
DxD: ReKiba

MC takes Kiba's place at the exact moment he is reincarnated by Rias. In exchange, he has to get revenge on everyone involved with the Holy Sword Project. MC is prideful and has his own plans. It will be a harem, but not a big one. I do not own anything except my own MC. Found this picture on Pinterest. The artist is Hikku. Contact me if you want me to take it down. I might post this on other platforms like Royal Road and Scribble Hub.

Alcoholic_Panda · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
125 Chs

Kurama's Ascendance

If you want to read ahead or just support me go check out my Pat. There are a lot of fics and ideas there. Every single one of these fics and chapters will be released eventually. But if you don't want to wait or just want to support me check out the Pat.

[ pat reon.com/alcoholic_panda ] 

I'll put a list of my fics at the bottom of this chap.

Word Count 4000


Yasaka, Kunou, Kurama, Gloxinia and a few others were waiting in the meeting room. When Isaiah appeared in a slight flash

"Yo!~" He waved at all the people

"Hello~" Kunou waved back

Kurama chuckled "Going by your expression things went well I assume?"

"Couldn't be better actually" Isaiah chuckled " Everything went according to plan, now NEXUS has a pretty big territory. The Leviathans were one of the Original 4. They have one of the largest territories in the underworld. Even if it's mostly water. But with the other 2, We can set up a big base of operations. After all the Underworld doesn't just belong to the Devils."

"And so NEXUS grows yet again. You know Isaiah, I have never heard of a faction growing this quickly. The closest I can think of is Lucifer Falling and creating the Devil Race." Gloxinia looked at

"Ha! I knew Isaiah-sama was. Going to be big. I'm the first Yokai he met in Kyoto you know. I told him where to find Kurama-sama" Little Kunou puffed up her small chest, bragging about being the one to bring her current two leaders together

In a way. Kunou was instrumental in creating NEXUS,

Isaiah rubbed Kunous's hair, much to her dismay.

"You know Lucifer didn't really fall like the rest. The guy Left. Of his own free will. He wasn't kicked out. That's what made him special. And why do you think there are 3 Factions instead of 2? Heaven and the Rebels. The fallen were jealous of him, of him being the Favorite Son, of Lucifer just being able to leave Heaven so easily.

They fell and formed their own Faction. Lucifer was alone so he and Lilith created the Devils. A few thousand years later and we are stuck in the mess they had created." Isaiah sighed as he drank his wine

"Meh he is dead now, and his psycho son is being hunted by Ophis. He won't be living for very much longer" Kurama says with a cruel grin on his face


Isaiah perked up as he grabbed his chest. "Speaking of Ophis. How goes the sweet gathering?"

"It's going well, we have people buying up every sweet thing at reasonable prices. In one week we should have our desired amount" Kurama says casually

"Yeahh. You might want to hurry it up. I met Ophis today, she will be coming here in a few minutes"


"WHAT! YOU SAID I FEW DAYS" Kurama yelled out

"Yeah. Ophis just used the residual energy in my body to 'ping' me. We should her a phone"

"I'm calling our men. All hands on deck for this one" Yasaka pulled up a few communication magic circles

Ingivild and the others were keeping peace in the Underworld territories

Isaiah will be going right back to place some big-ass Sword Wards and other Swords as well. Just as soon as he finishes business with Ophis.

And just as promised Ophis appears a few hours later right in the middle of the hall, completely silent, startling everyone.

It was like Ophis wasn't even there, there was no mana, ki or aura. If it wasn't for their eyes, they would deny that someone is in the room with them

" Welcome Ophis. I trust that your day has been productive"

Ophis waves her hand and she dumps insane amounts of treasures on the floor. Gold, gems, artwork. Potions, weapons.

It started to pile up so high that Isaiah and the others had to put it in their storage spaces otherwise it would flow out from the main hall.

After a full minute Ophis finally stopped. Everyone was looking at her in disbelief.

'How many people did she rob?' was the thought in their minds

" How many cookies can i get with this?" Ophis asked in her emotionless tone

"Ummm we would have to calculate it, but for now follow me" Isaiah stood up and lead Ophis to an industrial zone. Where a few warehouses were waiting for her.

" Open the Gates"

The Yokai Guards quickly followed Isaiah's command. They were very well aware of the identity of the young girl next to Isaiah.

In a few seconds all the warehouses were opened. Showing that they were filled to the brim.

