
DXD: The Awakening Of Phenex

"A guy reincarnated in the body of Riser Phenex with a system. This work is a piece of fiction, a fanfic created based on the original universe developed by its creators. I want to make it clear that I have immense respect for the work and vision of the original creators. The intention of this fanfic is to explore imaginative possibilities within this universe, without any intention of devaluing or replacing the original work." pat reon.com/22Mirko22

Mirko22 · Komik
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189 Chs

Chapter [135]

Rating game arena

Mizuho recoiled with a cry of surprise and pain, her hand throbbing where she had struck Melqui. She looked incredulously at Merlin, realizing she had been deceived by the mage once again.

"How despicable attacking your own comrade," mocked Merlin, her voice dripping with sarcasm as she watched Mizuho retreat in pain.

Mizuho, her red eyes blazing with anger, channeled the darkness magic around her, ready to launch her next attack. She was mentally shaken after being tricked by Merlin into striking her own comrade, and the mage's mockery only fueled her fury.

Merlin, on the other hand, remained calm and composed, her unwavering confidence radiating around her.

"You haven't learned your lesson from last time, Mizuho. Fury will only cloud your judgment and weaken your attacks."

Mizuho snarled in response, her dark aura intensifying as she prepared to retaliate. With a swift motion, she conjured shadows around Merlin, attempting to imprison her and suffocate her with her dark power.

However, Merlin was one step ahead. With an elegant gesture, she channeled her elemental magic and created an ice barrier around her, easily repelling Mizuho's shadows.

Mizuho growled in frustration, her mind tormented by the feeling of helplessness against Merlin's superior skill. However, she was not willing to give up so easily. With a roar of anger, she concentrated all her energy into her claws, preparing to launch her final attack against the mage.

"Damn you and your arrogance, mage! I will destroy you!" roared Mizuho, her claws crackling with dark magic as she relentlessly advanced towards the mage.

But before Mizuho could reach Merlin, the mage acted swiftly.

"Perfect Cube," uttered Merlin calmly, and immediately a purple cube encased Mizuho, trapping her inside.

Inside the cube, Mizuho felt an overwhelming mix of emotions. Anger consumed her mind, not only towards Merlin, but also towards herself for falling for her tricks again. Frustration burned within her, fueling her determination to escape and defeat the mage. However, no matter how she struggled against the cube's confines, her anger and darkness power were powerless against Merlin's impenetrable magic.

Meanwhile, outside the cube, Merlin watched calmly, her serene expression showing that she was completely in control of the situation. She demonstrated that true strength does not come from blind rage, but from the ability to control one's emotions and use one's mind wisely.

As the battle continued, Tannin, tense before Riser and his powerful weapon, Ascalon, decided to intervene. He addressed Serefall urgently.

"Serefall, please remove Mizuho from the battlefield. She is not in a condition to continue fighting."

Riser, watching with disdain, taunted, "Look at you, begging for mercy for your defeated comrade. What a shame to dragon pride."

Tannin stood firm in the face of Riser's provocative words, his determination to protect Mizuho unshaken by the young Phenex's sarcasm.

"Very well, Tannin. Mizuho will be removed from the battlefield. I will arrange for her immediate removal," replied Serefall. "At Tannin's request, Mizuho is eliminated from the Rating game!"

Mizuho is teleported to her defeated comrades, leaving Riser and Merlin versus Tannin.

With Mizuho out of the equation, attention turned entirely to the showdown between Riser and Tannin.

"Why don't you give up too and spare me unnecessary time and effort," taunted Riser, his tone laden with arrogance.

Facing Riser's provocation, Tannin lifted his head with dignity, his eyes blazing with the determination of a true dragon.

"I will never give up, Riser. My honor and the honor of my Peerage are at stake. I will fight to the end to defend what is mine."

Riser, in turn, only smiled arrogantly, his eyes shining with the confidence of someone who believes victory is assured.

"So be it," he replied, preparing for the final showdown.

Tannin stepped away from Riser, a powerful aura began to surround him, his body trembling with the intensity of the demonic power he was invoking. His roars echoed through the arena, growing louder and more intense.



Tannin screamed, his power growing with each passing second. The energy around him pulsed with overwhelming intensity as he prepared to unleash his final attack against Riser.

Before Tannin could finish charging his power, Riser acted with impressive speed. With a quick and precise movement, he wielded the legendary sword Ascalon and surged towards Tannin with relentless ferocity.

In a moment of pure agony, Ascalon's blade cut through the air, severing Tannin's arm with a precise strike. The dragon roared in pain and surprise, his energy abruptly interrupted as he staggered back, incapacitated by excruciating pain.

"This can't be happening," thought Tannin, stunned by the speed and brutality of Riser's attack. He struggled to stay on his feet, his vision blurred with the pain spreading throughout his body.

Before he could recover from the shock of the attack, Tannin was teleported out of the arena, his colossal form disappearing from the spectators' view.

"The winner of the Rating Game is Riser Phenex!" announced Serefall enthusiastically, her voice echoing through the arena as she proclaimed her brother-in-law's victory.

Riser, meanwhile, maintained a triumphant expression on his face, his unwavering confidence reflected in his eyes as he observed the outcome of his battle.

"That idiot thought I'd just stand still for 5 minutes watching him charge his power like it's Highschool DBZ. How naive," taunted Riser in his thoughts, relishing his victory.

With Tannin's defeat and Riser's victory, the Rating Game came to an end, with Merlin and Riser emerging as the undisputed victors.

Merlin approached Riser more reservedly, respecting her master's space. At the same time, Serefall, brimming with joy, rushed to embrace Riser with immense delight, leaving him slightly embarrassed by such a public display of affection.

"Congratulations, Riser-chan! You were amazing!" exclaimed Serefall, her eyes shining with pride.

Merlin, more reserved, congratulated Riser with a nod and a faint smile.

Riser accepted the praise with a modest smile, but there was a gleam of satisfaction in his eyes as he looked at Merlin and Serefall by his side.


Check out my profile and read my new DXD fanfic: King of the Fairies.

pat reon.com/22Mirko22

Check out my profile and read my new DXD fanfic: King of the Fairies.

pat reon.com/22Mirko22

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