
DxD: ReKiba

MC takes Kiba's place at the exact moment he is reincarnated by Rias. In exchange, he has to get revenge on everyone involved with the Holy Sword Project. MC is prideful and has his own plans. It will be a harem, but not a big one. I do not own anything except my own MC. Found this picture on Pinterest. The artist is Hikku. Contact me if you want me to take it down. I might post this on other platforms like Royal Road and Scribble Hub.

Alcoholic_Panda · Komik
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125 Chs

Thor Odinson-

If you want to read ahead or just support me go check out my Pat. There are lot of fics and ideas there. Every single one of these fics and chapters will be released eventually. But if you don't want to wait or just want to support me check out the Pat.

[ pat reon.com/alcoholic_panda ]

Word Count 2220


"A fight?! Where is the fight!? LET ME JOIN!! " A muscular middle-aged man with a beer belly was yelling like a child. he had shoulder-length blond hair. He was waving a hammer around and was swaying in place. He literally reeked of alcohol.

Thor. Son of Odin. And Most likely the strongest god in the North Pantheon.

Where the fuck did this musclehead come from?

"Lord Thor" The Valkyeries quickly kneeled

"Huh?! Oh.. its you guys..*Hic* W-where is the fight?" He slurred his speech, the Valkyries paled when they saw him

"These girls were about to fight the Valkyries. You aren't going to interfere..right?" I carefully look at the man. Things could go very wrong, very fast.

"*Hic*The girls,,,? Ohhh A Chick Fight!! No,no *Hic* I'm not going to interfere, but can I watch?" Thor took a step forward but lost his balance and-


-He fell on the ground

"Thor?...The God of Thunder?" Kurama pointed his finger at him, not believing his eyes.

"Probably a double, you know for security reasons" Gasper nodded along with him.

No way the so-called Strongest God in the Norse was this fat drunk man.

"Is this for real~nyaa?" Kuroka looked at the man with disbelief

"Are we getting punked?" Dino scratched his head, not understanding what's happening. One minute a chick fight was about to break out next a drunk man collapsed in front of them

"This is the Mighty Thor..." Meredith sweatdropped

"TE MIGTIST!"(The Mightiest!) He raised his fist, while still laying on the ground. He butchered the whole sentence

The Dude is like some fat version of Jack Sparrow. I mean he is not that fat. Well, just his belly is.

"Yes. Yes" I turn around to Rossweisse who was on the phone " He fell out of the sky as drunk as he could get. Hmm? He is laying on the street. I understand Senior Brynhildr." She ended the call and sighed out

"That was Brynhildr, the strongest Valkyrie in Asgard. She will be arriving soon for Lord Thor"

"Geh. *Hic* That pain in the ass" Thor barely managed to stand up "You will never catch me alive!! *Hic*" His beer belly sloshed as he started to run. "HIYAAA!" jumped off of the level we were on.


Landing god knows where below.

(I died from Laughing too much. This scene cracked me up. Opinions? )


I'll just ignore that whole encounter

I turn back to the Valkyaries who were still looking at the wall Thor jumped from and freely show my bloodlust gaining their attention " Now listen here. You are one of the types of women that I hate. You are envious of Rose's beauty, her strength and her position. So you belittle and insult her every chance you get. By doing so you ostracized a young girl to a childhood of loneliness. You lot disgust me"

With each word, Rose blushed harder and harder. She started to mumble to herself "..he called me beautiful.."

"Hey who do you think you are" "Yeah we are Valkyeires" "You can't say that to us"

Like cliche villains, they started to argue

"Oh yeah? What are you going to do about it" Meredith sneered at them

"Grrrr. We already challenged you to a fight. Do you dare accept or are you just a coward like her" One of the Valkyries pointed at Rose who got disheartened

I go to her and pat her on her shoulder. She turns to me "huh?"

"Don't worry about a thing" I turn back to the bitches "The girls accept your challenge. But Rose won't be fighting. Only Koneko, Xenovia, Mikasa and Meredith will be fighting." They are the weakest women on the team. Fighting against Valkyaries will be good for them, none of them have faced Nordic magic till now. This will be a good exercise for them

Asia would just blow them up and Valerie would use her Vampire side to drain them. She got a lot stronger after some training. Blood Magic is really strong if you use it right.

