
DxD Real Dragon

Issei Hyoudo is an anomaly. Someone who shouldn't exist. Follow his life as he makes several powerful women his own, all while looking down on his enemies and creating a Dragon faction. But what will he do when his lovers find out about his hidden secret? The fact that he is a sadistic bastard, even in a battle... Surely it won't come back to bite him in the ass, right? Read chapters in advance on patre0n.com/Neil247!!!! (replace 0 with o) .... I don't own DxD or any of the characters. This is fanfiction made for entertainment purposes only.

HiroKoya · Komik
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22 Chs

Visiting the Underworld

Issei Hyoudo

'Hmm...Tiamat has to be by my side because she's part of the bet. I can get Vali to get her side of the things done, but it's still a tight schedule.'

I was thinking about the coming days while finishing up my bath.

I dressed in a simple red shirt and black jeans, and burned my old clothes. 

As I walked out, I saw Valerie in the same position as I left her in. Smiling, I went to the bedside and wrote a short letter, explaining what I needed her to do. 


"Ah, you're awake?"

If looks could kill, I'd be dead right now. "I was always awake...I'm going to kill you...Do you know how painful it is right now?"

"For a guy, that's just a compliment. Try better." I leaned down to kiss her forehead, and dodged out the way when her hand tried to grab me.

"Don't fuck with me...I seriously can't move my legs right now. Help me! At least clean me up!"

"Ehh...I don't want to." I pouted. "I have things to do, I'm tempted to just leave you here-"


"Alright, alright, calm down. I'll clean everything up." I took a deep breath and slowly picked her up in my arms, before carrying her to the bathroom.

"If you're gonna go that hard, you need to tell me to prepare."

"Now, now, don't be like that. You enjoyed it more because you didn't expect it, didn't you?"

Hehe...she's turning her head away. She's embarrassed that she enjoyed me being rough with her. 

While putting her down in the bathtub, I accidentally brushed against her swollen privates.


"It wasn't on purpose!" 

The next hour was spent cleaning my beloved's body, and the room. I had also turned off my olfactory receptors because it smelled bad. 

However, that session set me up for a week, so I'm happy.

"Next...next time won't be the same. I'll make sure you're on death's door." those were her last words before seeing me off. 

Walking down the stairs, only Tiamat and Kuroka were there. The rest had gone to attend some separate business. 

"Good morning, you two. By the way, Tiamat, when did you leave last night?"

"Haa...dear, you're unbelievable. I left almost immediately after entering. I'm appalled to see that you were so focused on someone else that you didn't even notice." 

I sat down and gave her an apology. It's an old habit of mine that will one day bite me in the ass.

"Issei-nya..." Kuroka purred and made her way over to me, sitting down in my lap. "Now that Valerie is busy being tired, how about you undo that seal and put a baby in me? nya~"

"What?!" Tiamat was understandably shocked. 

"My answer is the same as always, Kuroka. I refuse." 

"Phew..." The shock was expelled.

"Ugh!!! NYAAAAA~ Why won't you do it with me!? I've been begging you for so long nya~"

I pushed her off my lap and let out a big sigh. She already knows the reason, and yet keeps asking me again and again. 

"Kuroka, you're part of the supernatural. And, you're a part of Valerie's team. I won't have any casual relationship with you, and you're not willing to have a serious one. Plus, you still need Valerie's permission." Ignoring the pouting Nekomata, I gestured for Tiamat to follow me as it was time to leave.

But instead of just teleporting back, we took a walk in the forest. As soon as we were out of earshot, she told me, "I'm surprised. I thought you would jump at any opportunity to have sex, especially with someone as...attractive as Kuroka." 

"Ha...I'm not some kind of-"

[Make no mistake, Issei used to be exactly like that. Putting his dick into everything.]

"Hey!? Ddraig, what the fuck!?" 

"Your partner just exposed you, oh dear."

"Wha-It's not my fault! It's actually Ddraig's fault!"

[Accusations. False, accusations.]

I could tell Tiamat was curious about my words, but I didn't want to tell her, yet. Actually, I don't know if I will ever tell anyone why I was like that. 

"Anyway, we need to go to the Underworld right now to meet with the Phenex family ahead of the fight. You have a way to get there without alerting anyone, right?" I asked her.

"I do but...aren't you forgetting something?"

"Forgetting what?"

"Issei...that maid, Grayfia, is probably waiting for you back at your house. Her job is to report on your actions. So, what do you think she will report when you disappear without telling her a single thing?"

"Ehh...don't think about it too much. A couple days of absence won't hurt anyone." 

"Yeah, yeah..."


Looking around, I noticed a certain aspect to the place.

"It's calm..."

"What? You didn't expect it to be overflowing with lava in like the fantasy novels, did you?" Tiamat mocked me. "Is this your first time here?"

"...first time in this part of the Underworld."

My answer was ambiguous. I had been to 'Hell' twice before, and neither times were pleasant. Well, I guess the 2nd time was slightly more enjoyable. 

"Anyway, I brought us to Beelzebub's territory. I don't know where the Phenex live."

"That's fine, let's talk to the fly first."

I followed Tiamat who took to the air and flew northeast. 

It didn't even take 10 minutes for the 'castle' to reveal itself. 

Beelzebub's home was more suited to be called a research center. There were only two floors above ground, and the rest lay under. 

As we approached the door, I noticed that there were no guards. 

"He knows that if I approach him first, then it's a secret matter. So he probably got rid of everyone that might snitch." Tiamat explained.

