seeing their determined faces, the reincarnated devil finally raised his hands in surrender with a wry smile. He knows when he needs to give up cleanly. But his grin dimmed after sensing the 'prince's' gaze at him lingering for more than usual.

(...I wanted to tell you guys too.)

One week was enough to adapt to his abrupt changes. However, he couldn't deny the loneliness without hanging out with these two lovable idiots. He's not some chuuni guy who lives in a delusion proclaiming solitary is rewarding.

...However, what he wants is different from what he can't do. The crimson dragon wears a solemn face sensing his partner's undettered will. it's not that he accepts his decision wholeheartedly, but he could understand and respect where Issei's choice comes from.

He cares.

"I'm sorry."


"B-Bro? The hell are you doing?"

Lowering his head ninety degrees, Issei sincerely apologizes to both of them. When he raised his head, what greeted the duo was a saddened expression of their best friend.

"I...I wish to say it too. It's not that I won't but can't."


Matsuda and Motohama immediately changed their expressions hearing his words. Although he spoke in normal volume, the finality behind it was clearly noticed by them. Motohama, who was socially perceptive among the three, raised his glasses observing Issei with narrowed eyes.

"Does this relate to your growing muscle mass? This eyeglasses is not decoration, you know?"

"...No comment."

Guilty for his avoidance and secrecy these past few days, he averted eye contact from his friend's scrutinizing eyes. As for Matsuda who heard Motohama's question, he looks at Issei more in detail.

As a current regular of the school's baseball club, he has sharp discerning eyes more than Motohoma regarding the body clinically. Cupping his chin, the bald-haired baseball player mentions his findings one by one.

"...Now that you mention it, your body is undeniably bulkier than last week. You're even a few centimeters taller too. In fact..."

Trailing off, his gaze focuses on Issei's boyish face with laser-focused eyes.

"...You don't have acne anymore. Your skin is cleaner, glows brighter, and even loses all of its excess fat. We joke about you as Bishounen(Pretty Boy), but you really could be called that now. Seriously, if the sunlight shines through your hair, it's almost glowing for how glossy it is."

Again, he didn't agree or disagree with Motohoma's analysis. He just lowered his head in resignation, releasing a powerless sigh. No matter how much he wanted to deny it, such excuses were ultimately empty and meaningless.

Both of them were right. He has changed. No, evolving is the appropriate word for his gradual improvement. After all, his idea was a stellar success. Even Ddraig was utterly speechless looking at Issei's transformation day by day.

His activity was simple and compact. Basic body exercises and meditation. Only, the difference is the application of Boosted Gear continuously.

When he felt his muscle tear? He boosted the regeneration speed.

If he gets tired after running for a few kilometers? He boosted his recovery speed for his stamina.

Since the hybrid did that for five days straight but efficiently and productively, his progress was thousands of times faster than the Olympic Athletes' training menu. Combine that with his devil and dragon's biology, the potential ceiling limit of his growth breaks the sky, figuratively speaking.

The human body needs at least seven to eight hours of sleep to recover its stamina. 

As for Issei? He just needs one hour max. Nowadays, he could cut it for thirty minutes, but still energetic with absolutely no problem. It was proof of his body's tolerance for fatigue and endurance rising steadily at a great pace.

Just these already put him in the low middle-class devil. Considering he started from the bottom of low-class devils, his improvement was explosive. What other people need to achieve in months or even years, Hyoudou Issei has shortened the process in less than a week.

Lastly, his mediation exercises, raise his magic power capacity. To be more accurate, he practiced the use of Boosted Gear to control it.

This is what he discovers, but magic power is just like rubber if he applies it practically. The more he uses it, the more it expands his maximum capacity. What was previously just a small cup of glass has become one whole jar. 

Moreover, the constant use of Boosted Gear affects the control level for practical use. Real life doesn't work like games, even if it is the supernatural world. Magicians who use the same spell will have different output levels and amount of magic power used to accomplish it.

(...He's truly monstrous.)

The Red Dragon has seen a lot in his long lifetime, but Issei's control is so precise that it's no different than a machine. He could use a spell with exactly the required amount more frequently than a few days ago. Now, even if Issei couldn't do Balance Breaker himself, Ddraig could take control of his body and achieve it for a few minutes.

He knows. After all, they already tried it with no visible issues. If they compared the initial start when they needed to sacrifice his body parts to do so, it was remarkable. Even the rate of his Dragonification reached about twenty percent in rough estimation.

(...It's really a cheat code.)