Cookies, puddings, candy, cake.. anything sweet that they could find they put it in here.

" With all the Gold you gave us, we owe you at least 7 more warehouses. You ca come back in two months to collect them" Isaiah said calmly but on the inside he was surprised

' Did she rob the Entire Khaos Brigade? This was way more treasure than we expected. And I'm not stupid enough to try and cheat Ophis. If she finds out we would be screwed.

Naturally, NEXUS will take a big part of the treasure as our fee, the rest will be used to cover the price of the sweets.

Ophis was just staring at the extremely large piles with a blank face. But the groop noticed two things. First, her eyes were a bit brighter, showing her excitement. The second was the tiny amount of drool at the edge of her mouth,

She waved her hand and all of the warehouses were sucked into a black mist.

" I will return in two months" With those last words she disappeared into thin air

Like she was never there at all.


After the Ophis fiasco, everything returned to normal. The Yokai were sent again to look for more sweets.

Until one day, an earthquake shook Kyoto. But it wasn't a natural one. The Yokai even though they were busy using spells to calm down the humans, were still celebrating.

Kurama the official Leader of the Yokai Faction in NEXUS was finally becoming a Sage.

Deep inside the palace. Kurama was sitting cross-legged on the ground, he was completely covered in a greenish-white aura, different from his usual blackish-red.

A few minutes later, the greenish-white aura receded in his body and he opened his eyes. A green shine flashed across his eyes before disappearing.


Kurama stood up and stretched, feeling the new power coursing through his body.

"How do you feel?" Isaiah asked his right-hand man

Kurama cracked his neck" Good, but weird, getting used to this feeling of serenity will take a while. But there are no obvious side effects. It worked." Kurama grinned at his friends

" Congratulations Kurama. You have done what few people have achieved in all of history. You are a Sage now" Isaiah patted him on the shoulder

The rest of the team said their Congratulations as well, even if it was through a screen. Half of the team was still in the Underworld. Defending and Developing their newly acquired territory

Kurama thanked them and looked at Isaiah " It has been a few months since i joined your team. But do you remember my words?"

Isaiah frowned before he started to laugh " A rematch. Sure I'm down for it. You need someone to test your limits anyway. Might as well be me"

" You are going to fight~nyaa? Why does the fun stuff always happen when I am away?" Kuroka pouted on the screen

Koneko who was next to her sighed " Nee-sama, don't be a drama queen, this is the first time we are separated and that's only until things start running smoothly over here"

" This will be interesting to see. Kurama didn't you say something about paying me back when you become a Sage? I'm looking forward to our fight"

" Bring it on Dragon-Granny" Kurama bore his teeth at her

A tick mark formed on Tiamat's forehead " I'll skin you alive you damn fox"

" Even though the screen this is still fun" Meredith said as she watched Tiamat and Kurama glare at each other 

" I know right?" Dino who was next to her was munching on some popcorn

Veldora and Gasper rushed out of the room. The others just looked at them in confusion

~ Ten Minutes Later

In front of the large clearing that is used as an Arena for sparring. It's warded and enchanted against damage.

But the biggest surprise was the giant crowd around the clearing. There had to be at least a thousand people here.

"Bets! Place your Bets!" " This is a match you do not want to miss!"

Veldora and Gasper were at a stand, writing down bets and taking money from people.

"I'm going to kill them" Kurama growled as he looked at Veldora and Gasper

Isaiah just chuckled "Why kill them when we can just take half their money? They are using us after all. And they didn't even have the guts to ask us for permission" 

Kurama thought about it for a while before he grinned "You are right. The faces of despair, when we take half of their 'hard earned money, will be worth it"

Suddenly they heard a loud voice "Three Phoenix Tears on Isaiah!" Riser slammed down a box containing three small bottles

"You are on. A 100-year-old Monkey Fruit Wine." Bikou appeared out of nowhere and put down the wine jar." 

Kurama and Isaiah went on the other side of the clearing facing each other

"Everyone!" Yasaka called out, she was acting as the referee "As you know our leader Kurama-sama has ascended to a Sage!" The Yokai started to cheer wildly 

"Since he still hasn't tested his limits, they will now have a little spar. Well little by their standards so it's best if we all back away a bit, lest we get blown away" Yaska joked causing a few laughs and chuckles amongst the crowd.