That set off the Valkyries again

"Let's start already" I say in an annoyed tone. I dont have any time to waste with insignificant mobs like them

"We will have Four, one on one matches" The leader of the Valkyrie announced

"Get revenge for Rossweisse oh and if any of you lose, I will be quadrupling your training, and taking away your snacks"

That caused their world to crash.

"Baka-senpai" "Demon!" "Slave Driver" "Jerkface" Koneko, Xenovia, Mikasa and Meredith started to whine. I just ignore their insults and stare at them with a blank face, causing all of them to stomp their way to the agreed stage.

The four fights will happen at the same time. Which is good for us.We still have things to do and we are losing daylight

~ Meredith fight

"Meredith. If you win I'll make Dino your butler for a day!" I yell out

Dino jumped up from his fake sleeping position, of course he was watching her "DUDE! WHAT THE HELL!" he yelled at my face

"Just properly motivating her~" I smirk at him, then I come near him "Don't miss this chance, loverboy" Dino pushed me away with an angry expression. His face was red, but whether from anger or embarrassment, no one know for sure.

Meredith on the other hand "Butler suit.. Dino..butler..Personal Butler.." She started to fantasize 'Milady, what would you like a foot massage' ' If that is what you want then I have no choice but to accept

*BOOOOOM * "COME HERE, YOU BITCH!" Hundreds of Holy Nails formed around her as Meredith dashed at the Valkyarie with increased vigor. This was going to be an easy win now

The other girls were doing good as well

Misaka used the Valkyarie to test out her sword skills. Since she was learning from me she was doing pretty well. And uses the shadows to manipulate her opponent where to go and then attacks with her swords and shadows.

The Valkyrie was having a hard time dealing with the shadow attacks, the battle ended with Misaka having a few injuries but her opponent was cut up and bleeding on the ground.

Xenovia currently had some of my swords and was using Touki and Magic to boost her strenght. The musclehead just kept pushing through all and cutting up all the magical attacks. After a fairly long battle, she left her

Koneko's opponent was a close-range fighter like her. So they both beat the shit out of each other. Koneko used her 'KI' to enter her grown up form, and added her white flames to her punches. The Flames do a lot of damage so the Valkyrie was forced to use up more and more power to defend against them. In the end, Koneko won the battle of attrition.

They all did pretty well against unknown opponents

"No way.."Dino dejectedly fell on his knees

"stop whining. i'm giving you a chance. use it" I whisper to him

"easy for you to say. i'm the one who has to become a butler" he whispers back with a glare

"Good job everybody." The girls smile "Now lets go back to shopping, you girls have ear-"

"-Ohhhhh. We meet again" a voice interrupted me from behind

I turn around to see Thor coming towards us while grinding and drinking beer

Ahhh. Him again.

Thor happily came up to my 'group' "Hahaha. Sorry about before. I was a bit drunk at the time" He says with a smile as he brings out a 'Horn' filled with Mead

...Sure keep telling yourself that buddy. A bit drunk he says. The man is a prince and he jumped off the wall, in front of tourists, falling god knows where

"Just out of curiosity. Where did you fall" the mini Dio asks

Nice going Gasper

"Ohh, a Souvenir shop. Why?" Thor raised his eyebrow

"Ahh, no reason" Gasper played it off by scratching his head.

"Nevermind then. Hey I'm bored. Do any of you wish to have a spar with me?" He says with sparkling eyes

"How about you?" He points to me "You are him right? The one who beat Koraball..no that wasn't it. Kilabiel.. No.. Kokobell?" He started to mumble before scratching his head because he was thinking too hard

"Ahhh, Whatever. The Crazy Fallen right? I'll make it worth your while. I am the Prince of Asgard" He says proudly

Dino was dying in the background "KokoBell. Hahahaha"

"I want your best alcohol" That made him freeze in place. He started to mumble to himself "i want to fight.. but my best alcohol.. my Golden Mead.. but a good fight, i can always get more Golden Mead..but do i really want to give it away.."