The current Sekiryuutei genuinely thought that. A former normal teenager could achieve this much just with the application of the Boosted Gear's basic ability. No wonder it's called a Longinus that could kill a God, hypothetically speaking.

---But everything has consequences.

Even if he could gain all of this in a short period, he still needs to keep silent about his circumstances. That's how dangerous this world is. If he set himself as a standard, then it's not that strange for other beings to be equally or even more ridiculously overpowered than him.

The chasm between the normal and the special(supernatural) is that wide.

"...You really can't tell us?"

Hearing Matsuda's softened voice with a saddened expression, Issei bit his lip strongly to prevent his hiccups from coming out. What he's doing is the worst a friend could do.

Once again, he lowered his head with his bangs shadowed his eyes filled with frustration and grief.

"I'm sorry."


Seeing Momo coming at him in worry, Issei only shook his head despondently. While he appreciated her worrying about him, there was nothing she could do too.

Understanding his intention, the girl holds one of his hands with her own as a sign of support. Noticing her action, he weakly smiled at her for showing thanks. Momo responds by smiling back tenderly while gripping his hand tighter.

The glass-wearing boy looks at his friend's downtrodden state silently. Then, he moves her gaze toward their class Madonna. It looks like this involves her too. 

It's not that he doesn't feel anything for his silence. He even feels slightly betrayed by his bro closing up on them without explaining anything.

But more than that...he's heartbroken that he couldn't help him like he did one year ago.

With a long, long sigh, he lets out a bitter smile expressing his jumbled feelings.

"...Alright. Since you decided to do so, I won't pry anymore. But Issei, remember this."

Looking at Motohama and Matsuda, both of them nodded to each other in understanding, and stared at their friend reassuringly with a soft smile and wide grin respectively.

"When you are in trouble, reach out to us. We will help you, no questions asked."

"Yeah! That's what it means to be Bros!"

Looking at his friend not berating but supporting him, Issei was almost reduced to tears. Retracting his happy cries barely, he nodded at them in thanks with glistening eyes, warmth filling his heart.

"...Yeah, Yeah I will. Thank you, both of you."

Hearing his sappy words, Matsuda waved his hands nonchalantly. However, his face becomes a bit bashful upon hearing his friend's sincerity.

"Don't mention it, that's what friends are, right?"

"*chuckle*...I guess so."

Three of them couldn't go back to their previous time. Such days will become distant memories soon.

...Even so, Issei wants to believe that they could go back to those happy times.

In his mind, Ddraig smiles gently, feeling his partner's wistfulness. The future is uncertain and perilous, but nothing is definite. If they worked hard, maybe it really could be achieved.

Nothing is set in stone, after all.

{You could do it, Issei. We've reached this far, haven't we?}

{I...yeah. Thank you, Ddraig.}

{Heh...You're welcome.}

...And yet, it's also undeniable such days are far, far away to be realized.

"---Uhm, excuse me."

Hearing the words coming from other than them, all direct their gaze toward the owner of that voice. What they see is Kiba Yuuto smiling politely. No, not to them, but specifically toward the brown-haired boy.

"...May I borrow Hyoudou-kun for a while? I was ordered by Buchou to bring him into the Occult club room."

As if his words are the signal, all lightheartedness and melancholic emotions from Issei's heart immediately vanish. He formed a pensive expression for the expected moment to come. Ddraig also narrowed his eyes, caution fully expressed in his emerald-slit pupil.

This week, Yuuto seems to be gauging his reactions subtly, but it was quite obvious for Issei with his enhanced and improved sense. It's not hard to guess the prince is waiting for the perfect timing for contact between the newly reincarnated devil and their club members.

What's confusing, however, his emotion on the other side seems to be fluctuating irregularly during the moment Issei interacted with Momo.

As proof, when Yuuto's eyes landed on the silver-haired girl, his face seemed to change into an awkward one. 

(...Did something happen?)

Noticing the brown-haired boy's questioning glance, Momo turned her head slightly, winking discreetly with no one noticing it except himself. Issei was momentarily confused but immediately realized what roughly happened between the two groups.

With his improved smell, he could even detect the emotions themselves in the odors. Judging from his recent interaction with her these days, she doesn't seem to snitch on Rias or bad-mouth the heiress behind her back. If she did so, according to her character, she's supposed to feel apprehensive, tensed, or even guilty toward Issei, which was none.

Then there's only one possible conclusion.

{Ahh...I see. You did warn her to not slander anything about the incident, but not reporting it to her master. Heh, quite devious, this girl.}

The dragon's deduction was filled with amusement and goodwill toward Momo. Ddraig may have a negative impression of the devils, but he could see this girl doesn't really approve of that red-haired bitch's actions toward Issei.