But they still were smart enough to back up a bit. Everybody is watching the fight, the people who couldn't make it here are watching through scenes, like a Rating Game. Even the Yokai army that was stationed in the underworld is watching. 

"START!" Yasaka yells out before she runs back

Isaiah and Kurama rush at each other. In less than a blink of an eye they already met eachtoer in the middle. Isaiah chopped down with his hand which was covered in red aura, he didn't need to use a sword anymore, he was the Sword. 

Kurama raised his claws, covered in green-red energy.


The sound of metal hitting metal echoed through the clearing, as well as the shockwave that followed. pushing away the crowd a bit. 

The spectators backed away even further, not expecting a simple clash to be that powerful. 

The following 20 minutes was just showing off their skills and raw power to impress their Faction. People need to have hope. Hope in the leaders that they have the strenght to protect and lead them.

In those 20 minutes, Kurama learned everything he can about his body. Strenght, Speed, Defence, Endurance. Everything has been elevated to a whole new level since he became a Sage. His Senjutsu was also at another level. He was constantly drawing power from nature, it was automatic, and it had the kind of 'purity' that only a Sage could extract and take. 

But it was time to start the fight for real. 

" Let's take this to the Next Level" Kurama started to grow, to shift into his Fox Form. But people immediately noticed the difference. He was bigger, stronger and his fur, it was no longer just dark orange. For every two orange hairs, there was a golden one. It was not blond or yellow, it shined like real gold. 

Yasaka looked at him in awe "He is a lot bigger than my Full Form. Almost twice as big. The scrolls said you would be 'reborn' into a Sage. But it appears to be quite literally 'reborn' into a new being. No Kyuubi has ever reached that size" 

Isaiah laughed when he saw Kurama's new form. He was giant, and the Golden hairs shined in the light, yet a feeling of danger was coming from them.

"Well I'm not one to back away from a challenge. And I can Finally Do THIS" Isaiah was engulfed in red aura, he started to shift. Scales appeared all over his body, a tail and draconic wings as well. His face shifted into a Dragons. And he grew and grew, to match Kurama in Size. 

Two Titans were staring at each other. 

"I guess I can start by introducing myself as a full Dragon now. As well as the title I received. The Demonic Blade Dragon"  

(the name is up for debate. I want it to show off that he is half devil half Dragon, and his sword powers)

Kurama swung his tails " Fox Fire" Crimson Flames from each tail was flung at Isaiah who used his claws to rip them apart.

But the flames stuck to his body, continuously burning him. " So this is your new flame?" Isaiah said as he pumped more power to defend his scales from burning " Flames capable of burning a Dragon, and they are feeding off my power to burn even more. "

Kurama smiled " Yeah the only way to stop it is to put the flames in an energy ball and let it burn out in the air"

(A/N Lower tier version of Amaterasu)

" Well in that case let me show you a new move i made after becoming a Dragon"

[Lacerate] (name up for debate)

A cut appeared on Kurama's shoulder. There was no action from Isaiah, he also didn't sense anything. Yet the cut appeared. Which should be impossible. He was a Sage now. His senses are the best in all of NEXUS.

" How?.." Kurama looked at the cut then at Isaiah

" I studied how [Boost] and [Divide] work and replicated the process. I created my own. Every 10 Seconds I can cut anyone, no matter how strong they are as long as they are in my Domain. Naturally, the strongest the person is, the less damage I can do.

As you have probably guessed, I can apply any of my sword effects on [Lacerate] and this as well"

White armor-like pieces appear on Isaiah's wings



"Cheap shot" Kurama grumbled as he felt a chunk of his power disappear along with his weight being tripled

" And how can you triple my weight without Bankai?"

Isaiah smiled in his dragon form "As I get stronger so do my swords. Let's see how long you can last"


" Oh come on! That's just bullshit" Dino yelled out through the screen

Gasper rubbed his neck " Yeah, that's ridiculous. The one weakness of [Divide] was that you needed to be hit so that it could work"

" But with [ Lacerate ] you will be hit, no matter what you do." Valerie continued

" Umu, Umu" Veldora nodded his head " Isaiah is officially the most stupidly unfair, overpowered person in the world"

Tiamat loomed at her lover with pride " That he is. From a normal human child, it took him a decade to reach his current strenght. And I think he is just getting started"


Kurama grinned as more and more 'Pure Nature Ki' started to flow to him, filling up the energy Isaiah has taken and eroding Wabisuke's effect" I'm a Sage now. Endurance and Regeneration are the best perks of being a Sage!" Kurama's fist glowed bright gold

"Gaia's Wrath"

Isaiah raised his fist as well, a deep red aura engulfed his entire hand,

"Draconic Departure"

Thinking this was going to be a strong clash the spectators braced themselves.