What is he doing?

'wait.. if i just win, he does get anything'

"I accept, but only if you beat me" Thor says with confidence and pride. Pride because he 'thought' of this idea where he doesn't lose his precious Golden Mead.

All of us heard everything. I have seen monsters that are smarter than this guy.

But I am interested how strong the supposed 'Strongest God of the Norse' is

"Heh. I changed my mind about the drink. Make it so Rossweisse isn't bullied anymore."

Thor scratched his beard ' the crybaby is being bullied? Huh, i never knew. i was going to stop it anyway now that i know, but at least I dont have to give up my Golden Mead to him'

"Done" Thor nodded with confidence, making Rossweisse widen her eyes in surprise

Shall we?" I ask the man

"Follow me! To the best place in Asgard. 'The Arena'" He pointed his index finger at a certain direction.

Thor certainly loves his theatrics.

After 10 minutes we arrive at the Arena. It was just a Roman Coloseum rip-off with Nordic decorations. But to be fair. The Colosseum is the best design to pick when it comes to these types of fights

Me and Thor were on opposite crners

This was the man that said to be stronger than Odin. I can't take him lightly.

Balance Breaker

'Raise your head Wabisuke. Bankai'

I'm going to debuff him to death. I dash at him and start throwing magic. But he just punched through all the spells. Both of us were 3 meters away from eachoter, he cocked back his fist while I summoned another sword.


I use the sword and my own Ki and Mana to get a burst in speed

Okey, so he is somewhere around 160 kg in weight.

Each slash increases his weight by 3 times and increases his negative emotions, lets see how much he can take.

One Slash. 480 kg

Two. 1440 kg

Three. 4320 kg

Four. 12,960 kg (13 Tones)

"Hahaha! Your attacks do no damage Devil"

Thor just kept running around and punching at me without a care in the world. What the hell is this guy made of?

Five. Six. 116,640 kg

Thor stopped"Hmm." He started to move his shoulders around "I fell a bit heavier? Did you do this?"


He currently weighs 116 Tones! And where the fuck is the Metal side of the attacks

" It will take a lot more to defeat the Mighty ThoR!"

I get it. Now I know why he is called. The embodiment of Physical Strenght. He is the Ultimate Musclehead

"Do you know why they call me the God of Thunder?" Thor says seriously

"Because when I swing my hammer, It breaks the sound barrier, making people think... that Thunder had appeared. HAAAA!"


A Thunderclap Echoed across the arena. His hammer sent me flying back as I crashed into the arena wall.

Ugh. That hurt.

This is bad. I quickly make another sword

'Collapse. Sakanade'

The sword quickly mirrored everything. I dashed towards Thor. He prepared to block from the 'front' when in fact I was behind his back. I need to hit him a few more times with Wabisuke.

But just as I was about to slash him his arm turned.


Putting his hammer behind his back, blocking my attack

"WHAT?" Fuck I yelled out by accident

"Huh.. Why did I block from behind" Thor searched his head

"How did you block it?" I asked him. This hasn't happened before, he doesn't even know how the sword works

Thor just looked even more confused "Dunno. I just felt like I should block there. So I did"

.. What kind of bullshit is this? Did he use The Force? Observation Haki? Ultra Fucking Instinct?!

And I tripled the weight of that freaking hammer. And he is still holding it like it weighs nothing.

Just how strong is he?

"Haha, get ready my friend. Its time for Round 2. And I'm taking this to the next level"

Thor slapped his chest and his Divine Aura burst, engulfing him. His Aura climbed higher and higher. The pressure was freaking insane

I gripped my swords thighter.

I'm not getting out of this fight without a few broken bones

"HAHA. Let's GO!"

~ A/N.

OG Thor. His only power was his Insane Strenght and Mjolnir which was Heavy AF

Its said his hammer is as heavy as 300 billion Elephants. A single elephant is around 7 Tons. So that's 2 trillion 100 billion Tons.

Tons and tonnes are both English terms. Tons is American while tonnes is British