Issei also reaches the same answer just like Ddraig did. Inwardly he felt exasperated by her mischievous act, but also grateful for her. Lightly shaking his head bemusedly from this realization, he pats her back silently as a sign of thanks. She herself doesn't show any obvious reaction, but Momo's smile becomes a tad brighter from his point of view.

Because of her, he has a slight breathing ground for the upcoming talk to not be disparaged badly if he does anything wrong.

While they're having a secret conversation, different thoughts run through the double M duo's minds.

Seeing the Kuoh Prince calling Issei, Matsuda and Motohoma furrowed their eyebrow perplexedly. While they don't hate Yuuto, both don't have an actual relationship or interaction with him, except for casual greetings.

So why is he inviting their bro to the club room, where nobody could enter or join openly like any other?

Noticing the duo's tensing body, Issei immediately moves in front of them, confronting Yuuto while covering their reaction. Before doing so though, he patted their back too, as a sign to not do something rash.

Matsuda was the first one to notice it. He immediately made eye contact with Motohoma and nudged with his chin for discreet communication. Motohoma makes an "o" shaped mouth, understanding it, nodding his head slightly in agreement. Both of them are quite close and able to communicate without speaking openly.

Whatever Issei's change was, it related to the Student Council and Occult Club at the same time. Both of its leaders are not just some pretty girls, but individuals with considerable influence in this school.

No matter what, they can't offend either of them, troubling their leader.

As for said leader itself, Issei inclines his head slightly to Yuuto as a greeting.

"Kiba-san, good afternoon. When you said Gremory-senpai inviting me to her club room, does this relate to what happened last week?"

Sure enough, the blond-haired prince nodded his head, still with a polite grin on his handsome face.

"Yes. Buchou---Rias-Senpai wants to meet you, Hyoudou-kun. She wants to explain what actually 'occurred' to you and your changes."

"...I see."

It looks like he can't prolong this anymore.

Whatever happens in the upcoming meeting, he must be very careful in his response to not offend them. Ddraig growls in frustration with this passive stance but doesn't refute it verbally. He knows just how much is at stake for Issei, even if he's unwillingly involved in this shitstorm.

His partner had done everything that he could do. Right now, both need to focus on the meeting with his 'savior' for the introduction of his life as a devil servant of hers. Other things could be delayed.

Currently, Issei's number one priority is to make a good impression on Rias Gremory, his master.

"I don't have a problem. Shall we head there now?"

It was time to head to the Devil's den.





"Rias, I don't know what the hell are you planning, but I need to say this as the co-leader for the management of this town. Clean up your mess if you still want to stay in this town. If not, I'll take action, not as your friend, but as the heiress of the Sitri family."

Such words reverberated in her head while fiddling with the king piece of chess absentmindedly. Remembering her friend's drastic reaction, her face twisted in a mix of displeasure and awkwardness.

She intended to be as discreet as possible, but her rival had caught her red-handed. She could be considered thick-skinned, but Rias was not that shameless to not recognize her fault.

"....Haaahhhh. This sucks."

In the end, she could only meekly nod her head with a sheepish smile on her face as an apology, while keeping her dissatisfactions and complaints in her mind only.

Akeno only gives her a usual smile but is filled with a tinge of sadness. As for Koneko, she only chomps her favorite snack while glancing at Buchou's slumping figure on her desk with her usual deadpan face. However, if one observes her more closely, one can see the frustration and hopelessness in her golden eyes.

Rias herself knew she was in the wrong. After all, the agreement between the two owners of this land was to share everything, including problems and opportunities at the same time.

Sona understood why Rias had uninformed her about the fallen Angel. Even so, that's not an official but private excuse regarding her circumstances. No matter how much she sympathized with her friend, she needed to draw the line where needed.

In the end, her decision backfired to herself quite a bit. While her goal has been accomplished, there's no doubt Sona was---is still mad at Rias.

Well, that's for later discussion. Right now, all of them need to welcome their new club member.

"...They've come."

When Koneko quietly declares their near arrival, all of them fix their expressions to appropriate ones. It wouldn't do for the new member to have a bad impression of their first meeting. 

---Such worries are meaningless, as said boy had already held negative images of them due to her neglection of duties.





Hyoudou Issei, the newly reincarnated devil doesn't know what to feel for the people in this room.

"Ufufufu, hello Hyoudou-kun. Sorry for the sudden invite. Please have some tea."

"...Thank you, Himejima-senpai."