"I see."

We didn't knock or ring the doorbell...and just walked through the front door.

Hmm...their relationship might be more complex than I thought. Meh, I'm not really interested. 

Although, I wonder if clapping her cheeks in front of him-Nah, I'm not that type of guy. Besides, it's impossible to imagine that Ajuka Beelzebub would be interested in a woman, well, other than dissecting her body.

Speaking of the devil, here he was. Sitting in a lone chair in the middle of an open garden. He wasn't sipping tea though, so the scenery was incomplete. 

Green hair and light blue eyes, bewitchingly beautiful appearance and that mysterious aura. 

'Looks like the rumors were true.'

[Hey! What do you mean rumors!? I was the one who told you about his appearance!]

"Welcome, Tiamat, and her companion..."

Even his voice is bewitching. How is he not the Devil of lust? 

I let out a chuckle as Tiamat introduced me. "Hey, Ajuka, you're looking lonely as always. This is my husband, Issei."

"What she meant was...I'm Issei Hyoudo, the current Red Dragon Emperor. Nice to meet you, Ajuka Beelzebub. Or should I call you Satan Blue?"

Suddenly, the air turned sinister. 

A sharp blade cut across the ground, slicing the grass in half. 

Several, well, comedic magic formulas appeared behind Beelzebub as he prepared to attack.

'Eh? What's going on?'

When he spoke, his bewitching voice had been switched with a frustrated grunt. "That cursed nickname...WHERE DID YOU HEAR IT!?"


After convincing Ajuka that I didn't mean to mock him, we had a proper talk. 

Of course, I asked Tiamat to give us some privacy. We were sitting in an enclosed cube made by the Satan for almost 2 hours. 

And we were now reaching the end of our conversation.

"I made the Evil Pieces because the Devil race was in a state of emergency. What makes you think I'll tell you the secrets of that process, and let you replicate the pieces?"

"I'm not going to replicate anything, you are. You will simply deliver them to me afterwards. And I'm not ordering or asking you to do it for free, I'm merely suggesting a deal. You do realize that I'm the leader of the Dragon faction, right?"

"Yes, you are. However, your resources are non-existent, and will stay that way for a long time."

"As an individual, I still have a lot of connections. Just name your price, it doesn't matter what it is as long as it doesn't touch my treasures." Of course, by that I meant my women and a few artifacts I had collected.

"Hmm..." He stared into my eyes for a few seconds, deciding that whether or not this deal was worth going behind Lucifer's back. After all, secrecy was the first demand I had made. "I want access to notes of the Sacred Gear Research division of the Grigori led by Azazel."

Ah, I see. He could technically strike a deal with the Governor General himself, but the fallen were known for their tricks. By asking a third party to deliver the contents, he was making sure that the notes were genuine and not fabricated. But that was based on the assumption that me and the Grigori didn't have a deal of our own, which thankfully, I had already assured him of.

This actually works out well for me.

"I can get you those notes. But the deal will be that I'll only provide the notes once, and anything they research after that point, meaning after today, won't be included. You will get those notes after my fight with Riser Phenex."

He showed me a surprised face. He wasn't expecting me to agree so quickly. 

"I see, that is acceptable. So, what are your exact demands?"

"I don't want there to be any sets, I just want individual pieces that can be used to turn anyone into a Dragon. Of course, whether or not they can turn a stronger individual should depend on my Magical Power capacity. The connection between me and anyone I awaken should be minimal." I waited for him to nod and continued. "I know there is a hidden slavery system in the Devil pieces. I don't want that to carry over."

Whenever a high-class devil resurrects someone from another race, their soul is tainted by devil magic. They are more compelled to agree to orders given by their Master, and will turn into semi-slaves, unable to revolt. Stronger reincarnated devils can resist this process, but there is always a small residue. And most don't even realize it's happening. 

This time, he displayed a calm face, and I was the one who was surprised. "Easily done. However, I am not a Dragon. And therefore, I will need access to a large amount of energy that resembles a Dragon's life force."

Did he really just say easily done? Meaning that the inclusion of that hidden aspect was 100% on purpose. "I have already prepared that. It is being stored in the Dimensional Gap, waiting for me to access it. I'll send you the coordinates. Unless, you can't survive in the Gap?"

"I'll find a way, as long as I have the location. But they'll still only be half-dragons. Just like-" 

"I'm leaving the technical side to you. And seeing that you'll effectively be helping me create more members to join my faction, I also have another proposition for you."

"I was about to bring that up. Go on."

"You, Ajuka Beelzebub, will always be in an alliance with the Dragon faction as long as I'm leading it, and you don't commit any grave transgressions against Dragons. This means that you'll be the sole producer of Dragon pieces, delivering them to me as long as I need them, and we won't try to replicate your product. I will also allow you to keep a proper documentation of how you made the pieces, given that you'll accept a supervisor when we're more established."

The cube was dismantled, and we shook hands. 

I think we can become work friends, given our personalities. 

"Let's go and find the one who brought you here."

"Ah, I completely forgot about Tiamat. Please don't tell her that."

"I won't, she is currently mingling with some female devils. They are trustworthy, but I understand if you don't want to reveal yourself to them. Should I tell her to come here?"

I was holding back on my perception sense for the sake of formality, but I let it go after that comment. And I noticed the two women that Tiamat was talking with were a part of Rias' generation, given by their magic power. 

"No, I'll go and meet them."





Next 12 Chapters are already out on the Patreon!!!