Only for the Titans to open their mouths

" Bijuddama!"

" Blade Breath!"

A giant ball of destruction and millions of sword slashes met each other. Creating an explosion so powerful that it literally blew away all barriers and the crowd with them.

The Spar lasted 2 hours. The area that was warded and enchanted to be indestructible was ripped apart.

The Yokai were in awe of such overwhelming strength. While Isaiah's friends just smiled wryly as they watched two friends beat the shit out of each other while laughing


Back in the Palace

Everybody was relaxing after the 'spar'.

"Isaiah. Rose and Asia told me how you confronted Poseidon. you usually arent that arrogant and cocky. You are much more subtle than that. What's your play?" Tiamat asked her lover

Isaiah just smiled at her "It was a bait for a certain god. After all when catching a Big Fish special bait is needed. Poseidon's arrogance won't allow him to just sit there and do nothing. He will attack me sooner or later. When he does I will beat his ass, strip him off his domain and ransome him back to Olympus. And my lovely wife gets a new sea Domain to strengthen hers." 

"HA! I KNEW IT!" Kurama yelled out "I knew a bastard like you would have a second agenda. You don't do shit like that for no reason. Acting out isn't like you, you just kill people if they annoy you"

" No I don't"

"""""" Yes you do""""""

Gasper chugged his drink before standing up "Come on Veldora shift change" he lightly kicked the Otaku Dragon snapping him out of whatever scheme he was plotting

"Ha?... Ouu right, we are supposed to change with Dino and Meredith. Meh no problem, this suits me just fine. I have a whole territory that i have to convert. I must show them the way of JoJo!!"

The team sighed. Yasaka just deadpanned

" Wouldn't it be better to just convert them to Tiamat's religion?"

Gasper and Veldora just looked at each other " "NAHHH" "

And with those last words, the Apostles of Jojo set off on another passage 

(I don't think this is the word. What's the word for Missionaries or Apostoles going somewhere to convert)

~ A week later


The 'Heaven' of the Shinto Pantheon. The realm looked like a combination of clouds and patty fields. There were two areas. The ones higher up on the clouds is where the gods lived. They each had an impressive Japanese-styled house. The lower area is where the servants live, and take care of the patty fields.

Inside the central house, Three Gods were in a meeting, sitting around a small tea table.

Amaterasu the Goddess of the Sun and the Chief God of the Shinto. Next to her were her two brothers.

Tsukuyomi God of the Moon and Sussano God of the Storm.

The environment around them was peaceful and serene. The Three Main Shinto Gods however were not.

"Sister. Nexus can not be allowed to grow anymore. Japan is already destabilized by them!" Sussano growled out

Tsukuyomi just nodded "Things have never been this bad. We have used the Yokai and the Five Clans to fight amongst themselves. Keeping the balance. When things got bad, we would just come and intervene. But now with NEXUS taking over the West Yokai Faction, things are getting worse. Anyone making trouble with NEXUS is immediately killed. Their faction possesses many Longinuses not to mention their Freak of a Leader. A Super Devil and a Dragon hybrid."

Amaterasu just rubbed her temples "That's not even the worst part, seeing how well Yasaka's faction is protected and thriving under the Fox Sage. Nurarihyon took the East Yokai Faction and joined NEXUS. Now both of the Main Yokai Factions in Japan are under them, the smaller groups will soon follow."

"Sister we must do something. The Five Clans have no chance anymore. From what I have seen, if they don't stop their arrogant attitude, Nexus will wipe them out soon. Even with the combined strenght of the Five Sacred Beasts. Lowering our influence over Japan by a lot. Soon we will lose our place as the main faction in Japan.

Amaterasu looked at her brothers with a serious expression "Call anyone and everyone that has a grudge against NEXUS. It's time we made an alliance of our own. Inform all gods of Takamagahara. Inform the Five Clans. The Shinto are going to war!"

~ Five Clans

The Five Omyouji Clans of Japan. Each clan has a Spirit that protects them. The Spirit is locked to their bloodline and always chooses its next host within that family. The if you are chosen it guarantees you become an Ultimate Class fighter.