Himejima Akeno, a third-year Kuoh Academy student, and one-half of Kuoh Two Great Ladies crowned by the general populace in this school. Seeing her gracefully serving tea to him like this, Issei couldn't fault them.

Long glossy hair tied in a ponytail, a perfect S-line body, and a pretty smile on her gorgeous face. She is literally born to attract attention no matter where she goes with that top-tier appearance.

Bowing his head down as a sign of respect and thanks, Issei slowly and calmly took the tea served by her, sipping it a bit.

"....It's delicious. I apologize for my lack of words unable to describe this wonderful tea."

"My my~~~ How polite. Just you saying good is enough for me~~"

Saying so, she put a hand on her face with a delighted grin hearing the compliment while having her eyes closed. She's truly the combination of Yamato Nadeshiko and the ideal elder sister anyone would want to have. Any normal hormone-charge boy will feel flustered and mushy in front of her.

---And yet, his heart is as serene as ever. His emotion didn't fluctuate even a single bit looking at her.


Turning his head to the opposite side of the sofa, what greeted him was a petite, but cute white-haired girl offering him a snack with a quiet voice. Since he's the guest and in unknown territory, he lowers his head to her as a sign of appreciation while accepting the offering without a preamble.

"...Thank you, Toujou-san."

"...Don't mention it."

A cat. That word pops out in his mind, looking at her appearance. A white-haired girl with a small figure, cool demeanor, and golden eyes with a slit pupil---like a feline. The brown-haired boy didn't pay attention much to the rumor mill of this school, but Toujou Koneko truly deserved the title Mascot of Kuoh Academy with adorable looks.

And lastly...

"Hehe, it looks like Hyoudou-kun being rumored as a gentleman was true."

"...Such praise is undeserving for someone like me, Gremory-senpai."

"My, how humble."

Rias Gremory. One of the, if not the most beautiful lady in this school. With her long crimson hair, glowing green eyes on her perfect grinning face, and outrageous body proportions no normal teenager nor adult could have in their entire lifetime reflected in his eyes.

As for Yuuto himself, he stands silently on his back, near the wall with a perpetual polite smile.

All of them have gathered a certain amount of influence and popularity in the school's community. And most of all, they are his current brethren and comrades. 

(...So these are the devils of Occult Club.)

Devils, since ancient times, were depicted as beings who deceived and lured humans with their false promises. Seeing them like this though, it might be rude to think so, but there's certainly a sliver of truth about it, as their beautiful appearances were making it easier to persuade people.

While Issei is observing them as discreetly as possible with a neutral expression, Rias' mind is anything but peaceful, contrasting her amused face. She's downright confused, even--- maybe perplexed is the apt word with the boy's reaction in front of her.

(...He's not what I expected.)

When she heard about Yuuto's report of Issei being tense and anxious, she could understand it. After all, he was a normal teenager facing unexpected death and introduced to the world of Supernatural abruptly.

But what about his current condition right now? The red-haired heiress pursed her lips while looking at the placid expression on his face.

(He's too calm. So much so that his being average could be just an act.)

No sign of panic, no gesture of anxiety, or even being flustered when invited to the occult club. Hell, even when Akeno subtly teases him, there's no sign of him being a teenage boy at all!

Most of all---

"May I ask the reason for being called into this room, Gremory-Senpai?"

His eyes never strayed away from her own. Subtly observing her appearance, yes. But no sign of lust nor desire is shown in those golden amber eyes. If she's not mistaken, it's almost as if she was assessed.

Just a bit, a li~~~ttle tiny bit, Rias feels insulted for not being able to charm him with her gorgeous looks.

Pouting inwardly at his bland reaction, the leader of the occult club, with a perpetual smile on her face opens her tiny mouth.

"Ara, can I not invite my cute junior to get acquainted with each other?"

"I'm honored for being able to attract your attention just with my humble self."

Lowering his head as a sign of respect, the boy spoke so formally that it took her aback. Even the other club members are surprised by his actions. Rather than a junior and senior in a school setting, it's more of an interaction between a servant and his master.

(...Does he?)

Right now, even Rias could tell every prediction and scenario she had before is not going to be used anymore. That's based on a new family member not knowing anything

Issei though?

"...How much do you know about us, Hyoudou-kun?"

Narrowing her eyes suspiciously, Rias enunciates the word 'us' strongly. Not being particularly surprised by her question, Issei lightly nods his head.

"Only a very general information and situation about the other side of the world. Hanakai-san was kind enough to inform my ignorant self."

This time, there was a bit of but noticeable change. When Issei mentioned 'Hanakai-san', the name was mentioned with tenderness or even affection of a good friend. Even his neutral face softened a bit.

Noticing that, Rias' eyebrow unconsciously twitched a bit. When he faced all of them, it was so formal and polite. They even hallucinate whether there is an invisible clear-cut line drawn between them. Therefore, this difference in treatment between them and Momo is very clear to Rias.

(....Stay calm, Rias. You cannot screw this more than now.)

It would be a lie for the Occult Club Leader not to feel anything about Momo snitching on them, but what's done is done. She could only wing it as it is.

Coughing lightly, Rias responds to the boy but with seriousness on her face right now. The other club members put a more formal posture after seeing their master cutting the pleasantries and moving to the main point.

"Then there's no need for preambles anymore. For formality, let me reintroduce ourselves again."

Saying so, black bat wings spread through all members of the quartet except Issei. A beat later though, the same pair of wings appeared on the boy too. Although disoriented a bit, he was able to regain his sense of balance almost immediately.

"Nice to meet you, Hyoudou Issei-kun. My name is Rias Gremory, the future heiress of the illustrious Gremory family for this generation. The club members behind you are all devils and my cute servants. And you---"

Stopping there, she gestured toward the wings behind him.

"---are one of us. Specifically, my servant too."

Finishing there, Rias puts on a gentle smile.

"Let's get along well together, Hyoudou-kun. From now on, we're going to have a long, long relationship with each other."

Hearing that, Hyoudou Issei closed his eyes for a moment. Then, a few seconds later, a determined expression is shown on his youthful but contradicting matured face.

....His guess was right. He was reincarnated as a devil---as her subject.

Somewhere inside his heart, he naively hoped all of this was just a nightmare and nothing more. If not, at the very least---his worst prediction strayed away from reality.

And yet, as if mocking his useless hope, all of his bad guesses are being fulfilled one by one.

...Malevolent desires don't need to be direct. Depending on position, circumstance, or offer, a kind action could be taken as an insult. Rias may be portrayed as a kind master in front of him right now. She really could be a good person.

But....for him right now, it is something far, far worse.

Taking her stretched hand with both of his slowly, he lowered his head to perfect ninety degrees. Then, he kneels down on both legs while putting her hand on top of his head. The others widen their eyes by his deference but Issei pointedly ignores them.

For his friends, the city he lived in, his family....and, his life.

Cries of injustice. Grief for being put into this unreasonable situation. Anger for his pride being trampled.

He will throw all those unnecessary feelings inside his heart.

In the soundscape, Ddraig mourned at his host' act, feeling too aggrieved to say anything more. Begrudgingly, he understood what Issei had done. Ddraig even agreed with it to a certain extent for survival.

 But, how does it make sense for a proud dragon to lower his high head and curl his own tail for this fucking bitch!?


"Please take care of me, Gremory-sama. Command me as you wish and I'll fulfill it as best as I can."

(I,Y Ddraig Goch!!---)

"From now on, I, Hyoudou Issei, as your servant will wipe out all of your obstacles for your path to be filled with glory and success."

Opening his eyes, he makes eye contact with the bewildered heiress. On his face, there's no sign of emotion shown on the boy's face.

...However, if any of his close ones look at his current expression, they can tell two distinct feelings in those eyes.

One is resignation to his fate.

And the other----was despair.

"This, I swear with all my being."


For his peace and freedom are burned to oblivion.


Author Note: Hi everyone! Sorry for the long hiatus! I won't make excuses. I was lazy and unmotivated to write the next chapter. Even this one took me 2 months to write it. I hope you can enjoy it. This concludes the volume 2. Next, I will enter the arc, "The Dragon, Innocent Maiden, and Black Angel."

Now, comment on this chapter. The first half explains his reason and growth for his careful approach. Many fanfics explored it, but Boosted Gear is bullshit, period. Depending on utility and imagination, killing a deity class is not impossible. Heck, With Issei's highest compatibility, he really could go toe to toe with fairly reputable gods. 

As for the second half, most of you probably feel dissatisfied with Issei's actions or even too extreme. I won't argue it. But think for a moment. Rias Gremory holds his life in figurative and literal meaning in EVERY sense. Rias is a kind and morally good person. Issei doesn't know that. Moreover, he's cautious bordering on paranoid. With that deadlock situation, he gives up on resisting. It's not his life on the line only anymore.

It's just the initial though. the more the story progresses, Hyoudou Issei will earn his freedom and rights one by one.

As for the next update, don't expect fast ones. I can only write this time to time.


Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

NikkeSimpcreators' thoughts