Well most of them only reach low Low Ultimate. Few have reached high Low Ultimate Class.

But with those 5 Sacred Beasts. They were able to match the Yokai Factions.

The Five Beasts are:

Azure Dragon. With the ability to manipulate wood, wind, and lightning

Black Tortoise. With the ability to manipulate water

White Tiger. With the ability to manipulate metal

Vermillion Bird. With the ability to manipulate fire

Yellow Dragon. With the ability to manipulate earth

Today, the Shinto Pantheon has summoned the Five Clans for a meeting. Everybody knew why they were being summoned. Nexus has become a problem. And to fix that problem their strenght was required. Help that they would gladly give if it meant destroying their enemies

~Greek Pantheon



"That brat will pay for humiliating me. I don't care if he has a Sage on his side" Poseidon threw another glass at the wall, shattering it

"Brother, calm yourself" Next to Poseidon sat a Skeleton wearing very fancy and expensive robes. Similar to what a High Preast would wear. And even though his eye sockets were empty, There was a small blue glow, which served as his eyes.

This was Hades. Brother of Zeus and Poseidon. Ruler of the Greece's Underworld. And the owner of a large part of souls that belong to the Abrahamic Religions. A pact that he made long ago, which serves him well today. The more souls he has under his domain. The stronger he becomes.

"How can I calm myself brother when a 'child' humiliated me in front of the whole world!" Poseidon yelled out

Hades just shook his head "Well if you weren't so arrogant and you didn't insult his wife, this might have never happened. Isaiah was fine with completely ignoring you"

~ Norse Pantheon

Main Hall

" Heh, the sword brat is doing well for himself. He even has a Sage now" Odin smirked as he looked at his son Thor, who was just now receiving the news.

" Can I please~ leave Asgard? Just for a tincy while. I promise I won't cause any trouble" Thor tried to put on his innocent face only to get smacked in the face by a Bone that had a few pieces of meat on it

Odin pulled down his hand " Son, you are too old to be trying those tricks on me. And no you can't leave. You just want to fight against the guys at NEXUS."

"What the big deal" Thor crossed his arms " Friends fight each other all the time"

Odin facepalmed at Thors political stupidly

" Listen, NEXUS is ironically the center of a very big mess. They grew too big too fast. Faster than anyone in this world's history. That makes them a very big threat to many factions in the World."

Thor thought about his father's words, and drew a blank " What does that have to do anything with my fight"

Odin just slumped and put his hands on his head " And this is why i can't retire even if I want to. All of the genes went into his muscles and none in the brain. Asgard will be ruined in Thors hands" Odin grumbled to himself

~ Hidnu Pantheon

Indra's Mountain

"What the hell is going on!" Indra slammed his fist on the table

" Why can't I read the future? I refuse to believe this is the only path. It's the path of cowards" he gritted his teeth. No matter how many times he tries.

Because of his future actions, Indra can only see one future. He dies at Isaiah's hands after attacking Nexus

The solution to the problem was simple, avoid Isaiah and Nexus

But how could he do that? Isaiah hasn't even lived for a full 2 decades. And Indra has lived for thousands. "There has to be another way. There must be, and I won't rest until I find it!"


Next chap we see the Biblical faction's situation.

A bit of Devil Pov and what's happening with Serafall gone.

~ Fics on my Pat.

Should give you an idea why I'm releasing so slow here. I'm also working on other fics

Next fic after Kiba is: HarryPotter/DxD: The Raven

Smart, Independent. Stupidly OP Harry. Researcher/Mad Scientist. Art is an EXPLOSION!

~ DBZ: ReGohan 16ch

~DC-Young Justuice- ReSuperboy- 17ch (prob will be short. Only S1)

~Dimensional Chatgroup: Killers Version- 15ch

~ DxD: Necro- 14ch (This one is very fucked up)

~DxD: Magneto- 12ch

~HP: Blood Ron(11) and Wizarding Mafia(9) are on a hiatus of sorts. Reworking the plot a bit.

~Fariy Tail: Son of Gildards/ God of Destruction- ch 10

And lots of other small fics, that I have started.

~DxD: True Gamer ~Business System ~ReNaruto.

~ Multiverse Survival:Death Game ~Mha: Sinner ~Mha/HxH: Killua's Revenge

And a few One Shots

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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